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How Catholics and Calvinists Learn to Hate the White Race

Posted by Bob on November 12th, 2004 under History

I am NOT picking on Catholics and Calvinists. The reason I discuss these two faiths is because they represent the two poles of the Christian faith. If you know your theology you will realize that almost every Christian denomination is some sort of combination of Catholicism and Calvinism.

Calvinism is almost entirely white. Calvinism is based on self-hatred. This hatred soon goes from self-torture to a conviction that RACIAL self-destruction is good.

Catholicism learns to demand the end of the white race by the Wordist route. Let me give you an example.

Brazil brags about the fact that it is a race-mixer society. Brazil is also a political and economic catastrophe, but all brown countries are political and economic catastrophes. The thing that is unique about Brazil is that it BRAGS about making itself brown.

Brazilians are convinced that their mania for race-mixing is based on tolerance. Actually it is based on bigotry.

In the early days of Brazil, the Inquisition was in absolute control. When a ship landed in Rio de Janiero Jesuit or Dominican priests got on board and examined every person on the ship about his Catholic doctrine before that person was allowed to set foot on shore.

It didn’t matter if you were white, black, brown or purple. The only thing that mattered was that you knew how to repeat the WORDS of the Catholic catechism. Brazil didn’t care about race or any other loyalty. Words were everything.

Brazil was based on the Catholic version of Wordism.

A true, dedicated, catechismed Wordist genuinely does not care about race.

Or about mercy or reality or common decency.

A true Wordist has no prejudices. A true Wordist has no loyalties.

A true Wordist is what our media call an Idealist. Wordists are supposed to make you feel good.

Wordists scare the hell out of me.

  1. #1 by Joe R. on 11/12/2004 - 6:15 pm

    The Catholic Church is a business, that’s all. The Catholic HS I attended was 99% White in 1970. When I graduated in 1984, It was slightly less than half White. Today, about 90% non-White. They’re running a business, and don’t care who’s writing the checks to them. The Vatican owns the Bank of America, CitiBank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Chemical Bank, etc. Big, big business. Thirty million illegal immigrants, ten thousand more each day is “good for business.” The Catholic Church is not the only one, but it’s a good example.

  2. #2 by Horace on 11/13/2004 - 11:56 am

    As soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.

  3. #3 by Don on 11/13/2004 - 2:02 pm

    A friend of mine went to church last Sunday.

    “I heard the Gospel”, he said. “What Gospel?”, I asked.

    “The Gospel of Racial Suicide”, he answered.

    “Did you take Communion”, I asked. “Yes”, he responded, “Kool-Aid.”

  4. #4 by bruno on 11/20/2004 - 3:37 am

    I’m really scared by the catholics self hate (catholics are virtually the only brand of christianism here in Italy).

    We are guilty of having mistreated that poor little african geniouses.

    We are vile because we own so much while they are being stolen of everythyng (I suppose we steal all the industrial products and inventions we use from the real owners of factories and patents, the africans).

    We are vile because we are vile, so we need to suffer: if a moslems comes and asks for the removal of the crucifix from the wall of an hospital, well, ma be we have amde something wrong.

    Lepant Lepant Lepant.

    That was Christianity at its best.

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