Archive for October 22nd, 2004

I Don’t Read Unexplained Forwards

This editing to cut out spam in the blog reminds me of the the fact that I do the same thing with my e-mail.

Sometimes I get an e-mail with a huge number of other addressees or the indication that it is a group mailing in another form.

Then all it gives me is a link to go to. I don’t go to it.

I think that’s rude. That should be a breach of net etiquette.

If you have a link or an article to send to me, I will not read it if you haven’t gone to the trouble to write a paragraph or two telling me why I SHOULD read it.

If I am supposed to read something, you are supposed to WRITE something.


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I Have Started Checking Comments

Jay’s comment on “Lucifer and Promethius” is the first I have had to approve first.

I am cutting out the spam, and this approval process doesn’t take long because I look at the comments several times each day.


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The Original Christians

I keep pointing out that there were six million Jews in the Roman Empire. This totally destroys the basis on which the Diaspora theory, Israel, and Old Testament Christianity are based.

Most of these Jews were converts. Yes, Judaism was a prosetlytizing faith. It was probably crippled by its requirement of circumcision. You can do that kind of agony to a baby, but a grown man will seldom take such pain. So Christianity with its baptism beat them out.

Actually most Jews did NOT reject Christ. The Greek Jews disappeared entirely during the centuries after Christ. They all became Christian. They WERE the original Christian Church, and it was huge.

No, the Jews in Israel did not become Christian. As Jesus himself said,
“No prophet is without honor save in his own country.”

Those are the Jews Old Testament Christianity worships.

That is the country Old Testament Christians call the Holy Land.

They are not Christians, they are Jehovists.

But less than a tenth of the Jews were in Palestine. The whole basis of Old Testament Christianity is a fraud.



Eric Hoffer’s Research

Eric Hoffer, who was a working man all his life and self-educated, wrote short books made up of short chapters. His first was published when he was 65.

Hoffer got a professorship at the Berkeley campus of the University of California in the 1960s. He promptly quit because, he said, “These students can’t THINK!”

Sound familiar?

He was appointed to the Civil Rights Commission. He soon quit that, too, saying “Civil Rights is a FRAUD!”

Hoffer said he had an odd way of doing research for his writings. He would go to a library, look randomly at things, and if something didn’t apply to what he was writing, he would stop writing it.

I am similar to Hoffer. So when Texas Holdem and Online Casino send me random platitudes, many of them apply to what I am thinking about.

I’ve cut out the rest.



I Will Start cutting Spam in Comments

Everything takes a little time with me. Each thing I do requires a new learning process.

I may start a Platitude Corner. I kind of enjoy some of the sayings put out by texas holdem et al with their computer or whatever.

But comments should be for what a person writes himself on the subject at hand.


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