September 20, 2003


September 20, 2003 -- The Movie “The Scorpion King” Shows History As it is Taught

September 20, 2003 -- Great Civilization Theory Says Man is a Very Large Ant

September 20, 2003 -- Caution!  Conservative Trying to Look Smart!

September 20, 2003 -- Our History Says That Everything Was Invented in the Garbage Dump

September 20, 2003 -- To Get Somewhere You Have to Stop Being Stupid Trying to Look Smart


Fun Quote:

Talking to the Service Department:

“There’s no sound.”

“What do you mean there’s no sound?”

“I mean there’s no sound.”

“Did you try to adjust it?”

“How do you adjust it if it’s utterly silent?”

“Did you try the volume? If the volume is too low you don’t hear it.”

“Yes, I tried the volume.”

“Maybe this model doesn’t have sound.”

“It’s a stereo, it’s got to have sound.  That’s the whole point of a stereo.”

“Did you try the volume?   Sometimes when you have the volume too low…”

              The Movie  "The Scorpion King" Shows History As It Is Taught                       

The History Channel had a special discussing the Founder of Egypt’s Great Civilization, the Scorpion King.   They were, of course, relating this to the movie.

The Scorpion King movie is history as we pay professors to teach it today.  All the Evil Barbarians who tried to destroy Civilization in The Scorpion King are white.   They’re filthy, cruel, and primitive.

But there is Hope.  In The Scorpion King, a coalition of colored people save the Great Civilization.  The Scorpion King himself is dark brown, and he and a black Hero shake hands at the end of the movie after destroying the Evil White People.

This is not a parody.  This is the actual movie.  Nobody but me noticed any of this.

In order to get the complete coalition of non-whites together, the Scorpion King’s girl friend is CHINESE!

The first wife of the first Pharaoh turns out to have been Oriental.  That is the greatest historical discovery since conservative preachers decided that Israel in the time of Christ was HINDU!

See October 21, 2000, The Hindus in Roman Palestine.


                       Great Civilization Theory Says That Man is a Very Large Ant                  


Conservatives are sophomores, “wise fools.”  They always say things they think will make them look Intellectual.

And when conservatives get that puffed-up look and start to pontificate, they are always wrong.

For fifty years I have seen that puffed up look appear on conservative faces when they said, “We are going to get the Negro vote this time.”  It’s the "African-American" vote now, of course, but the goofy look on conservatives' faces is still exactly the same.

Another statement that goes with that Intellectual, constipated look is, “As Milton Friedman says, open borders would be fine if there were no welfare.”  

You import tens of millions of bloc voters for socialism, and there is still no welfare?  

Labor VOTES, you idiot!

Conservatives are true retards!

Another theme of this conservative retard version of smarts is talk about Great Civilizations.   Ibn Khaldoun came up with this Great Civilization crap in the eleventh century, but he was probably the hundredth Great Mind to come up with it.

Khaldoun and Spengler and all their predecessors said that each Great Civilization rises, does everything important, and then dies.   It's all predictable, and all Great Civilizations are created equal.

Ants form colonies that are perfectly predictable and all ant colonies are created equal.  According to conservatives, human beings are the same way.  People like the Scorpion King set up Great Civilizations which then mature, build a lot of big stuff, and then die away.

                             Caution! Conservative Trying to Look Smart!                                  

According to our official history those Great Civilizations invented everything.   For this reason, every time historians make a real discovery, it knocks out everything they have said.

The discovery of facts is disastrous for official history. 

For instance they found Caucasoid mummies in China in the 1980s.   The Caucasoid mummies were wearing clothes that history officially declares were invented in the Middle East a thousand years after those blond folks died – in CHINA.

No historian ever imagined that there was any white influence in China back then.   Least of all from NOMADIC white people.

History says that the Chinese Great Civilization did everything itself.

They recently found a frozen man from about 1,000 B.C. in the Alps.  He had tattoos showing acupuncture on his body.   Acupuncture, according to official history, was invented in China a thousand years after he died.

Stonehenge is the largest “henge” we have from a civilization that covered Europe and died out about 3,000 B.C.   One of those henges is in the Middle East and they go on north to Stonehenge in various forms.

So historians naturally declared that the oldest of these henges was the one in the southern Mediterranean, where Great Civilizations invented everything. 

Then came carbon dating.  It turns out that Stonehenge is the oldest henge, the Middle Eastern one was built last.

To repeat, every time a basic discovery is made it blows our official history. 

But we still teach exactly the same history. 


               Our History Says That Everything Was Invented in the Garbage Dump         

Great Civilizations are the garbage heaps of history.   Egypt got iron from the invading Hittites, who smashed their heads in with it.  They got the wheel from the Hyksos, who rode over them with it.

But the Hittites who invented iron were on the move.  So were the Hyksos.   So we found the first wheel in Egypt and said that Egypt invented it.   The earliest iron we found was in Egypt, so it was assumed for a long time that Egypt invented iron.

Those clothes of the fair-skinned mummies in China were wearing were of a type that was first found in the Middle East a thousand years after those Caucasians in China died.  So until twenty years ago official history said that those clothes were invented in the Middle East.

The Great and Ancient and Mysterious acupuncture that was a product of the Chinese Great Civilization turns out to have been in Europe a thousand years earlier, and Lord knows how long before that.

Conservatives marvel and drool over the “Great Inventions” of China, too.  The Chinese invented movable type long before Europe did.  They used it to print some playing cards and then forgot it.   They invented gunpowder, then forgot how to make guns.   A Chinese gentleman named Sung invented a mechanical clock.  It disappeared, and they didn’t build two.

         To Get Somewhere You Have to Stop Being Stupid  Trying to Look Smart           

Every science starts out as primitive as history is today.  Astrology was silly. Astronomy isn’t.  Alchemy was laughable.   Chemistry isn’t.

University-educated doctors bled George Washington to death when he had pneumonia.

How did alchemy become chemistry?  How did astrology become astronomy?  How did the murderous medicine that began the nineteenth century become the life-saving medicine of our age?

I’ll tell you how they DIDN’T do it.  They DIDN’T make their insanity into science by blindly going on with the nonsense they had.    Medicine began to cure people when doctors faced the fact that bleeding was INSANE.   Astronomy got somewhere when every intelligent person stopped believing that your mother’s toothache could be deduced from the stars.

History will get somewhere when historians face the fact that they are ridiculous.  So will conservatism.



Current Issue
Editor: Rick Rowland
© 2003

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