Whitaker's Current Articles July 12, 2003



Fun Quote:

 From a bumper sticker:

“To err is human.”

“To forgive is divine.”

“Neither is Marine Corps policy.”


                         Mandatory Sentencing is Only For Violations of Political Correctness                                     


Liberals oppose all mandatory sentencing for crimes against persons or property.   But they have a consistent mandatory sentence for violations of Political Correctness.

No respectable conservative will ever mention this in a debate over mandatory sentencing.

There was a case in Britain called "The Crown versus Joseph Pierce" (1986).   Pierce was accused of "inciting racial hatred." The case got a lot of attention because the court declared that, when it comes to race hate,  “The truth is no excuse.”

So the court gave Pierce the mandatory one year sentence.

In New York a person with no previous record gets a mandatory one year sentence for carrying a weapon for self-protection.  

In France and German, a first offense for contradicting any Politically Correct statement about the Holocaust carries a mandatory one year sentence.

Liberals say that the longest journey begins with a single year.


                                             The "Blood Bath" That Never Happened                                                                 


Liberals point out that Europe and Japan have rigid gun laws and low gun crime.   But Switzerland has millions of privately owned guns and no more gun crime than any other European country.  Lately there was a school shooting in Germany, but there haven’t been any in Switzerland.

No respectable conservative ever brings up Switzerland.

Twelve years ago there was a national debate over laws to allow honest citizens to obtain concealed weapons permits.

Almost every liberal shrieked that, if states allowed  concealed weapons permits, there would be, and I quote, “a blood bath”, unquote.

Soon a majority of states passed those concealed weapons permit laws.  Nothing happened.   So for the first year liberals were saying that the "blood bath" would begin soon.

Liberals haven't said a word about that "blood bath" for almost a decade.  

No liberal and no respectable conservative has ever mentioned that "blood bath" in all those years.


    Leftism Would be Discredited If Respectable Conservatives Reminded Liberals of Their Predictions         

No liberal prediction ever comes true, but no respectable conservative ever reminds them of their predictions.  That’s how you become respectable.

If you want to be allowed to make your living in the media, you cannot embarrass liberals

But what has happened with concealed weapons permits over the last ten years is not just the usual embarrassment to liberals that respectable conservatives protect them from.  What has actually happened with concealed weapons permits would be a breakthrough, breath-taking news story if anybody ever reported it.

There have been hundreds of thousands of concealed weapons permits issued over the past decade.   The result of giving respectable people the right to carry weapons in America has been exactly the same as it has been in Switzerland.

We are speaking of millions of years of honest citizens legally carrying concealed weapons, multiplying hundreds of thousands of permit holders by the number of years they have had these permits.

There have been NO violations!   I did not say there had been no bloodbath.  I did not even say the permits have not caused a single wrongful death in ten years.  I said there has been NO misuse of permits that caused any real trouble anywhere!


                                                Gun Crime Depends Entirely on Who Has the Guns                                              


The case of Switzerland and our years of experience with concealed weapons permits demonstrate that the misuse of guns only occurs when bad people have them.

Does anybody really believe that any criminal who wants a gun can’t get one because of a gun law?

Come on, world!   The reason a person is a criminal is because he doesn’t OBEY laws.

So the experience of permit holders and Switzerland just confirms what any person who is not actually mentally retarded would expect: if good people have guns, crime goes down, not up.

Nobody is going to march into a store in Switzerland and start shooting.  Somebody there probably has a gun and will kill the terrorist with it.

Terrorists do their shooting in gun-free zones, where honest people obey the anti-gun laws and terrorists – surprise, surprise!! – don’t.

The leftist stand for taking guns away from honest people shows once again that leftism is not “the other side” in a rational debate.   Leftism is mentally retarded.

Respectable conservatism respects liberal intelligence.  It is retarded, too.


                                                            We Need Discrimination!                                                           


According to liberals, if a repeat offender doesn’t have the same rights as everybody else, we are all doomed.  

Meanwhile, back on earth, honest people should have guns and criminals should not.

In other words, what is true is exactly what the lawyers say is not true.   Lawyers say that the rules must protect everybody equally.  Reality says that rights need to depend heavily on the individual’s history.

In one case, a nineteen year old killed four people running away from the police in a car. He had been arrested EIGHTEEN TIMES for the same offence.

We keep being told that we need to do something for hardened criminals in prison because they will soon be back among us.  Liberals say, "You can’t keep them locked up forever."

Why not?

I was watching an episode of “COPS” where a young guy was laughing at going back to jail again.  He had been there so often it was a joke.

To stop crime, what we desperately need is just what all the leftist lawyers like Alan Dershowitz tell us we cannot have:  some discrimination between crooks and honest people.

Liberals argue that you must treat a repeater just like an honest citizen.  

Liberals argue that you must treat a person with a clean record who carries a weapon just like you would treat any professional thug.

Liberals are ALWAYS wrong.

And when it counts, respectable conservatives are ALWAYS silent.



Current Issue
Editor: Rick Rowland
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