Whitaker's Current Articles May 17, 2003


Fun Quote:

The Civil War was when the north invaded American"

                             -- Granny Clampett on The Beverley Hillbillies

                              So What's the Problem?                                   

Jayson Blair is a  27-year-old black man who sped right up into reporting on major stories for the New York Times.   It was a job many a middle-aged, highly experienced white reporter would have given his right arm for.

The New York Times just discovered that Blair has been handing in fake stories for years.  He didn't even go to the places where the stories were.

A lot of talk shows that cover the media have been discussing this Blair scandal.  They all agree that the fact that a reporter could publish fake stories for years does not mean that anything else that was false ever got into the New York Times.

A New York Times reporter some years back got a Pulitzer Prize for a completely fake story and had to give it back.

These are two that got caught.

The next question reporters ask each other on these talk shows is, “Did Blair get his job because he was black?”

If you can ask that with a straight face, you’re a better actor than I am.

The black man has a job for being black.   He brought in stories for years that were faked.  He didn’t even go to the places he was “reporting” from.

So what’s the problem?

A fake reporter did some fake reporting.

Well, gee whiz!

                                                     And Now a News Bulletin About Mammoths                                                     

About ten thousand years ago there were mammoths in
North America and giant sloths in South America.   About that time the Indians crossed the land bridge into America.

It had always been taken for granted that “man destroyed the mammoths.”   I remember seeing pictures of white men in animal skins killing mammoths.   It was the ice age, but everybody was depicted as being half naked, which was the signal for “barbarian.”

But when it came to
North America, the historians have suddenly had a Revelation.  

They had routinely condemned “Man” for killing the mammoths and showed those white guys doing it.   It suddenly hit them that Man, in North America, meant Native Americans, those innocent lovers of Nature.

You can almost hear the "Screech!" of brakes as historians reassess this idea that Man destroyed the mammoths.   The mammoths had existed through millions of years of ice ages and hot ages, but now the historians tell us that they died out naturally at exactly the time the Indians got here.

I am sure that we will soon be told the Native Americans tried to save them.

                                                          Politically  Correct History is a Game of Trumps                                                   

The last article is not about mammoths.  It is about the Blame Game of Political Correctness.   We all know that Political Correctness blames everything Evil on Mankind.

But leftism also requires that all the sins of Mankind be the fault of the White Man.   In contrast to the Evil White Man, non-whites are highly moral beings who are at one with Nature.   This makes things a bit complicated, but modern history always adjusts instantly in order to make it fit into the Political Correctness scheme.

Fortunately, Political Correctness can count on the fact that no college graduate does any thinking at all.   So when they showed white cave men killing mammoths while running around half naked in the Ice Age, nobody asked a single question.

So now when the image of Evil Mankind collides with the Noble Native American Who Loves Nature and who would not hurt Brother Mammoth, nobody asks about it.

When Indians came across the land bridge, mammoths, who had survived millions of years and a huge number of ice ages, just happened to drop dead.

So Politically Correct history is a lot like a game of trumps.   Mankind is Evil, but that is trumped if the Mankind being referred to turns out to be non-white.


                                                       The Politically Correct Hate List                                                                          

We have lived all our lives with this game of Politically Correct Trumps, but nobody has put down in detail exactly what the trumps are.

We all know that Political Correctness says that White Men are Evil and that Non-Whites are lovers of Nature and moral paragons.

Another rule of Political Correctness is “Animals good, People bad.”   So if man is greedy that is just awful.   If an animal is greedy  he is just following nature.   When people destroy forests it is pure evil.   When elephants destroy trees, it just shows how nice they are.

So we know these two rules:  Whites Bad, non-Whites Good and People Bad, Animals Good.

But then we run into a case like the mammoths.   When it was white men killing them, history declared man killed the mammoth.  But if Man killed the mammoth in
North America, then those men were non-white.

In this case “Man Bad, Animals Good” runs up against “White Man Bad, Indian Good.”

Another rule of Political Correctness is “Poor People good, Rich People Bad.”

Political Correctness lives on Guilt, and there is no point in making poor people feel Guilty because you can’t get anything out of them.  So the Virtuous Poor People are the victims of the Evil Rich.

You can get Guilt money out of the Evil Rich.

But what about a case where a person is a rich member of a minority?  Here “White Man Bad, Minority Good” runs into “Rich People Bad.”

Another rule of Political Correctness says, “Men are Evil, Women Good."   We know that men who make unwelcome advances cause traumas that leave all women psychologically wrecked.

But what if the woman is white and the man is black?

White Bad, Black Good.  So isn’t it her fault for leading him on?

                    Make Up Your Mind, Do It Now and Do It Right                          

You have never heard any liberal admit he was just plain wrong about anything.

You never will.

Political Correctness is never wrong, and therefore Political Correctness never admits that it changed its mind.

Every historian will tell you that all decent people always knew that women’s rights were a good idea.  It was just sexual impotence or meanness that made men oppress women.

Likewise black people.

Likewise animals.

So far it’s easy.

But it gets dicey when we run into a case where historians have gotten everybody feeling

guilty about the killing of the mammoths and then suddenly have to reverse course when they realize they are blaming the Nature Loving Native Americans for it.

The problem is that Political Correctness insists that it never changes.   If you get it wrong, psychologists will explain how you were fundamentally Evil from the get-go.

For example, PC says that men oppressed women, not because they had the outlook of their own time and place, but because men felt impotent or were just plain evil.

PC explains that a slaveholder in 1750 was an evil man, not just a man who had been raised with slavery.

In other words, those who violate Political Correctness are Evil, not mistaken.

Like every other Inquisition, the Politically Correct Inquisition says that if you're
wrong it is because you're Evil and must be punished.

After all, only Evil People are ever wrong.   So no liberal is ever wrong.

                                                                All Inquisitions Are Like This                                                                          

Nazism depended heavily on selective breeding, race and genetics in general.

Communism depends just as entirely on the idea that genes mean nothing and a Communist world will make everybody equally smart and productive.

So when the Medicogenetic Institute of Moscow did the mother of all identical twin studies in the 1930s and found, as all such tests do, that heredity is vital, Stalin killed them.

To quote Soviet sources, the head of the Medicogenetical Institute, “confessed his ideological error and was shot.”

In the Middle Ages it was pretty routine for someone on the losing side of a theological argument to end up being burned alive for his error.   Even if half the experts believed one way and half believed the other way until the final decision, the half that was wrong was Evil and deserved punishment.

In 2001 a Polish court – a court in post-Communist
Poland -- determined that a particular concentration camp had been part of the Holocaust.

It is a felony in
Poland to deny any aspect of the Holocaust. So the minute that the court decided that that concentration camp was part of the Holocaust, it became a felony to say it was not.

So the Polish lawyers who had argued against that concentration camp being in the Holocaust came into the building arguing one thing, but they could and WOULD have been arrested if they had said the same thing when they walked out after the decision.

Several French scholars who did research on the World War II period came to conclusions that ran afoul of the Holocaust law.   They were threatened with imprisonment.  The professors who oversaw their research were also threatened with prison.

These researchers and their professors actually cried and professed their complete orthodoxy.  In other words, they acted like anyone facing Heresy charges under any Inquisition.

But this was not the Middle Ages and this was not the
Soviet Union.  This was Western Europe in the 1990s.  Not one single liberal, American or European, saw the slightest problem with this.  No academic, European or American, made the slightest objection.

Academic freedom is one thing.  Heresy is another.

Academic freedom protects leftist professors from the political right.   But you cannot allow Heresy in the name of academic freedom.

Questioning the left on campus is not academic freedom.   Questioning the left on campus is Heresy.



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