Archive for October 24th, 2005

Papa Smurfs are Serious

Al Franken, Alam Colmes and Ed Asner, fanatically anti-white leftists, are all Reformed Jews from Reformed Jewish families.

There are three segments in Jewish religion, Reformed, Conservative and Orthodox.

The Hassidim make Orthodox Jews look Super Reformed. The Orthodox are supposed to strictly observe the Law Old Testament “Christians” worship, but compared to Hassidim, they are yawners.

But something that is not generally known is that, while Reformed Jews are hard left, the Hassidim are the solidest conservative voting bloc in America.

And, not coincidentally, the Hassidim are the only Jews who are not dying out.

I was watching President Bush addressing a group of Hassidic Jews. Every Hassidic Jew there was male and at least middle age. Every one of them was dressed in identical black suit and black hat. All of them had the same beard.

They looked exactly like a group of Papa Smurfs dressed up for the occasion.

But one thing was not funny. For some reason Bush asked how many of them had ONE HUNDRED grandchildren.

Several of them raised their hands with a proud smile.

The Hassidim are very white, many of them blond and blue-eyed.

Other Jews are facing a birth deficit that is even worse than Europe’s. And I think it is a direct result of pure hatred.

If you raise your children to hate, they begin to hate themselves. That’s what happened to New England. New England had a high birth rate at first. But by the nineteeth century they couldn’t even populate that cold, rocky little corner of America they inhabited and the Irish and other groups took over.

After the Civil War, at the height of its power, New England depopulated itself the way Jews are doing today.

New England was dedicated to the destruction of the South. The South lost and populated the West. New England died on its rocks.

Hate, real hate, is poison.

I have an observation that is in no way scientific. The right-wing Jews I know look very Jewish. You certainly couldn’t tell that Al Franken, Ed Asner or Alan Colmes were Jews if they didn’t make such a point of it.

Ben Stein looks like the Jew’s Jew. But when someone on his show on the Comedy Channel said Thomas Jefferson had a mulatto child, he actually hit back hard and said the child was probably fathered by Jefferson’s uncle.

During one of my super-top-clearance clearances my adjudicator was a Jew. Right behind him was a table piled high with reports on me from every conceivable agency. I mean there were literally a hundred thousand pages on me there, everything about me.

He asked me if I was anti-Semitic. If I had said No he could have argued that I lied to him.

I said Yes and proceeded to explain.

I said, “Every time somebody says to me ‘I am Jewish and…’ the next thing he says is either anti-white or anti-Southern or both.”

I said, “I am sick of being insutled by people who think they have the right to insult me because they’re Jewish.”

I told David Duke that and he said I must have been crazy.

Well, I got the clearance, which was the point of the exercise.

I do not like Jews in general, because they, ON THE RECORD, consistently fight to destroy my race.

You can get away with a lot if you are consistent and you know how to tell the truth.

By the same token I appreciate it when a ben Stein breaks with Jewish opinion and is a Southerner — his father was a professor at the University of Virginia and Stein has never been anything but a conservative, even when the neos were still liberal.

Bernard Baruch’s father was Deputy Surgeon General of the Confederate Army and around 1900 in New York when the orchestra at high-class New York functions played “Dicie” he would embarrass Bernard and the other kids by jumping up and screaming the Rebel Yell.

During Reconstruction Bernard’s father was a member in good standing of the Kershaw County, South Carolina Ku Klux Klan.

You expect ME to hate a Jew like THAT?

I am the enemy of my declared enemies. Those “Christians” who are getting people in the Appalachians, where liberals can’t racially mix them, to adopt third world babies, are my enemies.

Jews who are deadly serious about being Jews, and who do not begrudge my race the right to survive, are not my enemies.

From the definition of “Christian” I hear today, I am anti-Christian, too.



Rebellious Youth

I was a college professor in the 1960s. That was when the Love Generation was making calls to the parents of guys in Vietnam saying they were the Department of Defense and falsely informing them that their son had been killed in action.

Al Capp was a New York liberal Jew who did the Lil Abner cartoons. That is, as he said, he was a standard liberal Jew until he made fun of the Love Generation.

Capp made fun of the John Birch Society, the Klan, Big Business, all the standard things. He said he got some hate mail for it.

But then he made fun of the anti-Vietnam protestors, the Love Generation.

He made it clear that he was not joking when he said that he didn’t know what hate was until he got it from the Love Generation.

Hate mail from the Love Generation poured in. Capp said he got more attack mail in one week than he had gotten in his whole career before. He said each letter made the Klan look like pussycats. Capp said that the language in those letters would embarrass a Harlem pimp.

Capp abruptly became a conservative.

So we all know that the Love Generation was not about love.

There was another claim the Love Generation made besides, “We’re all about Love.”

They also said they were Rebellious Youth.

They weren’t that young, but we’ll that for another article.

Right now let’s concentrate on the claim that 1960s “campus radicals” were “Rebellious.”

Remember, I was younger than many of the students I taught. If you don’t think I was rebellious, my FBI file would contradict you.

During the 1960s I would like to have yelled at the stlf-styled radicals:

REBELLIOUS!? You’re the most obedient bunch of spoiled brats I’ve ever seen!

Here was their “radical” program:

1) All money should be taken away from the military and given to professors to spend on social programs;

2) Taxes should be vastly increased to give to social science professors more money to spend on their pet social programs;

2) All policy on so-called criminals, who are actually victims of society, should be turned over to criminologists, like our sociology professors told us;

3) The economy should run entirely by professors who will plan the whole thing;

4) Any money or power left over should go into reparations to minority groups, which will be distributed the way our liberal professors tell us it should.

That was the college student radicals idea of rebellion.

Listen, gang, the ancient Pharoahs wished that Egyptians would worship every word they said the way those so-called radicals worshipped what their professors told them.
