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Reply to Joe R.

Posted by Bob on October 23rd, 2004 under Comment Responses, How Things Work

Joe R proposed a Racial Separatist March of all races.

It would be a good idea. My press man in Washington used to eat regularly with the founder of the Black Panthers, Stokely Carmichael, at an Ethiopian restauraunt because we were all racial separatists.

Carmichel, like the Klan, felt they could trust me — they could. Carmichael also thought I was smart because I had a lot of the same independent observations he did.

But all non-white, non-gentile groups are deeply committed to ridding the earth of white gentiles. Jewish neoconservatives are as dedicated to this genocide as Jewish liberals are. So anyone who marches with whites for separatism, even if they are separatists themselves, will be regarded as a traitor.

No one is more fanatically anti-white than a Zionist. Look at Emma Lazarus.

If we keep making this point, over and over and with discipline, we will get some allies.

When it comes to genocide, Jews and non-whites simply do not have a conscience. But I think there is one in there somewhere. You just have to keep probing.

  1. #1 by Bedford on 10/23/2004 - 10:47 am

    Ethiopian restaurant? A man who who would do anything for the cause, obviously. The negro has always had the opportunity to go to Africa. In fact, I read a short article about a black couple in Chicago who moved to S. Africa because they claimed discrimination was holding them back – I’m sure any discrimination will now be in their favor. Too bad more negroes don’t follow their lead.

  2. #2 by Don on 10/23/2004 - 10:48 am

    Presumably the different races would march as separate groups, so the march itself would emphasize the concept. The problem might be in numbers. 10 Whites and 1000 Blacks might be embarrassing.

    RE: “When it comes to genocide, Jews and non-whites simply do not have a conscience.”

    Murder I understand, suicide I find puzzling.

  3. #3 by Bob Whitaker on 10/23/2004 - 12:21 pm

    Bedford, one reason I admire Carmichel — he changed his name but I can’t remember his real name, a man has a right to his own name — went back to Africa, and I don’t mean the cities of South Africa I mean the poor parts — and died there.

    He died working for his people.

    This anti-white black was a good man.

  4. #4 by Joe R. on 10/23/2004 - 11:17 pm

    Once I saw an article in a magazine of the KKK and New Black Panthers opening a joint office space somewhere in Florida. The photo showed men in KKK white robes and others with some sort of leopard skin design robes. There seemed to be an odd honesty to the relationship. Since then, I always thought that there may be some way to break through and use this dynamic as a major weapon. But with us not even always being able to get along among ourselves, how could be get along with them? It would have to be well thought out in advance.

  5. #5 by Twin Ruler on 10/24/2004 - 4:29 pm

    The very fact that the Jewish Zionists say that they will always retain a place reserved for hatred of the German and all he represents, just proves that they are just the jewish equivalent of the Nazis. They probably have the same trouble making distinctions between Civilians and combatants.
    And, we know that the Jews do not believe in the 14th Amendment. Under the 14th Amendment, a German born on US soil is a US citizen. In the eyes of the Jews, a German is a German is a German, wherever he may be in the world. This is the same as the Nazi definition of a German.
    Also, the Zionists, like the Nazis, believe the Jews to be a Race.
    Israel, by the way, is just another Third World Cesspool inhabbited by human garbage. I wonder why anyone considers the Israelis to be any better than the Arabs. Israel just doesn’t seem like a Third World Cesspool, because the US pumps so much money into it.

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