Archive for August, 2004

Here’s a Novel Idea: A REAL United Nations

I think we might want to form an informal “REAL United Nations.” This starts with understanding what a NATION is. The so-called United Nations is a meeting of political units, not of nations. The cultuurgemeenschap ( I was posting on a Dutch language board) is a nation, no matter whether it is politically united or not. Poland was a nation when it was territorially divided into pieces of Russia and Prusssia. Ireland was a nation when it was occupied by Britain and considered an integral part of Great Britain politically.

A “nation” is not a political unit. A nation is a living culture

The cultuurgemeenschap is a nation. The South is a nation. Most of the members of United Nations are just old administrative units of European empires that were made into political units. To call them “Nations” is a bad joke.

In Africa, the real nations are the tribes, each of which contains millions of members. But the African “nations” who sit in the so-called “United Nations” are bastard mixes of different tribes whose borders split up the real tribes, the real African nations, because the British and the French and the Belgians set them up that way.

The unity of the white race might be made up of a REAL United Nations.

And we would have a lot of allies in this endeavor who are not white.



Nothing is More Provincial Than Universalism

Communism, liberalism, conservatism, they all claim to be universal. They include people of every race or nationality.

Well, not quite. They include a person of any race or nationality IF HE BELIEVES in their faith. You are a Communist regardless of the color of your skin, but only if you BELIEVE in Communism. The same is true of liberalism. The same is true of conservatism and the political philosophy of every kind of theologue.

The problem is that a person can no more change his actual beliefs by an effort of will than he an change the color of his skin by his own efforts.

All these faiths claim to be universal, but there is nothing universal about them. If you are not a Catholic, you can’t make yourself believe in Catholicism. Yet the very name “catholic” means universal. Evey church calls itself “catholic” or universal. It obviously isn’t.

There is nothing universal about a community of faith, whether the faith is religious or political. From the point of view of a real, thinking individual, his beliefs divide him from communities that call themselves universal as totally as his skin color or his citizenship divides him fom other races and nationalities.

What a group means when it says it is universal is that its MARKET is universal. A “universal” faith has the world to choose from. That is a huge advantage to have over non-universalist groups, but it’s not as inspiring as “unversalist” groups like to pretend it is.

Universalist groups are not only not inspiringly lovely, they tend to be vicious. Religious grops get into nastier wars than cnountries or races do.

There is never a real truce betwen universalists. Countries can set up borders and give other countries peace within their borders. But there can never be a single second when a liberal believes that a conservative does not need to be converted. The Communist must always believe that there is no room for a single Catholic on this planet, and no Moslem can be satisfied while there is a single Infidel on earth, no matter how “moderate” he is.

A moderate Moslem is one who does not believe in forcing others to his faith, but he has an obligation to want everyone to be a Moslem.

All universalists want it all. A nationalist or a racist is perfectly willing to let other races and nations have their space. But no universalist can ever honestly conceded the right of any other belief any room at all on Planet Earth.

That, after all, is exactly why he calls himself a universalist.


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Nothing is More Provincial Than Universalism

You are not supposed to say “the Roman Catholic Church”. You are supposed to say “the Catholic Church”.

Nobody worries about that nowadays because Catholics are fair game for anybody today just like white Southerners are.

Methodists and Presbyterians and Lutherans and Baptists call themselves “catholic,” with the small “c,” because they are open to all mankind.

Communists and liberals and conservatives claim to be catholic too.

Go to a Catholic or a Baptist or a Presbyterian Church and try to take communion. To take communion in a Catholic Church takes a year in catachmen classes.

Anybody can become a Baptist or a Presbyterian once they take the classes and prove to the preacher that they BELIEVE.

In the real world a person cannot change his real beliefs any more than he can change the color of his skin.

Universalists say that if everybody believed what they believe, human conflict would cease. Meanwhile in the world I live in, millions of people are slaughtered by one universalist faith like Communism because they adhere to another universalist faith like Christianity.

Meanwhile us provincials, us racists and nativists and nationalists, can live together in peace.

Us provincialists and racists and nationalists say awful things like. “Stay out of our country, stay away from intermarriage with us, and you can live in your own lands.”

But for univeralists, no one else has any lands of their own. By definition the universalist wants it all. For the universalist there is no “you,” there is no “us.”

So naturally Christians have always killed Christians without mercy. Naturally a true disciple of Allah has no mercy. No advocate of True Communism can afford to allow an enemy of his faith to live.

Every universalist says he comes to bring peace to everyone of every race and nation. And once everyone of every race and nation is a True Believer, there will be peace.

In the meantime, things will be a little rough.



I Will Be Special Guest On Stormfront This Week!

This week I will be the special guest on Stormfront.ORG

I need my readers there mentioning whitakeronline.ORG and my book. I need you badly. It also gives us a chance to talk directly to each other.

