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Why Should A Third World Organization Be Run Better Than The Third World?

Posted by Bob on March 17th, 2005 under How Things Work

The United Nations is a third world organization. When it ran the Iraqi Oil for Food program, most of the money was stolen, just as foreign aid is stolen in the third world.

Well, DUHHH!

The reason the third world is so desperately poor, filthy, and has runaway AIDS is precisely because the third world is run horribly.

Not just badly. Horribly. Children are dying in the streets while those in charge steal.

That’s the way the UN operates.

Ah, Bob, but we are speaking of the third world. We are speaking in awe of the United Nations Organization.

So what?

You give money to the third world and it will be handled horribly.

That’s why it’s the third world.

  1. #1 by willing on 03/18/2005 - 12:07 am

    Third world organizations and countries have no influence in anything that goes on,anywhere.They are collectively 100% unimportant.If it seems that any one of them have gotten away with something,it’s only because what they’ve done is of no real consequence or concern to their Western financial backers and their leftist political promoters.Mugabe’s ceaseless anti-white activities in “Zimbabwe” is one example.Another example would be the Mexican “government” deliberately flooding America with their brown detritus.The “UN” is only the Security Council,as led by America in service to Israel.Everything else that goes on there is just entertainment as performed by its various third world acting troupes,who are all disguised and credentialed as “diplomats”.

  2. #2 by Bob Whitaker on 03/19/2005 - 8:34 pm

    willing, this is an excellent, practical analysis.

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