Archive for September 28th, 2005

Why “Christians” are so Merciless

Mark ( our commenter, not the Book) says:

“Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls; for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matt. xi. 29, 30.

I’ve wondered how the church could justify their lust for self sacrifice in light of this scripture.


Mark, the trick is so obvious you miss it.

Fifty or a hundfred thousand years ago some caveman shaman made a wonderful discovery. Instead of speaking for himself, he said he spoke for God. He found that people who would not listen to him would listen to God.

And he discovered that, if you are God’s spokesman, it is just as good as BEING God.

Better. If you are obviously wrong, you can just say you misinterpreted God’s Words. But nobody can get you for that, because you are the only one who can talk to God at all.

When a prince owed them money, a pope would routinely put the prince’s hundred thousand subjects under the interdict. Terrified old people were denied the last sacraments, the sacraments essential to salvation. How could a man who called himself a Christian do this over money?

Very simply. It was not money owed to HIM, it was money the prince owed to GOD.

How many times have you heard a “Christian” pronounce some variant of the following words:

“You can insult me all you want to, but I will not allow you to insult GOD.”

With that simple and age-old dodge, a person can justify ANYTHING. So the parents gave their children up to a life of suffering in a strict monastery or convent for the Sake of God. They give themselves up to misery for the Sake of God.

“…and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

That’s pretty clear. But there is an easy way around it. “Christians” say that Jesus did NOT say, “and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who offend our idea of God.”

So today’s self-styled Christians almost invariably are totally unforgiving, but only inthe name of God and for the Sake of God.

The Temple priests who caused Jesus to be crucified followed that version of Christianity to the letter.

The Temple priests never said they wanted Jesus tortured to death because he had offended THEM. They said exactly what “Christians” have said ever since: They wanted Jesus crucified because he had offended GOD. Jesus was a trouble-maker. Jesus was a danger to the True Religion and would lead others into the Pit of Sheol.

A person who takes responsibilty for his own actions, as Jesus demanded that we do, has definite limits on what he can do to another human being. A person speaking in the Name of God has no such limitations. The crueler he is the more it proves his dedicaton to True Religion.

We have an exact duplication of that thinking among today’s whites who consider it a virtue to hate the white race. What could be more moral, more Christian, than sacrificing one’s own race for the sake of others, for the sake of God?

I quoted a Methodist bishop who said exactly that last sentence in in 1955 as part of his demand for integration. Everybody understood integration meant the end of hte white race, and he said it was a sacrifice we had to be willing to make For The Sake of God.

What could be more holy than to give up every natural feeling of loyalty to your own people for God’s sake?

So if that bishop was right. what could be more holy than violating every other natural feeling?

Look at that last sentence. It comes directly from the thinking behind handing one’s newborn baby over to a monastery in the Middle Ages. What could more holy than to give up every natural feeling and subject your own child to a lifetime of exhaustion, starvation and self-hatred in a monastery FOR GOD’S SAKE?

Look at that last paragraph. What could be more holy than to subject YOURSELF to a lifetime of hunger and exhaustion and deprivation FOR GOD’S SAKE?

All you have to do is put that little twist to The Lord’s Prayer.

Which was exactly the thing that Jesus kept telling people NOT to do.

Which is why people exactly like today’s Old Testament Christians put Jesus on the cross.



The Napolean Watch

There is a very true saying that, “The nearest thing we have to eternal life on earth is a temporary government agency.”

When I was in England back in the 1970s they had a great example of that. A person was still being paid to patrol the coast watching out for an invasion by Napolean’s armed forces.

Actually, I can see why that job was still open. The salary for it was fixed at ten pounds a year. Back in 1814 when Napolean was finally defeated at Waterloo, a young man who volunteered to fight in the war and who was crippled for life received a pension of only one shilling a day for for life.

A poor man could actually live on that back then.

If some hobbling wounded veteran got an extra ten pounts a year by being given the Napolean Watch, it increased his income by over fifty percent. I wouldn’t have had the heart to abolish the job either.

After that, I doubt anybody even thought about abolishing the job.

By the 1970s that ten pounds amounted to exactly two bucks a month. I wonder if the person holding that position even bothered to collect it. But I am sure some elderly Englishman thoroughly enjoyed ambling out to the coast a few times a year and still being the Official Napolean Watch.

In the twentieth century there were a couple of reports by the Napolean Watch of seeing the French invading fleet, but they were discounted because they always happened right after the pubs closed.

They still had a legal closing time for all pubs inthe 1970s (Last orders, please!) So the reports that came in right after that time were discounted.

I think that was too hasty a conclusion. I believe that, being a military genius, Napolean would have attacked exactly at the moment that the maximum number of Englishmen were in no condition to resist.

By now I imagine that the Napolean Watch has either been abolished or allowed to lapse.

So now if the Grand Army pours into England, muzzle-loaders and all, the English will be caught completely off guard.

As a former bureaucrat, all I can say I can is that it serves them right for abolishing a temporary government agency.


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Conspiracies or Networking?

I have real trouble getting my message across to most people because they carry two contradictory ideas around in their heads. The first is that success is a matter of “not WHAT you know but WHO you know.”

