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Tough Guys

Posted by Bob on May 25th, 2004 under How Things Work, Musings about Life

When you’ve been writing speeches and books and boiling down wordy stuff for busy people the way I have for decades, you listen to the same things other people do but you see it for what it is. When I listen to a speech, I don’t hear the same speech that other people do.

One example is what I call the “Me Rough. Me Tough. Me Dedicated. Me Brave. Me cry and give up.”

It goes like this. I get a note from yet another person who says that white people or conservatives or Americans or whatever are not rough and tough and willing to fight. “You and I” he says to me, are willing to fight, but it’s all hopeless because they ain’t brave like we are.

So, he says, let’s surrender. After we have had this good whine, of course.

I have gotten this crap from dozens of Tough Guys. I still get it.

Every time I get one of those letters, I laugh my ass off.

Nobody else understands what I am laughing at. The Tough Guy Crybaby certainly wouldn’t.

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