You need to register and get used to the site as soon as possible.

When you go to Stormfront.ORG, the first thing you will see is a huge banner advertising me as the special guest this week. So all the info is there.

This is a beautiful setup. I will be in South Carolina, our web specialist is in Florida, the head of Stormfront and editor and participant in the discussion will be Louisiana, and David Duke will be in Moscow. In the 1960s a major television network couldn’t have handled this.

The folks running this are pros.

The website is a thing of beauty. Everything is written, so you don’t have the shouting over you get in verbal discussions. The questions are in order with plenty of space and most of them have a special little logo on the left side with the current writer.

It’s all there so you can catch up when you feel like it.

This is a big deal. In last week’s discussion, Stormfront.ORG got 110,000 READERS — not “hits” — READERS.

I discussed Stormfront.ORG in an earlier blog entry. I said half the logos had Nazi symbolism in them but there wasn’t a Nazi in the bunch. This is just the growing group – FAST growing – that does not want the white race to be overwhelmed or to disappear.

That attitude is a crime these days, you know.

To repeat, I said in the blog that half the people used Nazi symbolism but there wasn’t a Nazi in the bunch.

Well, one guy on Stormfront went through all of what I believe is about THIRTY THOUSAND member logos and said only about 5% had any Nazi implications in them.

Some of those with the Nazi logos agreed with me that they weren’t Nazis, they just put in the most offensive symbol to Political Correctness they could come up with.

Some said they really were Nazis. And a lot more people, as is usual with Whitaker, were wondering what the hell I was talking about when I said there wasn’t a Nazi in the bunch.

If you remember that my specialty is human nature when it applies to politics, you will see what I was talking about.

What I mean is very simple: the kind of people who rebel against Political Correctness today are exactly the same people who would not tolerate a totalitarian government in the future. If a totalitarian government really takes over, today’s respectable conservatives will be the same little sniveling collaborators they are today, licking the Fuhrer’s boots, and a Kennedy will be in the Fuhrer’s cabinet.

You normally register for Stormfront.ORG under a pseudonym. I’m a little less subtle. My pseudonym is Bob Whitaker of whitakeronline and my logo is my picture.

Last week there were over 1,400 questions and answers. It is all written, and it moves fast. But it is all clear and readable and the logos under names are usually beautiful little pieces of art, with the exception of my picture.

Last week the special guest was a linguist who is fluent in seventeen languages. I met him at a meeting where he conducted the meeting in four languages. Normally the questions and answers are almost all in English. They have special sections for other languages, it’s a BIG outfit, but about ten percent of it this time consisted of this linguist writing and answering questions in other languages, including writing in Russian on a special Cyrillic typewriter he must have.

This man, Juergen Graf, is in exile from his native Switzerland for questioning, not the Holocaust itself, but the NUMBER of Jews killed in the Holocaust. That is a felony.

They keep telling me that it is unusual for a person like me to dare to appear in a place like Stormfront.ORG. That is because I have spent my life in regular politics inside the beltway and held high security clearances and jobs with big names. Appearing on Stgormfront.ORG would be considered a capital crime in regular politics.

This is not the first time I have committed a capital crime in regular politics and lived to tell the tale.

They say they appreciate my bravery for doing it.

These are people who mean what they say and will not tolerate being stopped from saying it. There are intellectual giants and martyrs who have spent years in prison for speaking out and who live in exile for speaking out.

And THEY are grateful to ME for being a special guest? THEY tell ME I have courage?

When anyone has the kind of moral courage that Stormfront leaders take for granted in themselves, the MORAL courage I treasure above any other human quality, I am honored to be counted among them.



How to Spot a Flake

When you are working for the cause the way I do, there are certain types of people you need to sum up fast and avoid even faster.

I have told you abut the dyspeptic old men whose constant theme is, “All is lost! The world is going to hell!”

Get away from them and treat them like the enemies they are. A defeatist is always the best friend the enemy has.

Another group to get away from is the flakes.

When you start to talk about strategy or a diagnosis of the situation that you have been thinking about for along time, the flake will interrupt you and say, “Did you hear about the woman who was raped by a bunch of illegal immigrants in El Paso?’

You try to explain how some fundamental attitudes have changed in America over the last couple of decades and want to discuss how we can use that change.

The flake says, “The black birth rate is huge. Did you read that article in the Panic Gazette about the growth in the black population of Sinkhole, Missouri?”

What I am thinking is, “No, I didn’t spend the last fifty years predicting all this. I was in a Trappist Monastery with no access to newspapers.”

When the flake starts explaining to me how Bush has secret foot odor, I tell him I am busy.

And that is the last thing you ought to EVER say to a flake.


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