Archive for October 12th, 2004

Reply to RH Smith

When I wrote the column below, “I Love Comments,” RH Smith wrote the following comment:

“Having read your material for months now the only reason I don’t comment much it that it’s like you’re already reading my mind.”

I replied:

RH Smith, you just read MY mind!

I have said before that what I want a reader of WhitakerOnline to say to himself is, “So THAT’s what I was thinking!”

Things that occur to you are things that I think out and express. I am, quite literally, the voice of sanity. I am the voice of sane people whose minds did not die in college.

That is why I write this stuff. It tends to spread, because people recognize it as heresy and sanity.

If you think I am being modest, I’m not. C.S. Lewis said, “The Great Teachers do not teach new truths. They remind us of the truths we already know.”
