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********Blog Book

Posted by Bob on September 2nd, 2005 under Bob

Notice those asterisks up there?

Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

They mean this is a footnote.

All the pieces that go with those seven asterisks could be history’s longest footnote. Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

Bob’s Bob is short pieces. They are self-contained.

Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

I have always wanted to try to assemble a book with some people looking on who are interested in what I have to say.

The asterisk stuff may be long. It will be disorganized.

My last book started with these ramblings no one would recognize as having much to do with the present book. I rewrote the entrire book sixteen times.

The way I start to write a book is to start writing, and see what the book might be about.

So it begins.

******* Those seven asterisks mean that this is NOT part of the regular blog.

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