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Out of Africa?

Posted by Bob on July 13th, 2004 under History

On the Science Channel, I saw a documentary which tried to make the Neanderthals white and the “modern humans” who replaced them black. It’s the good old “out of Africa” bit. This is, of course, bullshit.

Until the white man found out about vitamin D, blacks died out in the Northern United States in drives. Their black skin killed them because the sun could not pierce their black skins to give them the vitamin D they needed. Everyone with the slightest acquaintance with history knows this. It was a major reason slavery died out up North.

The Neanderthals lived in Europe in the Ice Age. They lived in the same climate Eskimos live today. They lived in the same climate that produced the Mongoloid race, which is why Mongoloid peoples have eye folds. Those eye folds were developed to keep their eyes from becoming frozen when they slept in the freezing night.

Mongoloids are not white. Eskimos are not white. It is unlikely that the Neanderthals who lived in the same conditions were white.

Very dark-skinned “modern men” coming out of Africa would have promptly died out in the Ice Age climate of central, let alone northern, Europe. But Political Correctness loves this idea that the :modern men” who took over Northern Europe were black. So the “scientists” who push this nonsense will get their grants, their publications, all the goodies they live for. They will be the “experts,” and the sillier they get the better for their careers.

The out-of-Africa theory just happens to be what Political Correctness wants to believe. Lo and Behold! By a glorious coincidence a thousand anthropologists and geneticists line up to swear that man evolved in Africa.

Let me tell you how academia works. if you say what Political Correctness wants said you get published and promoted. Truth does not enter into it.

Those who prove that man came out of Africa get grants and promotions and tenure. Their articles get published. The professors who produce what the academic establishment wants to hear then become the “recognized experts.” They give each other’s articles that impressive sounding “peer review.” The trouble is that all the peers became peers by having an acceptable outlook. This is not a conspiracy, this is just how any inbred system works.

It would be a miracle if academia did NOT work this way. In fact, it would be unique in human history if academia did not work this way.

Historians and archeologists fought heroically for the idea that all civilization began in the Middle East. Anyone my age remembers when the idea that Vikings landed in America was a “discredited” idea. Northern Europe never accomplished anything until Middle Eastern culture reached it.

Carbon dating and new discoveries blew the hell out of all that.

Every year there is another theory of the origin of man. The ones that say all men came from Africans get front page news and every article that says that is sure to be published.

I would hope that the old idea that churches and universities are not political institutions has disappeared from the mind of any intelligent person. My business is politics, ALL kinds of politics, so when I see a thousand “scientists” lining up to testify to anything Politically Correct, I don’t believe a word of it.
I am invariably right.

I explain all this in detail in “Why Johnny Can’t Think, America’s Professor-Priesthood.” Every time liberals need something to be true, a thousand professors line up to declare it is true. The few professors who dissent are openly denounced. As I said in that book, “If liberals need frogs to have hooves, a thousand professors will stand in line to testify that frogs have hooves.”

Every time a thousand professors have stood in line to testify to the latest liberal assertion, they have been shown to be totally, inexcusably wrong. And every one got his grants and promotions.

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