Michael Jackson's Baby, Michael Jackson's Face


In all the row over Michael Jackson dangling his baby over the balcony in Berlin for his fans to see, one obvious point was not discussed. The baby had a towel over its head.

This was mentioned once, but the newscaster pretended to be mystified by it.

Maybe no one pointed this out because you are not allowed to discuss the obvious reason for the baby's head being covered. Or maybe everybody is so brainwashed by the time they get into the media that they genuinely don't know how to think any more.

Jackson went to the zoo with his kids, and all of them had covers over their faces.


Well, DUHHH!

Jackson has had his face totally transformed by surgery to get rid of his Negroid features. If someone had a frontal lobe, that would indicate to them that Jackson doesn't LIKE his Negroid features.

But, despite Jackson's plastic surgery, the children look like what they are, random mixes of Nordic women and a black male. Please see WhitakerOnline World View for March 23, 2002 - HALF COKE AND HALF BEER - YUM YUM!!

Jackson has covered his own face by plastic surgery. He is covering his children's faces with cloth.

What really worries me is that the media might actually be so brainless by now that they honestly can't figure that out.


The South Was New England's Economic Colony From the Start


Until early this century almost the entire Federal budget was paid for by tariffs. Tariffs were paid mostly by Southerners on industrial goods imported from Europe.

So what the South got from The Glorious Union from the word go was the privilege of paying for it.

But that was the least of what the Union cost the South. Paying for almost the entire Federal Government was not the only purpose of tariffs. It was not even the main purpose of tariffs.

The main purpose of tariffs was to make Southerners pay New England manufacturers more money for New England industrial products. Instead of buying cheaper European goods Southerners had to buy Northern goods because tariffs made European goods too expensive.

In other words, from the outset of the Glorious Union in 1789, the South had to pay the entire Federal budget plus lots of money each year to New England.

The moment the South stopped being a colony of Britain, it began being an economic colony of New England. It is likely that, when it comes to the dubious profitability of slave labor, New England got more of those profits than Southern slaveholders did.

White Gentiles Can't Suffer or be Exploited


Tariffs exploited white Southerners and black Southerners, but nobody is going to mention it. Our society says that white Southerners cannot be exploited.

So we sit still while people say that "Jews have a history of Suffering." This indicates that all gentiles have a history that was one long party.

My grandfather and his entire family were isolated in his home by a flood. They were jammed together in the cold and stench for days, and both his parents died, leaving him to raise his brother and sisters.

But that wasn't Suffering.

Nowadays, you don't have to be a Jew to say you Suffered, but you have to be at least a member of a minority group.

Nowadays, when we talk about immigrants we mean the heavily Jewish immigration that went through Ellis Island in the late 1800s and the early 1900s.

THEY Suffered.

The Ellis Island immigrants were in Third Class and ate bad food and were delayed coming into New York by immigration rules.

A white Southerner's ancestors were on dangerous, leaky wooden boats smaller than a good-sized yacht today, with rats the size of dogs. They had rats for companions and they often starved when they got here. And I don't mean Jane Fonda's "starvation." I mean the real thing.


How often did somebody starve at Ellis Island?

But I forgot. They Suffered at Ellis Island.


The Southern Founding Fathers Invented Uncle Turkey


The United States is the Uncle Turkey of the world today. We fight in the Middle East for Israel and to keep Europe's oil supply safe. We fight for people who hate us and we give foreign aid to people who hate us.

But what about the Southerners who joined the Glorious Union in 1789? They paid for the Federal Government and paid even more as economic colonies of New England. The more New England hated us the more money we gave them.

But if the original deal we made with the Glorious Union was a study in stupidity, it was nothing compared to how we paid after 1865. Not only did the tariffs increase after 1865 to pay New England industrialists more Southern money, but the South was banned from industrial production entirely.

Railroad rates were set up by the owners in New England so that it cost several times as much to ship industrial products north as to ship them south. The last of these discriminatory rail rates was removed in 1952. Yes, NINETEEN FIFTY-TWO.

Oddly enough, the moment discriminatory rail rates were removed, Southern industry began to grow wildly. Meanwhile, we learned to praise the Southerners who had helped form The Glorious Union and to curse those who had tried to secede from Our Beloved American Government.

You will never hear a word about this in any discussion of Southern poverty. We can't Suffer and we can't be exploited.


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