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What Lemon Made Me Think of

Posted by Bob on November 4th, 2005 under Comment Responses

I really don’t give a damn whether your comments agree with me or not.

They make me THINK.

You may think that I was attacking lemon.

No way. Lemon was stating something I needed for someone to put in plain English.

So I slapped Lemon down. But somebody has to have the courage to risk being hit at for me to be forced to think things over.

Lemon showed moral courage, the most precious thing there is.

Thank you, Lemon.

After replying to lemon’s comment, I got to thinking and put the following statement on Stormfront:

— The Collapse of the “Christian” Right

One of the most important by-products of the Iraq War has been the quiet dissolution of any respect for the so-called “Christian” right (CR).

Though no one outside of Stormfront would dare to say it, this collapse of the CR has occurred because the CR is now seen by everybody as nothing but a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Zionists.

Try saying THAT on national television!

The CR has really gotten to be such a group of salivating syncophants to Fashionable Opinion that even the general public is seeing it.

In the North Carolina mountains where half my family comes from the population was all-white and likely to stay that way. Liberals could not find any way to get non-whites up there.

So the “Christian” Right came to the rescue.

The Christian Right, with the full backing of Pat Robertson, has a full-scale program to get those Bible Belt people to adopt third-world children, and it is working.

A lot of people who are not Stormfronters have NOTICED this. One woman said she was afraid to look into a baby carriage up there these days.

Backing Zionists and race-mixers are the ways the CR decided to get Fashionable Opinion to love it.

Their political infuence has melted away.

In the Traditional Christianity section, some people thought I was just being mean when I attacked what I call Jehovahism. I did it because it is a POLITICAL matter.

Jehovahism is my term for the idea that Israel belongs to the Jews, that circumcision is necessary to be a Christian –a position which Sts. Peter and Paul specifically rejected — and other Old Testament ideas no Christian should adhere to.

I bet that a lot of people in our Traditional Christianity section have been attacked by church people because they refuse to accept the Old Testament idea that Israel belongs to the Jews.

That’s what the Old Testament says. If you believe that Christians are just latter-day Jews, you have to accept that.

When Jesus said, “No man comes to the father but by me” He was NOT talking to a bunch of Hindus. He was telling JEWS that their Old Testament would not get them into Heaven any more than the Hindu Vedas would.

This distinction is very hard for a Traditional Christian. I am certainly not the person who can make it for us.

The Traditional Chfristians who are attacking me should be the ones who are carefully defining the difference is between a Christian and a Jehovist, showing exactly why someone who accepts Christ but does not worship Israel.

That may not be a big issue elsewhere, but down here in the Bible Belt it is a very critical matter.

When I was tryuing to work this out in my mind in Traditional Christianity I did this wrong. But instead of correcting me with sympathy, the people I went to for guidance thought I was TRYING to be offensive.

Unfortunately, I am a lousy diplomat. I hope the Traditional Christianity group will forgive that and concentrate on what I am TRYING to say.

I respect Tradional Christians deeply. I am furious at the so-called “Christian” right precisely because they use the name of Christ for — and I am Bible-Belter enough to use the term — EVIL purposes.

If the choice is between an atheist Marxist and a person who calls himself a Christian and fights for Israel and race-mixing, I’ll take the Commie every time.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on 11/04/2005 - 6:48 pm

    The Christians didn’t fight for Israel and race-mixing until the marxist theologeans and the Frankfurt school culture gained a foothold in the church.

  2. #2 by joe rorke on 11/04/2005 - 7:36 pm

    If the “Christian” Right collapsed, I’m a happy man. It should collapse. Down home. They were never Christians to begin with. Any group of people that can rubber stamp mass murder can’t be Christians. Correct. The Iraq “war,” such as it’s called. I call it the Iraq slaughter. Pat Robertson is not a Christian. Judeo-Christian. Many years ago I wrote a letter to Pat Robertson asking him to explain to me what a “Judeo-Christian” was. It seemed to me that there are two religions here. Judaism and Christianity. Christianity involved the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Messiah. My understanding at the time was that the Jews did not and do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. How is it possible to call Jews and Christians one and the same? That was my question for Pat Robertson. I posed the same question to Billy Graham. Neither one of them gave me a straight answer. They gave me an answer. But it wasn’t a straight one. They wanted it both ways. Well, they’ve got it both ways. It seems to me there is some serious deceit involved here. Robertson insisted that the Jew and the Christian were one and the same. I can’t remember precisely what nonsense Billy Graham handed me. But I believe it was essentially the same thing as Robertson had to say. You don’t suppose, do you, that they are in the same club?

  3. #3 by Bob on 11/04/2005 - 7:52 pm

    Joe, you worry me.

    You are so reserved and afraid to express your views. People like you who hold everything back eventually break down and go to pieces.

    I would say you should see a psychiatrist. But whenever I see a psychiatrist he tends to hide under the table and go into fetal position.

    So poor old Joe will have to deal with his bashfulness all by himself.

  4. #4 by Bob on 11/04/2005 - 7:58 pm

    Anonymous, I do not think any school of thought is as powerful as you think the Frankfurt School was.

    But rooting out and specifying a sickness is never a waste of time.

  5. #5 by Twin Ruler on 11/05/2005 - 7:01 am

    Well, anyhow. Judaism and Christianity are antithetical. Christianity was based upon a rejection of the teachings of Judaism, a rebellion against Judaism. “Judeo Christian” is an oxymoron. It is a contradiction in terms. And, remember, the Jews used to help the Romans to persecute Christians, during ancient times. Remember that the next time someone tries to guilt trip you about the Holocaust.

