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From Your Poet Laureate

Posted by Bob on September 29th, 2004 under Bob

For about a week I wrote nothing in this blog. Now, with my team’s encouragement, I am back to thinking of things to say.

Because this causes me joy, I have composed some inspiring verses to celebrate it:

Last week I had writer’s block,
My words were getting fewer.
Now the writer’s block is gone.
I’m pouring like a sewer.

— Robert Wadsworth Whitaker

  1. #1 by Don on 09/29/2004 - 4:44 pm

    “I’m pouring like a sewer.”

    That should get you an offer from the Department of Modern Literature at Havad.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 09/30/2004 - 4:50 pm

    I’ve missed your poetry.

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