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12/25/04 Insider Letter

Posted by Bob on January 8th, 2005 under Insider Letter Archive

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 12/25/04)

Merry Christmas to all of you, and a hearty thank you for reading Whitaker Online. As we celebrate the coming of our Lord on this day, it gives time to reflect on what is really important.
The coming of God’s own son into the world sure puts the mendacity and smallness of our leadership into sharp focus. No wonder they want to elevate Hanakah and Kwanzaa to the same status.

What kind of people could lead their own into the pits of hell that a brown world will be? No level of contempt for them could reach too low. As you enjoy the time with your family and loved ones, reflect on this question in the light of this day. Let it sink in just exactly what we are dealing with at almost every level of government and on our campuses and schools and even in our churches.

Compare it to the love of our God who would send his only son to us. Who will we emulate in working for the kind of country our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will face? How would we like to be remembered by them?

May you and yours be filled with blessings and peace on this day and in the coming year.


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