Whitaker's Current Articles October 11,  2003


October 11, 2003 -- No One Will Mention That Kobe Bryant Defense is Based Partly on "White Racism"

October 11, 2003 -- Does Being in a War Make You A Hero?

October 11, 2003 -- Heroism and Drugs 

October 11, 2003 -- Rush Limbaugh, Been There, Done That


Fun Quote:

Socialists and libertarians say the only important issue in politics is how big the government is.  That is like saying that transportation is entirely a matter of how many airplanes there are.


Short Observation:

You remember how Clinton's Attorney General used to react to Administration scandals?  

She said, "We will investigate." That was the last you ever heard of it.

You know about that attack on September 11, 2001?  Two years ago I said nobody in the Intelligence bureaucracy would even be criticized, much less fired, for letting that happen.

In 2003 the Bush Administration still says, "We will investigate."


No One Will Mention That Kobe Bryant Defense is Based Partly On "White Racism" 


Kobe Bryant is a black man who is one of American basketball’s best players.  Kobe Bryant has been accused of sexually molesting a white woman.  I am proud to announce that WhitakerOnline has enough foreign readers to make this explanation worthwhile.

In the preliminary hearing Bryant’s lawyers implied that his accuser had had sex with two men on the two consecutive nights before she had sex with Kobe Bryant.   They probably have some proof of this.  But it is a good tactic for another reason.

A white woman who is alone with a married man is usually assumed to be there to go all the way.  A white woman who is alone with a BLACK man in a motel room is assumed to be there to go all the way for sure.

This is a prejudiced attitude.  But those who want limits on sex are accused by the Playboy/ Penthouse types of being just plain prejudiced against sex.   To an Inquisitor, mercy is just a prejudice.  To an integrationist, any white who doesn’t want to marry a colored person is prejudiced.   To a libertine, all sexual morality is prejudice.

When the Marquis de Sade wrote the introduction to his novel Justine, which was "dedicated to the triumph of evil over good," he referred to his opponents repeatedly as "bigots."  He was writing in French, but the word meant exactly the same thing it does in English: anyone who did not approve of torture as a means of sexual pleasure was just prejudiced.

Fashionable opinion says that a white girl who does not kiss a black man is just prejudiced.  Nonetheless, if a white girl goes to a motel room and voluntarily starts kissing a black man, it is hard for the average person to believe she didn’t intend to go all the way.

If she violates one "prejudice" one tends to believe that she will probably violate another.

You can scream at me all you want to, but that is the way real people think.

So Kobe Bryant’s lawyers are using what they would call “racial prejudice’ as part and parcel of their defense.

I am the only person who will mention this.


                                    Does Being In a War Make You A Hero?                                        


Those who worship uniforms forget a basic fact of life.

When heroes go into battle on one side, there are Evil Ones on the other side who are also wearing uniforms.  

So how do you tell the heroes from the villains?

Here’s a clue: No one on the winning side has ever been convicted of a War Crime.

No one on the winning side has ever been ACCUSED of a War Crime.

Uniforms are worshipped if they were worn by the winning side.


                                                     Heroism and Drugs                                                           


We all know that a lot of junkies came back to America from the Vietnam War.   Drugs were cheap and easy in Nam, and they were one of the few forms of relief our people over there had.

It is less well known that over a hundred thousand morphine addicts came back from the Union Army after the Civil War.   There were no good pain-killers then except for morphine, which had only recently been developed from opium.   Union Army doctors called morphine G.O.M., God’s Own Medicine.

Ironically the Confederate Army had many less addicts because the Union, in direct violation of the rules of war, used its blockade to keep medicine out of the South.

But this huge “addiction problem” after the Civil War was not that much of a problem.  Union veterans ordered their morphine in large quantities cheaply through the mail in the plain brown wrappers that are still being used for other things.  If there had been a War on Drugs then it would have been a disaster.

The War on Drugs made criminals out of Vietnam Era addicts.

The point is that many a man who won medals in war could not throw off drugs later on, while they ruined him, his family, and everything else.   If being in a war automatically made you a general-purpose hero, these post-war drug problems would never have occurred.


                                      Rush Limbaugh, Been There, Done That                                                        

Rush is right.   There is nothing heroic about being hooked on drugs.

Yes, Virginia, I did THAT wrong, too!  I went through recovery and “the program” for a long time.

It can’t be just a matter of Will Power and Courage.   The death rate in recovery is enormous, and a lot better men than I am died trying to dig their way back from addiction.

You might think that people with a low level of natural drive would get hooked on stimulants, “uppers.”  You might think that people who are too “up” would take calming drugs to get “down.”  It’s just the opposite.

In my high-pressure occupation I used stimulants to keep working day and night.   In high-pressure places like Hollywood and Capitol Hill it is the stimulant cocaine that is popular.   Over a century ago Conan Doyle had his wildly aggressive Sherlock Holmes using cocaine, not opium or morphine.

So I tend to think that Rush fell into his drug overuse by accident.   I don’t think he would naturally choose the drugs he did because they are “downers.”   He could not stop using them after they were prescribed.

This “uppers” and “downers” business is not an absolute rule.

Anybody who states an absolute rule about addiction is a self-righteous moron or he is somebody who gets paid for his opinions.

And he probably lies about other things, too.



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