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Listen to Yourself

Posted by Bob on October 21st, 2004 under General

Texas holdem submitted the following:

“I lay it down as a fact that if everyone knew what others say of them there would not be four friends in the world.”

I have cleaned up my act on that. I used to make a lot of people very suspicious of me. When I was in a bad mood I would say something nasty about someone I knew. I finally realized that the people I was talking to had seen me being very friendly to those people to their face, so they wondered what I was saying about THEM behind their backs.

Unless I have to warn somebody about someone else, my rule is never to say anything about anybody that I don’t want them to hear, criticism included.

To my surprise this was very easy. I thought it would take a lot of discipline, but it didn’t.

By the same token I almost never write anything in an email that I wouldn’t let the world read.

We used to have a saying on Capitol Hill and in the Administration, “Never write anything down that you don’t want to see on the front page of the Washington Post.”

That was especially true of conservatives.

It was a rule not a law so we had to violate it sometimes. But we did so very seldom and we used a shredder.

I think my learning not to say what I do not want people to hear also came from my experience as an interrogator. I found that if you let a person talk and you know how to listen, he will tell you everything about himself.

So I learned to listen to myself from the outside.

  1. #1 by Bedford on 10/21/2004 - 9:26 pm

    Automatic spammer? I thought it was someone trying to sabotage with grafitti. I noticed the automatic recognition here. Bob is lucky that he apparently never got stuck under the boss from hell (I did). I put the guy down from behind for years – he was so dumb – all he had to do was make a little change and his life could have been much better – too late now!

  2. #2 by Don on 10/22/2004 - 10:36 pm

    Now, if someone were to develop software that would read over the blog entry and use artificial intelligence to construct a comment that appeared relevant, that would be an achievement.

  3. #3 by Bob on 10/23/2004 - 9:38 am


    Texas holdem and online casino must at least have read the blog, because the minute I started requiring actual comments, they never sent anything else.

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