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The Pot Calls the Kettle African-American

Posted by Bob on June 1st, 2005 under How Things Work

Many years ago there was a very popular TV show called “The Galloping Gourmet.” The Galloping Gourmet was an Englishman who was among the first to make cooking instructions fun.

He goofed up and made jokes about it.

One day The Galloping Gourmet announced that he had become a born-again Christian. He said that his staff started treating him like a basket case.

Remember, this was TV Land. The only born-again Christians they had ever seen were the ones on television who were self-righteous bigots. None of them ever watched the evangelists on television who cracked jokes all the time.

The Galloping Gourmet said he got the impression that his staff thought his program would now begin with mournful church organ music and feature him mournfully talking, avoiding all humor, and going to pieces over an off-color word spoken.

In short, they expected this entertaining man to turn into the screaming bigot portrayed on the shows they watched.

The scary thing is that I am NOT joking. And The Galloping Gourmet was NOT joking.

And what makes it really hilarious is that the nutcases who expected him to turn into a raving basket case thought HE was the basket case.

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