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Reading the Wave

Posted by Bob on June 5th, 2005 under Comment Responses

In response to my WOL and broadcast on “The Tide of History” I keep being asked, “How do you read the wave?”

Then everybody goes back to talking about Iraq and how Bush is a meany.

I wrote a book on exactly where the wave is. Tens of millions of angry young people are ready to take on the Professor-Priesthood.

But my huge list is BUSY talking about how Bush is not an honest man or how Jews, who DO pay attention, somehow keep taking over all the speaking for white people.

Everything I write has something to do with the wave.

One person wrote how they disagreed with me that each racial group will have its spokesmen.

I have said, over and over and over and over that the multi-racial future is NOT democratic. He who speaks for the whites will rule. And I said why. Not one person ever addresses that.

I have said over and over and over and over that the best friends our enemies have are in OUR camp. They are not just the respectable conservatives. They are every single person who sends a frantic e-mail about how Bush is not an honest person or about Iraq.

“Bob, how do I read the wave?”

You START by reading what ***I*** say all the time. You start by THINKING ABOUT what **I** say.

I have a big list, but it is the world’s deadest list. That is always the case before a revolution. If people paid attention, the revolution would be under way. I could get it going right now.

If I had LIVE list.

But everybody’s BUSY.

Any time they have is dedicated to proving Bush is a meanie, the invasion of Iraq is a meanie, anything the media points at gets their full attention.

We’re BUSY, Bob!

“Now Bob, how do we read the wave?”

  1. #1 by Mike S. on 06/05/2005 - 5:00 pm

    You START by reading what ***I*** say all the time. You start by THINKING ABOUT what **I** say.

    It seems in my case I’m always taking new revelations and trying to go backwards with them. I’m trying to learn to look forward with these new glasses instead of backwards, then maybe I’ll become something useful instead of another “Ditto Bob”.

  2. #2 by Kevin on 06/05/2005 - 6:24 pm

    To Bob: Amen
    To Everyone else,
    We don’t have to change how Bush thinks, we have to change how we think. Bush is in power, the professors are in power, and the respectable media is in power. Why would they change the way they think to accommodate a bunch of “nutjobs” like us? Forget them, THEY’RE SHARK FOOD!
    Surfs Up, Kevin

  3. #3 by Peter on 06/05/2005 - 9:49 pm

    I hope you realize the great work you are doing here, Surfer Bob. Or is it “John the Baptist?”

  4. #4 by Don on 06/08/2005 - 9:26 am

    We need to read the wave, ride the wave, and then when we get to the top, build a sturdy structure for the benefit of future generations of our people. No more short term thinking.

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