Jane Fonda told the world several years ago that "children are starving in upper South Carolina."

To her, it sounded perfectly reasonable. According to liberals, people are starving everywhere because of evil whites.

The fact is that, for the first time in history, starvation is NOT occurring in every society on earth. This, like other uniquely GOOD situations, is the product of white societies, and only of white societies (see October 20, 2001 - THE BIG SECRET REVEALED: WHITES ARE UNIQUE ONLY IN ***GOOD*** WAYS).

Malnutrition is not starvation. You can be malnourished and be rich. Every single Pharaoh of ancient Egypt had worms in his stomach and was desperately lacking in certain vitamins and minerals.

Every Pharaoh was malnourished and not one Pharaoh was poor.

I doubt there is anybody who could not, by a detailed examination, be found to be short of something in his diet, health nuts included.

There are degrees of malnutrition. There are only two degrees of starvation: dying and dead.



I have been reading news reports about the fact that people are starving in Zimbabwe. When I was there, that African country was called Rhodesia, and it was ruled by whites. It was one of those "white minority governments." Back then, the idea that people might starve in Zimbabwe would have been funny.

What I called "Rhodesia" was called Southern Rhodesia when it was a British colony. The area that was called Northern Rhodesia had become a black-ruled land called Zambia. Despite the fact that Zambia-based Communist guerillas attacked Rhodesia, Rhodesia let food supplies for those starving Zambians go across its territory on its railroads.

I said Rhodesia should cut them off. They said that wouldn't be nice. I said you had to be ruthless to survive. They said it wouldn't be nice.

There is no more Rhodesia. I am not sure what good they think being nice did them.

So the world finally forced black rule on Rhodesia, too. It became Zimbabwe, its third name in a few decades. Now blacks are starving there.

Under white rule it was a farming country which exported huge amounts of food. Certainly we would not want what the black Africans there ate. Their main food was grits, but they managed to make it inedible for me. It was called mealie-meal and it was smashed down into such tiny bits that it tasted like water.

So they didn't eat what I would want to eat, but they ate. So in order to spread hatred for the white man, it is necessary to forget how important and unusual the lack of starvation is in human history.



One of the people who works at the heart center told me that gout is a disease that is still prevalent. But it prevails in America mostly among poor people.

Gout used to be the disease of the rich. The foot would swell up enormously and painfully among rich people because they had diets that were rich in protein and fat. Anyone who has seen Oliver Twist saw the pure vegetarian diet of the very poor, gruel, while the upper classes ate turkey and dressing with lots of gravy.

Now vegetarianism is the fad of the rich. Even those who eat meat have all the fat cut off of it.

When yuppies do decide to have something that tastes good, it is wine, cheese and bread. Wine, cheese and bread was the lunch a farmer's wife in Europe used to take out to her working class husband for lunch.

In Charles Dickens' day, the rich were the fat ones. Back then, American Presidents like Cleveland and Taft were enormous. The term "fat and happy" comes from those days.

Today there are far more fat people among the poor. Poor people today eat lots of fat and lots of protein in all the fast-food places.

Poor people may be fat, but they are far less careful to get the right foods. So they are fat and malnourished. Jane Fonda would say they are starving.



So how are limousine liberals going to deal with what, in their more hysterical moments, they might call the "starvation" of America's working class?

Limousine liberals have one solution to every problem. They call it regulation. We call it telling people what to do. In order to win elections for their "regulation" agenda, liberals "get out the minority vote." This means that they spend much of their money getting people with dark skins to the polls on the assumption, an assumption where they are putting their cash, that those dark skins will be solidly liberal.

They never lose that bet.

So in Africa every time blacks take over they starve. And I mean STARVE --horribly, women and children-- and I mean to DEATH. But it never occurred to any liberal that this means that black self-rule could be a bad idea for the blacks in Africa.

On the other hand, the fact that white American working people don't eat healthy enough diets is plenty of reason to "regulate" their lives in detail.

It never occurs to liberals that white self-rule is a right WE have earned. We have the right to self-rule, not because somehow every human being is entitled to it, but because we build successful countries with our votes.



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