Archive for October, 2004

The Magic of Mathematics

“One test is worth a hundred expert opinions.”

That is the basis of Western science.

Every other society depends on absolutely nothing but “expert opinions.”

Aristotle said that men had one more tooth than women did, and every “intellectual” believed it for two thousand years.

If a man did not have one more tooth than a woman, why would Aristotle have said it?

If you counted teeth and found that women had the same number of teeth as men, intellectuals would patiently explain to you that the man’s extra tooth fell out.

But today you could make a valid statistical study and PROVE that, from your one thousand samples, the odds are a billion to one that Aristotle was wrong.

The developement of Western science is a slow movement from Oriental Wisdom to simple arithmetic. In fact, the actual science of statistics was first developed just over a century ago.

But long before statistics was developed in modern terms, the West had learned that if you actually COUNT and TEST, the words of some fat Great Philosopher sitting there babbling while children starve around him don’t mean a damned thing.



Reply to Joe R

Joe R says Californians like him have Southern sympathies. This was my reply:

Joe, that’s why I said the Old Confederacy et al.

National Review KEPT saying Tennessee was a border state, but they stopped that after they published two letters from me asking whatthehell. Buckley’s sister answered me personally on that.

The group that runs National Review now REALLY hates the South, but that statement has not been made since.

Even Senator Baker of Tennessee, turncoat of turncoats, referred to “Our blessed South.”

In a cover article for the Southern Partisan years ago I discussed “Southern Nationalism.” I pointed out that the South IS a nation. It is not a political unit. When Ireland was politically an integral part of Great Britain it was still a nation. When Poland was repeatedly split up into partitions by Prussia, Austria, and Russia, Poland was still a nation.

Less than a year ago the Prime Minister of the Holy Land Jehovists worship said that Hitler “killed six million people of our nation.” Israel did not exist when Hitler was alive, but everybody understood exactly what he meant.

Contrary to what the Jehovists say, white gentiles like the Irish and Poles and Southerners are human, and they have nations too.

A nation exists in the mind, not on a map.

People like you are part of our nation even if they’ve never seen the South.



Did You Know That Puerto Ricans are southerners?

A capital letter makes all the difference. When you say Southerners, you are being specific. When you say southerners, you are speaking of anybody from the southern parts of the United States.

Puerto Rico is the southernmost large area of the United States. Puerto Ricans are southerners, but they are not Southerners.

Hawaii is south of the Rio Grande. Hawaiians are southerners. They are not Southerners.

Most people think that San Francisco is in northern California. Actually it is about the middle of the California coast. San Francisco is also south of the northern border of the Old Confederacy. So over eighty percent of the population of California is made up of southerners.

The South is something else again. When you capitalize it, you mean the Old Confederacy, et al.

If you say “the south” you are not just being insulting, you are being wrong.

I wrote this to William Buckley a couple of years back, and he actually put it in his “Notes and Asides” in National Review. And he agreed with me! If you say southerners when you mean Southerners, you are simply using bad English.

But the present editors of National Review hate the white race and they hate the South as only a conservative who is desperately trying to be respectable can hate the white race and the South. They always make it southerners and the south for a very specific reason: they mean it to be an insult.

But it isn’t just insulting; it is bad English.

What is particularly ironic is that California liberals and respectable conservatives militantly put the south in the lower case. They are making THEMSELVES southerners, which is the last thing on earth they mean to do.



I Let Some Spam Go In

I let a couple of online casino’s and texas holdem’s aphorisms go into the comments and blocked others. I liked the ones I let in.

My team didn’t like it, so I won’t do it again.

I do note that texas holdem and online casino — probably the same person or spam bot — stopped abruptly for a while when I announced I was editing comments, so he/it must be paying attention.

My team told me that a non-spam quote looks like this:

“So far as the mere imparting of information is concerned, no university has had any justification for existence since the popularization of printing in the fifteenth century.” Alfred North Whitehead, The Aims of Education.

It has to be attributed. And it has to have a purpose.

In many ways I am a very naive person, so when my team tells me something I listen closely.

The next best thing to knowing everything is to be aware of your own ignorance.


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My Cynicism

Everybody agrees that the Norsemen wrote only a few inscriptions on stone, while the Romans were literate. This means that the Norse and Germanic peoples wrote nothing except when they produced perfect runic script on stone.

All the preachers agree that almost the entire Jewish population in 69 AD was in Israel. Their entire attitude about Jews is based on the idea that all the Jews were driven out of Israel in 69 AD and that someday the Jews will come back to their homeland.

There were six million Jews in the Roman Empire. The total population of Israel, Samaritans included, was a couple of hundred thousand.

When I point out facts that, I show that the professors and preachers are just plain silly.

Nobody says I’m wrong. They say I am being “cynical.”

A cynic makes fun of the people he is criticizing. In almost every case, when you expose the absurdity of today’s accepted ideas, you cannot help but make fun of the people you are criticizing.

The Supreme Court strikes down laws made by Congress because the Supreme Court is the Constitution. But that same Constitution cites only one reason for the United States Government to exist. That same Constitution also cites only one authority:

“We the People of the United States of America … and OUR Posterity.”

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter got sick of cynics like me a long time ago. Justice Frankfurter declared:

“To say that a law means what it says is a case of PERNICIOUS oversimplification.”

People like me are not just cynical. We are just plain mean.
