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I Deeply Respect Belief

Posted by Bob on January 14th, 2005 under Bob

One thing I want to make perfectly clear is that when I wrote the article below I was NOT, repeat NOT, making fun of people who honestly believe.

What I AM making fun of is the people Jesus warned about over and over and over.

The second anyone has a decent belief or a decent idea, someone takes advantage of them. It happens to children all the time. Remember? “Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those of us who have honest beliefs and honest feelings are the ones the Judas goat leads to slaughter. We are the sheep Jesus keeps talking about, “Feed my sheep.”

Don’t lead His sheep into cruel and stupid things by using their feelings and their beliefs. Don’t get yourself a job as a pro-life leader by telling them that life on THIS earth, no matter how hellish, is good.

Hell is NOT good. It IS eternal life, but it is NOT good.

Bad is not good.

Pain is not good.

The God Jesus spoke of does not thrive on your agony.

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