Whitaker's Current Article September 27, 2003


September 27, 2003 -- In South Africa You Can See America's Leftist Future Today

September 27, 2003 -- South Africa's Past is Our Past, Its Future Our Future

September 27, 2003 -- Respectable Conservatives Get Plenty for Selling Us Out 

September 27, 2003 -- Would Afrikaners Make Good Australians?


Fun Quote:

Bumper Sticker:

"As a matter of fact, I DO own the road."


                             America's Ideal Leftist Future Can be Seen in South Africa Today                 

If white Americans want to see their future, they should look at South Africa’s Afrikaner population.   The Afrikaners trusted their conservative spokesmen, and now they’ve lost their country.

The majority of South Africa’s white population is made up of Afrikaners.  They are also knows as the Boers.  They still speak a form of Dutch, but it is very different from modern Dutch.

I used to speak it myself.

The only reason the rest of the world had any interest in white South Africans is because they were in control of a country where the overwhelming majority was black.  That is the only thing anyone will mention if you talk about the three million Afrikaners now caught in the collapsing South Africa the new black regime has created.

Boer history looks very different from the point of view of an American, and very especially from the point of view of an American Southerner.

To everybody but Southerners and Afrikaners the only important thing about whites is that they are Evil.    The only places where many children are taught to be proud whites is among the Boers and in the American South.

Yankees conquered the South in the Civil War and the British conquered the Afrikaners in the Boer War.   Since then the Yankees have tried to teach us to hate whites and the British have tried to teach the Boers to hate whites.

A lot of Southerners try to please Yankees by hating white people and a lot of Afrikaners tried to please the British by hating whites.   But many of us still have our natural love of our own kind, and that drives Yankees and Brits into fits.

We are not allowed to say it, but Southern whites know that American blacks are lucky to be here and not in black Africa.   Afrikaners knew that South African blacks were much better off in white-ruled South Africa than they were in black-ruled or “liberated” Africa.

Who told the Boers that blacks were better off in white-ruled South Africa than in black-ruled Africa?   Black people did.  They poured into South Africa as illegal aliens after their countries began black rule.

The required doctrine today is that everything down by the white man was Evil.  Alt he food and medicine and everything else we have produced was produced by something called “mankind.”   You can lose your job for saying that anything good was done by whites.

Real Boers and real Southerners don’t believe a word of that crap.   They know the world would be a hideous place to live without white people.


                                   South Africa's Past is Our Past, its Future is Our Future                       

There were two Afrikaner Republics in 1898.   The Afrikaners who settled in those Boer Republics came from Cape Town, where their ancestors had lived for two centuries when Cape Town belonged to the Dutch.   Those Boers left Cape Town about 1837 after the British took it over and moved to upper South Africa.   In Afrikaans they called this great movement the Great Trek  

 That’s where we get that word Trek, as in Star Trek.  

At the same time the Afrikaners were moving north, our own pioneers were moving west, and if you had seen one of their wagon trains and one of ours from a distance, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Britain conquered the two Afrikaner republics, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal, in the Boer War.   Like Confederates they were overwhelmingly outnumbered, but the Boers whipped the whole British Empire for along time.

The British invented concentration camps during the Boer War, which lasted from 1899 to 1902.   You might say the British invented the Twentieth Century.

In fact, the only way the British beat the Boers was by imprisoning their women and children in a new invention the British called “concentration camps.”   Those concentration camps would have a great future in the twentieth century, but the British seldom get credit for inventing them.

A major portion of the Afrikaner women and children died in those British concentration camps.   The figures I can find show there were a total of 120,000 Boer men, women and children against the British Empire:


.   The number of women and children who died in the British concentration camps is estimated to be about 27,000, or about a quarter of the Boer population:

http://www.boer.co.za/boerwar/hellkamp.htm 27,000

Neither figure is accurate, but both are in the ballpark  The total Boer army is estimated at 35,000, about the same as the number of women and children the British killed.

The British couldn’t beat the Afrikaners by fighting their men, so they won the Boer War by making war on women and children.

So most Afrikaners got where they are on wagon trains, like so many Americans did.  

The Afrikaners have another important thing in common with Americans.    The Boers (Afrikaners) are the only large European population outside Europe that does not maintain its European political ties.

Australians and Canadians, for instance, have old white populations, but their military uniforms still have the British Crown on their hats, and each of them considers Queen Elizabeth to be their sovereign. 

The ruling British monarch during the Boer War was Queen Victoria.  She LOVED those concentration camps!   Real Afrikaners always hated the British monarchy.

What I just said will upset respectable conservatives.  Most conservative historians love the British Monarchy, and conservative historians brag about the great Victorian Era.

So what I just said about Victorian Regina will really piss respectable conservatives off.

Oh, well.  I suspect respectable conservatives don’t love me anyway.


                            Respectable Conservatives Get Plenty for Selling You Out                           


So the Afrikaners have been trying to have their own country for over a century and a half.   They had Cape Town to themselves until the British took it over in 1815.  Then the Boers moved away from the British in the Great Trek.   Then the British took those Afrikaners over again in the Boer War.

The Boers finally took their country away from the British again in the 1948 election.  That year the Afrikaner National Party won the elections.

The only reason anyone is interested in that 1948 South African election today is because the new National Party government set up the apartheid system.

The Afrikaners have ruled South Africa since 1948.   Then respectable conservatives took over the National Party.  They told South African whites that black rule would be just great and all those alarmists were silly.

So the Afrikaners voted to trust their respectable conservative leaders.   Everything the alarmists said about black rule has come true, and then some.

But like respectable conservatives in America, the Afrikaner government that sold out their people did very well out of it.  They got prizes and jobs and all the rest.

The Boers asked to be betrayed, and they were.  They have lost their country, and they have nowhere to go.


                                Would Afrikaners Make Good Australians?                                                         

If you think America’s old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) never enforced the law, you are dead wrong.  Hard-working Afrikaners settled in the United States and the old INS (with new names) is fighting to deport them.

Australia is the size of the continental United States, but three-quarters of its population is in the cities.   Afrikaners would be just the people they need to settle the Outback, but don’t hold your breath.

The respectable conservatives who now rule Australia brag endlessly about how they got rid of Australia’s “whites only” immigration policy.  There must be no place on earth to which whites can escape, and Australian conservatives have made sure their country is no exception.

The Boers still in Cape Town are largely colored, a mix of white and the Hottentots race the Boers saved.   But the Boers who went on the Great Trek, the ones who would settle the countryside of Australia, are white.

Of course the fact that the Boers who would make good Australians are actually white is the reason Australia would not dare take them.  So the Boers whose forefathers went on the trek now have nowhere to go.

The Boers trusted their respectable conservatives and they are trapped in a nightmare.  Substitute the word “white Americans” for “Boers” in that sentence, and you may be writing the history of America’s future history as we are writing it today.

We are building a country our children will want to escape from.

And nobody will take them.



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