Whitaker's Current Articles October 25,  2003


October 25, 2003 -- Call Treason by Its Name

October 25, 2003 -- Everybody Has Forgotten What a Neoconservative Is

October 25, 2003 -- Neoconservatives and the Neo-Conservatives

October 25, 2003 -- North Korea Has No Exports, but Neither Did the USSR


Fun Quote:

The preacher had double bypass surgery to keep him alive. 

The preacher wore glasses.

The preacher had a fortune worth of dental work.

The preacher had a hearing aid and false teeth.

He was preaching about how man should not interfere with nature.


                                                  Call Treason by its Name                                                    


I was watching a program about Cold War espionage.   On that program a former KGB officer who oversaw the KGB in America listed the people he looked for to work against the United States.  He said, “Socialists, liberals, beatniks,” the latter being a term which included hippies.

And when the real KGB files were open for a while, it turned out that every single American the left called “an innocent victim of the anti-Communists” turned out to have been an actual Soviet agent.  Even I was amazed.

When you get the facts, the left is always wrong.

Ann Coulter recently wrote a best-selling book called “Treason.”  “Treason” recites endless examples of what we all know, the fact that liberals always just happen to be on the side of America’s enemies.

What make Ann Coulter’s book different is that she does not follow the usual respectable conservative line about leftist turncoats.   In order to be accepted by the national media as a “conservative spokesman” you have to say that all those liberals are honest, patriotic Americans who happen to be honestly mistaken.

In the 1960s those patriotic liberals by the million openly declared themselves to be Communists, but everybody forgot that when the reaction set in.  The same thing happened in the 1930s when those patriotic liberals openly praised Comrade Stalin.   When anti-Communists brought that up in the early 1950s, everybody who got on the media had to agree it had never happened.

So Ann Coulter simply refused to accept this Respectable Conservative Brain Wash.   If it spends decades looking like a traitor, it’s a traitor.

For decades the left has consistently been against white people. 

Please see World View for May 5, 2003, Can You Love Your Country and Hate Your Race?

The left is always against America.

Respectable conservatives say this is just a coincidence.


                          Everybody Has Forgotten What Neoconservatives Are                          

Conservatives have put neoconservatives in charge of the White House.

Like liberals neoconservatives want to use America for their own purposes.  Like liberals neoconservatives want to abolish the white race.

Neoconservatives insist that they ARE liberals.

A neoconservative is one who believes that everything liberals until on or about January 1, 1970 was wonderful.  Everything liberals did after that Magic Date went inexplicably wrong.

Neoconservatives say they were always right.  Neoconservatives say liberalism was right until January 1, 1970.  But they also insist that conservatives were wrong before January 1, 1970.

Real conservatives warned that integration was part of a genocidal plan against whites.  

Real Conservatives said the so-called liberals did everything they could to help the Communists.  

So real conservatives warned that leftism was evil to its roots.   There was not some kind of Magic Moment on January 1, 1970.  Liberals just continued a program that became so obviously evil that even some liberals finally caught on.

Neoconservatives say none of this is true.  Neoconservatives say that suddenly, on or about January 1, 1970, liberalism suddenly and inexplicably became evil.

Neoconservatives really HATE Ann Coulter.


                                   Neoconservatives and the Neo-Neoconservatives                                            

Neoconservatives are the War Hawks who control the Bush White House.   They have their own agenda.  Americans mean nothing to them.  They view the white race as something that can best be done away with by open borders.

Respectable conservatives worship neoconservatives.   Now all of a sudden neoconservatives are getting out of hand and regular conservatives are getting nervous.

People like me warned against neoconservatives from the beginning.   But respectable conservatives say they were always right to worship the neos.   They say we were wrong to warn against the neos.

Respectable conservatives are slowly beginning to realize they have been displaced.   Soon they will start experiencing the political disaster the neos have caused.   But respectable conservatives will never admit they were wrong and we were right.

So respectable conservatives will say that neoconservatives were wonderful until on or about January 1, 2000.   Respectable conservatives will say that on or about January 1, 2000, neoconservatism went suddenly and inexplicably wrong.

After all, respectable conservatives hate whites, too: See September 20 World View,

If Hitler Hated Jews, Then All Of Our National Spokesmen Hate Whites

I keep warning you about following these respectable conservative spokesmen.   Some day you will tell me that those national conservative spokesmen were just fine until on or about January 1, 2020.  Then they went inexplicably wrong.

Sometimes paranoids have real enemies.  Sometimes us alarmists are just plain right.

Just once it would be nice if someone listened to us BEFORE the next disaster.


                        North Korea Had no Exports, but Neither Did the USSR                       

Speaking of treason, Teddy Kennedy is out there fighting for North Korea.

Teddy wants the United States to have unilateral talks with North Korea so we can finance North Korea's Communist regime the way we have every other Communist regime in history.

North Korea has NO exports.  It lives on weapons money and drug money, and its people are in desperate want, as has always been the case with Communist regimes.

The Soviet Union, during seven decades of concentrating on industrial development, never had a single industrial export.  It had caviar, sable and oil and, as always, its people were in desperate need.  The Soviet Union survived on American help, direct and indirect.

No non-Communist economy has ever survived without producing one single thing anybody else wanted.   Only an economy planned by "intellectuals" can be totally worthless.

It is all in the tradition of the founders of Communism, Marx and Lenin.  Neither of them ever did a day's productive work in their entire lives, and either one of them would have held a pitchfork upside-down if they had ever actually touched one.

Marx and Lenin spent their whole lives talking about The Working Class and Communist regimes spend their whole time talking about production.   The Founders didn't do any work and the regimes didn't do any producing.



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