Archive for June 4th, 2005

6/4/05 Bob’s Weekly WOL Articles

Weekly Articles

June 4, 2005
The Tide of History
Hitler’s Revolution
Other Revolutions
Riding the Tide of History

Fun Quote:

You make friends by laughing WITH them.

You destroy enemies by laughing AT them.


The Tide of History

This Saturday on my radio show I will talk about “The Tide of History.”

This comes from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar:

“There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the crest, leads on to fortune.”

That is the story of revolution throughout history…

It makes no difference whatever what the revolution is about. It makes no difference whether the revolution is good or bad. They all depend on riding the tide.

A revolutionary is exactly like a surfer waiting for his wave. A hundred other surfers are waiting for the big wave. None of them can CREATE the wave. If the wave does not come, they will all be left standing there with their surfboards in their hands looking a little silly.

But there WILL be a wave. That is the nature of the ocean.

There WILL be a wave.

That is the nature of men.
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Hitler’s Revolution

The reason that there are so many books about Hitler, not just the Nazis, but about Adolf Hitler himself, is because he stands out in history as a one-man show. Historians know that the Nazi Revolution could not have occurred without this unique personality.

So historians and Nazis keep asking, “What was there about Hitler that made this revolution?”

What, to use the colloquial phrase, did Hitler have going for him?

He certainly had talent. Even Churchill wryly admitted, “he was great man, if evil can be called great.”

Concentrating on Hitler personally it is easy to miss what Hitler “had going for him.”

Hitler had Germany’s defeat in World War I and the Allies insane drive to destroy Germany out of spite and greed. He had the wild German inflation in 1923. In 1933 he had the greatest and deepest Depression the world had ever experienced, with Germany suffering most because of the impossibly high reparations imposed upon them.

He had a stupid Communist Party. In 1933 the Nazis and the Communists between them held a majority in the Reichstag. No government could be formed which did not include either the Communists or the Nazis. If they had been reasonable, the Communists might have prevented the Nazi takeover. But they demanded power, so Hindenburg had no choice but to make Hitler chancellor.

The Nazi Party almost disappeared in the late 1920s. But when the tide of history rolled in, Hitler was ready for it.
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Other Revolutions

In 1776 America was a separate country from Britain. Almost every American had been born here, his father had been born here, his grandfather had been born here. The tea tax had nothing to do with it. A nation had grown up here that had no stake in the British Empire and it was time to separate. That was the tide of history.

If they had not been here at the crest of that tide, the Founding Fathers would have remained a group of talented gentlemen, nothing more.

If Robespiere and Napoleon had lived at any other time, history would have passed them over.

You can analyze Lenin all you want to, but he did not create World War I and a weak and stupid Czar and a Russian history of totalitarian rule.

A surfer who thinks he created the wave is insane.

But a revolutionary must, like a surfer, concentrate on being ready for the wave.

A person who is preparing for the Big Wave is entirely different from a swimmer who waits for nothing, but makes do with the water as it is and makes all his motions in a calm sea…

By exactly the same token, a revolutionary is entirely different from a politician, who makes his own motions.
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Riding the Tide of History

After the Battles of Lexington and Concord many patriots made impassioned speeches.

Some demanded peace. Some demanded war.

George Washington spoke very little. He just took his seat in the legislature wearing a uniform.

His message was, “There’s a war on. When you clowns get around to facing the facts, I’m ready to take over.”

In the Soviet Assembly in 1917, all was confusion. The chairman of the soviet, of which the Communist Party held only a few seats, asked, “Is there any party here that would be willing to assume complete control of the country at this time?”

Lenin stood up and said, “There is such a party.”

He was not playing politics. He was playing Revolution.

At this moment, everybody is trying to play politics. But there is a tide rising. The reason Europe and Canada have laws against discussing race is precisely because race is the elephant in the living room.

In the next age, someone will speak for the black race, someone will speak for the Asians, someone will speak for Hispanics.

And someone will speak for whites.

That is the tide of history.

While mealy-mouths are playing politics, whites are soon going to have to take on spokesmen. Not spokesmen for protecting the border and a melting pot. Spokesmen for WHITES.

Like Lenin and Hitler and, oddly enough, Washington, someone is going to have to see the wave and ride it. All regular politics will, quite simply, drown.



6/4/05 Insider Letter

(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 6/4/05)

*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***

Con men make their livings on the fact that you can make plenty of money by selling something that doesn’t WORK. Great inventors die broke all the time.

All of the history of science may be deduced from one fact:

A product can either be saleable or it can WORK.

Millions of people died because the old Humor Theory of Galen was so saleable. First of all, it was written in ancient Rome in Latin, so universities stood by it to the death. Only the intellectuals could understand it.

As early as the 1500’s the germ theory of disease was in circulation. But, as I explain in my book, it was rejected because it struck at the very basis of the Galen theory of the intellectuals. Galen wrote, in Latin, that human health was a balance of “humors”. To cure disease, you bled people so that these non-existent “humors” were balanced.

It didn’t work, but it was written in ancient Rome, in Latin.

I have exactly the same problem. I teach a history where the good guys don’t always win.

If someone tries to bring some reality into history, he gets questions like, “But doesn’t that mean that men are not equal?” Or “But doesn’t that mean the conversion to Christianity was a step backwards instead of a step forward?”

My version is Christianity depends entirely on its being TRUE, not on its being a social step forward. But the average church-goer demands that the church be more than just the saving of an individual soul. It must be everything else, too.

What good is God if He just saves souls. He had to invent the world in six days, too or He’s no fun.

In my version of history, facts are simply true.

But history has to be saleable, history has to be fun, and history has to come out right. The people who do all the good things have to be kind, pretty, and well-intentioned. That is history you can sell.

But it isn’t true.

You can sell a giant conspiracy theory. A giant conspiracy theory, on the left where it is the rich people getting together to exploit everyone else, or on the right where Communists sit at a table and plan everything, is exciting.

A giant conspiracy theory has another great advantage. If you believe in it, it takes all the responsibility off of you. It’s THEIR fault, not yours, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You can have a theory where democracy, free enterprise and goodness will make a new world.

My stuff brings you down from all that with a disappointing thump. It just sees people as people, and it concentrates on what WORKS for human beings as they are.

But I attack problems one at a time. I do not offer a giant ultimate solution.

Right now I am attacking the academic bureaucracy. It would solve a lot of very serious problems if people joined me. But they want to join something that takes on all the problems at once, something that sounds exciting.

University professors are not geniuses in on a giant conspiracy. They are hothouse bureaucrats gone wild just like every other group of hothouse bureaucrats gone wild. Meanwhile, the guys who get the attention are those like Bill O’Reilly, who sit around and wonder how those great minds have gone wrong.

The truth is a very hard sell.



The Political Ratchet

France and Holland rejected the European Constitution. But remember, they can reject it a hundred times. They only have to accept it once.

One of the many tricks used to get through the fourteenth amendment, barely, was accepting California’s ratifying it and rejecting their rejection of it. California accepted the fourteenth amendment and then, before it became law, turned around and rejected it. The Federal Administration said that once a state ratified an amendment, it could not reverse its action. Otherwise, the fourteenth amendment would not have been ratified, despite the fact the fact that Republicans owned ten Southern states at the time.

In other words, European unionists just have to try and try again. Once a country signs on, it can’t get out, as in the case of our Federal Union.
