Senator Lott Speaks Heresy!

Senator Lott made the one mistake no respectable Southerner is ever forgiven for:

He told the truth.

At Thurmond's hundredth birthday party Lott said he was proud Mississippi had voted for Strom for president in 1948. He said if Strom had won then, "We wouldn't have the problems we have now."

WHAT PROBLEMS!?, screamed the respectable conservatives on Fox.

Horrors! In 1948, blacks were in separate schools and intermarriage was forbidden. The official line today is that segregation was the horror of 1948.

Just for a moment, let's go back to 1948. Remember, we are talking about a time when some people left their apartments unlocked in New York City and the idea of locking your car when you parked in downtown Columbia, South Carolina, was a joke.

While we are being horrified today by people in 1948 having segregation, let us look at American today through their eyes.

Most people in 1948 took it for granted that blacks went to separate schools. Today we take it for granted that schools are so violent that children have to go through metal detectors. Nobody in 1948 would have believed such a horror was possible.

In 1948, everybody was horrified by the rates of bastardy and drug addiction among blacks. That was one of the main arguments back then FOR integration. With integration, said liberals, white morals would stay the same and blacks would improve.

Nothing liberals advocate ever WORKS.

Now white bastardy is HIGHER than black bastardy was in 1948, and so is white drug use. Black bastardy and drug use have continued to climb. Please see September 2, 2000 - WE ALL LIVE IN SOWETO NOW.

Segregationists said in 1948 that after integration white rates of bastardy and drug use would go up. Liberals laughed at that idea, the same way they laughed at the idea that integration was aimed at intermarriage. I heard them laugh when I predicted all these results of integration in the 1950s.

And Fox wants to know what "problems" Lott could possibly be talking about.


Fox Demands that Lott do the Southern Crawl


In order to be a good boy, every Southerner must grovel and sob and drool when segregation is mentioned. I call this the "Southern Crawl".

In order to be respectable, every Southerner must do the "Southern Crawl" and conservatives must be the first to demand that every Southerner do the Southern Crawl.  If a Southerner doesn't do the Southern Crawl or a conservative does not demand the Southern Crawl, that Southerner or that conservative goes on the liberal Black List and is not allowed to comment in the public media.

No one but me ever mentions this, but we all know it. It's called Liberal Free Speech, which means free speech is only for liberals.

No conservative who wants to stay Respectable can complain about this rule.

So Fox commentators demand that Fox do more than just apologize for his statement about Strom. They want him to sob and drool and grovel and renounce his ideological errors in detail.

Lott Must Face Our Holy Inquisition


But a "Southern Crawl" for Lott will not be enough. One Fox commentator spoke for all respectable conservatives when he said that Lott must be cross examined publicly on whether he has the True Faith in Holy Integration.

I say True Holy Faith and I mean True Holy Faith. Any form of hypocrisy in politics is not only allowed but expected, except this one. If you do not Believe and Believe-with-all-your-heart in integration you must be destroyed.

There was a movie in which Alan Alda played a Senator. He found out from an informer that an old Southern public school official, though he pushed integration, did not BELIEVE in it. As an idealistic senator, the Alda character exposed this when the old Southerner testified before his committee.

The man was ruined and the Alda Senator’s Idealism and Fight for Right was confirmed.

I said Holy Faith and I meant Holy Faith.

No conservative ever objects to this.


Internal Consent


In a free country a person is asked to OBEY laws, but he is not required to APPROVE of them. You are free to believe anything you want to. You are punished for ACTS which violate the law.

In a totalitarian society you must not only DO what the State demands, you must BELIEVE what the state tells you. Absolutism requires not only external obedience but internal consent as well.

In any Religious Inquisition, it is not enough that a person merely conform.

In a Religious Inquisition one must Believe. That is what makes it Religious. That's what makes it an Inquisition.

Even the most absolute religious tyranny allows some discussion, so long as everyone allowed to speak is within the bounds of True Belief.

Political Correctness is our national religion. Some opposition is allowed, some discussion is allowed, but only within the limits of our imposed Faith.

We segregationists predicted all the horrors that would come with integration except one. No one predicted that after integration was imposed and all the horrors we predicted came about, we would still be required to say integration was good. No one imagined that, in America, we would have to BELIEVE that integration was good.

Again, all Good-thinkers today -- what we call the respectable people -- look with horror on the idea of blacks sitting at the back of buses. But people in 1948 thought that a drug culture, school violence, a country ruled by minority votes, a third world invasion and an America looking forward to a future as a colored country were real horrors.

Americans in 1948 would have been shocked by the Inquisition we take for granted. And anybody in 1948, including real liberals, would have been horrified at a national brainwashing. And it is today's "conservatives" who must lead in enforcing this Inquisition.

What Happened to Senator Lott

Poor old Lott. No conservative ever worked so hard to be respectable. When reporters ask him to, he praises the fairness of the liberal media.

A respectable conservative is called a conservative because he tells some of the truth. On the other hand, he can only stay respectable if he condemns any truth that is real heresy to our national true Faith.

As in any religious tyranny, it is hard for person who talks for a living to stay inside the lines set out by the Inquisition. Poor Lott, who has spent his whole life saying the right things, heard the applause for pro-Thurmond statements at that birthday party and said the wrong thing in praise of Strom.

Does Lott BELIEVE in the True Faith of Integration? Like all of our national spokesmen today, Lott doesn't believe anything. No one in power in our society has any true belief or any true loyalty to much of anything. This always happens when a society imposes an Inquisition on itself.

No one is enough of a True Believer to say the right thing all the time. When you impose a True Faith, the only person who can say exactly the right thing all the time is an absolute sociopath, someone who has no real conscience at all.

The True Faith of Communism ended up in the hands of real nut cases like Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot.

In an Inquisition Society like ours, only a true sociopath can be consistent enough to survive.

The society we live in today naturally produces bishops who help perverts rape thousands of little boys, businessmen who steal and all the rest. In an Inquisition society, lying is not merely OK, it is required.

Meanwhile, Fox News Network wants to know "What problems?!"


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