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All I Ask Is To Rule the World

Posted by Bob on December 20th, 2004 under Bob

I have spent my entire life working day and night so that the world will, so far as possible, be run the way I want it to.

I want the world to do what I tell it to do.

This is not a modest request.

Some people say, “Do you realize that you might have wasted your whole life? Don’t you realize that all the things you think you helped do might have happened without you?”

Could be.

All I want is for the world to do what I think is right.

Let me repeat: This is NOT a modest request.

So when things do go right, and they sometimes do, I don’t sit around worrying about whether I am wasting my life. I will settle for the times the world moves my way.

I let other people worry about the important stuff.

  1. #1 by Peter on 12/20/2004 - 10:37 pm

    I agree.

    You now have two votes.

  2. #2 by Bedford on 12/21/2004 - 9:51 am

    Yes, I’ll worry about politicians like Fritzi Hollings who are proclaimed to be great men when all they really did was spend other people’s money. I’ll worry about newspaper editorialists such as those at the “Snake” who proclaim to be wise and in fact are just propagandists trying to ram multiculturalism down the throats of the masses.

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