  6. #6 by joe rorke on 11/05/2005 - 2:36 pm

    Well, actually, the total truth of the matter is that I also wrote a letter to Joe Sobran. Well, OK, more than one. I respect Joe Sobran. I asked him to give me his opinion on the subject of dispensationalism. I told him that I thought it was very important to understand this concept in order to understand what is going on in American foreign policy at least in terms of what is going on in our relationship with Israel. Joe said he was not familiar with the concept of dispensationalism. I was surprised. I was trying to get him to tell me all about it. Anyway, it was a whole lot better than talking to Pat Robertson. I believe Joe Sobran has integrity.

  7. #7 by Peter on 11/05/2005 - 5:49 pm


    Anonymous was pretty careful the way he phrased “The Christians didn’t fight for Israel and race-mixing until the Marxist theologians AND the Frankfurt school culture gained a FOOTHOLD in the church.” How hard do you think it would be anyway for a group with total control of the mass media and oodles of money? NOT that money EQUALS power. However, on the light side, a White government could change it all back in six months.

  8. #8 by Peter on 11/06/2005 - 8:32 pm

    Actually, to be blunt, Bob, I think you are a bit naive, pewter medals notwithstanding. You seem to think that we don’t live in a dictatorship, as if the same group of people who controlled Communism are different from them who control high financial Capitalism. Both are economic systems imposed over a government and society. One kills quickly, the other slowly.

    Anon’s reference to the Gramsciist Frankfurter School of Jew Strauss shows us how the neo-cons were spawned. It is an important link in the chain of events.

  9. #9 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/06/2005 - 10:53 pm

    I’m not the least bit surprised that Sobran does not know what dispensationalism is. There are a ton of protestants, conservative protestants, who don’t understand what dispensationalism is. Read Gary North’s stuff sometime, the stuff on his website, not his regular newsletters. At times the Dallas Seminary types don’t either. The entire system is in flux and has been for a number of years because it was stuck on Scofield’s teachings and much of that went to pieces in the late 80s.

    The main problem I see with Bob’s position is that OT times can basically be divided in two eras, pre-captivity and post-captivity. By 605 BC Israel had pretty much lost its way. God promised that certain things would happen to them if they abandoned Him and the law (read Deuteronomy 24 sometime). The regime that killed Christ is basically the post-captive types that legalized the entire law from a a faith based teaching to an exterior plan of salvation. The fact that Christ taught what the law was all about, faith in God, got him killed by the religious types who were threatened by the truth.

    The Judeo-Christian has its origin in the law, not the heresy called Judaism these days. True Christian morality was taught in the law. Christ did not deviate from that one iota (jot or tittle, if you prefer Hebrew rather than Greek). By the time of Christ, Israel had once more lost its way, and was without a clue as to what the law was all about.

    To put it quite bluntly, Judaism is no longer possible and that is why it is a cult, a dangerous cult. yes the God they worship is the true God, but the way God requires we approach him is not the Judaistic way. He made that way impossible, again, when he allowed Titus legions to destroy Jerusalem and the temple. No sacrificial system, no Judaism, period! It is impossible to be, or become a jew because the term “jew” means a “practirioner of the religion of Judah.” The religion of Judah requires one of two things, the temple, or the tabernacle that was built in the wilderness by Moses and those he directed. Neither the temple or tabernacle exist, so the sacrificial system is impossible making the current false form of judaism of no more spiritual weight than Shintoism or animism.

    Dispensationalism does not require that we support the poltical concept of the state of Israel. In fact, from a biblical standpoint, I would say the Bible requires we do exactly the opposite. To “Bless Israel” is not the same as supporting Tel Aviv and Sharon (or Rabin, or Peres, or whichever idiot happens to be PM at the time). To bless Israel is to tell those descended from Abraham the truth of the gospel, and show them why they keep getting in trouble with the gentiles that have hosted them over the years, or protecting them from the type of irrational hatred they are sometimes subjected to, but many times incite by their own stupidity (read what has happened to David Irving, Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolph, and others). The current version of Israel is well described in Ezekial chapter 37, dead, dry bones. Christ stated it succinctly, “not everyone who is of Israel is Israel.” I don’t see men like Ellie Weasel (intentionally misspelled) and Abraham Foxman, as being part of Israel. Both are liars and shills for themselves and the NT states clearly, in several places, that liars will not enter the kingdom.

  10. #10 by Antiochus Epiphanes on 11/07/2005 - 4:37 pm

    Interesting comments Mr Whittaker. I think that there is a place people can discuss this “outside of Stormfront,” and with quite a bit more latitude to identify the Judaic antecedents– and weaknesses– in “Judeo-Christianity.” That place is none other than http://WWW.VNNFORUM.COM. However, this heart is not for the faint of heart, and there are many hardcore critics of Christianity at this website who in the manner of Revilo Oliver, reject it branch and root as a trick connived by Jews to weaken, exploit, and mentally enslave Gentiles starting with the Romans and proceeding down to the current day.

    Though I’m a “Traditionalist” Roman Catholic and don’t entirely agree with this critique, http://WWW.VNNFORUM.COM is a place where folks can “take the gloves off” and duke it out over this issue without fear of being banned by folks who are still trying to defend the shambling corpses of organizations our ancestors ran which are now entirely colonized by Jews and Judaizers alike.

    Thanks Dr Whittaker for your excellent website and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed your book on education.

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