The other is that we are ruled by a group of Evil Geniuses who have a superhuman plot going.

So when I trace a major part of our problem down to college professors who think they are geniuses and who are being allowed to get away with what any group of human beings in their position would do, I get ignored.

When people start to reas David Duke’s Jewish Supremacism, the last thing they expect to see is a hundred thousand words of common sense and facts they can easily look up.

From the word go, the biggest burden David and I had to bear was the Conspiracy Nuts.

Yes, there are definitely political reasons David’s books are ignored. But there is a common sense reason, too. People assume Jewish Supremacism will be like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the discription of a tiny group of master geniuses who direct every move all
the Jews on earth make.

They think of The Bilderberger Conspiracy, where a tiny group of dedicated geniuses already rule the world cloaked by secrecy.

The Conspiracy Nuts have made real revelations based on obvious facts and logic enormously difficult.

If you subscribe to a conspiracy theory you are half beaten already. It makes you feel brave to be taking on the group that runs the whole world. You whole theory is based onthe idea that that tiny group owns and commands the whole world through pure dedication and talent. True, they cheat, but they’re so good at it that they might as well be unbeatable geniuses.

They are great and you are small.

If you believe that, you are, as I say, half way to defeat already.

A giant conspiracy ruled by secret geniuses is not the way the world works.

They are evil, but they are not geniuses and there is nothing secret about them.

A person who gets wealth, power or fame almost always does it with more than just luck. But he has to have luck to get to the top, and lots of it. For every person who makes it to the top in corporations in New York there a dozen people in Minneapolis who are just as talented. They own a huge auto dealership in Minnesota, but the ladder they were climbing had a ceiling.

The man who gets to be head of a national television network doesn’t set out to to do that. He goes into the corporate structure and it becomes part of the group that runs that industry.

Charlie Sheen and Kirk Douglas and Jeff Bridges all produced sons were became major actors. Every one of them had talent, but the obvious fact is that their sons got to show it where other actors were ignored.

They didn’t ride into town on a bus trying to Make It In Hollywood. They knew what was what and who was who from their childhood.

No one will deny that Bill Gates is a genius.

Bill Gates built his fortune on creativeness and savvy, but he used the fact that his mother had enormous contacts in the field that he could use and that his father was already a very wealthy man.

This is a VERY practical matter when it comes to real world politics.

Nobody denies that George Burns had enormous talent. But he pointed out that he got his first break in show business back in the beginning of the twentieth century because the advertisement specified that the Jewish theater owner wanted a Jewish actor.

The great writer Ayn Rand got her big break when she was an extra on the movie lot in the 1930s. Cecil B. DeMille was riding in his chauffeur-driven car and saw her among all the hundreds of actors who would have given anything for a nod from him. He saw an obviously very Jewish girl and stopped and picked her up and talked to her.

Jews are the world’s best “networkers.” They promote each other, which is exactly what the Jewish religion and the Jewish culture has always taught them to do. They are always hungry to find JEWISH talent.

And Jews have a blood grudge against white gentiles which is very openly advocated in every synagogue. In fact, if white gentiles expressed the same “grudge” against Jews that Jews regularly express against gentiles and preach from their pulpits, it would be called “Hate.”

And everybody knows about that Jewish “grudge,” that endless preaching about the persecution of Jews by white gentiles.

Were it not for Political Correctness, this situation would be expressed in plain English:

Jewish culture teaches Jews to hate us. Jewish culture teaches Jews that their overriding goal is to rid the world of white gentiles.

If this is a Secret Jewish Conspiracy then it is the worst-hidden secret in history.

But Conspiracy Nuts have made this common sense look like something out of an insane asylum.

Anti-anti-semites are always frantically denying that liberals or Jews run Hollywood. Ben Stein said, “Of course Jews run Hollywood. You’re just now figuring that out?”

Ben Stein is a Jew and has spent decades as a leading conservative writer. He is NOT a NEO-conservative. He says leftism was wrong from the word go.

Ben Stein attacks the fact that liberals run Hollywood. But, as a Jew, he is proud of the fact that Jews run the place.

Those who write gaint books about giant conspiracies simply don’t understand the basics of how the world works.

Secret Conspiracies are unusual. And they are always very small.

As Ben Franklin said, “Three people can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead.”

Networking, not secret conspiracy, is how the world works. If you are in any business and you are looking for someone at a high level or for creative work, you don’t put an ad in paper. You call up somebody else who is in your position and say, “I need somebody to run so and so or to do the writing for my new play. Who’s available?”

If this is a secret conpiracy, then the secret has been as poorly kept as that of the Jewish Conspiracy.

Liberals prefer liberals, Jews REALLY prefer Jews. A good American Communist in Hollywood
would not hire anybody BUT another Communist to do his writing or producing or directing for him. Like any other serious group, the Communists demanded that as a duty.

Ask any Communist and he will tell you he takes that for granted.

In the 1950s it appeared that all the talent was in New York City. That was because the people the guys in power in New York knew were in New York.

This is not rocket science.

It is also not a Secret Plot by Evil Geniuses.

I you try to sell the public a Secret Plot, you will have a good time.

But if you explain how the world works, they will not have to read a lot of books to see you are right.
