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Public Secrets

Posted by Bob on November 25th, 2005 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

I have one major advantage over theologians when it comes to understanding what Jesus Christ said. That advantage is that I have been in and dealt with many totalitarian and authoritarian societies. Jesus was speaking in a place where he could have been stoned to death on the spot for saying the wrong thing.

As usual, what I have to say that is of use to you consists of looking closely at a fact that is so obvious that those who get paid for making learned comments on words completely overlook it.

I have pointed out that Old Testament fanatics put most of their faith on Jesus’s statement that he did not plan to erase one iota of the Jewish Law. So, as one Old Testament fanatic put it, “Seventy percent of the Bible is the Old Testament.”

Not one of these people ever considers the fact that if Jesus had said anything else, he would have been stoned to death on the spot. If they ever noticed this, it would put Old Testament Christianity in a very tenuous position.

And you couldn’t become a Christian without full circumcision at any age.

Another obvious fact like this is that the Declaration of Independence, which is so often quoted an objective statement of principles, was written in wartime. In fact, it was written in a city that would soon be occupied by enemy troops.

Nobody ever even MENTIONS this when they discuss the Declaration. I guarantee you that it was very much of the minds of those who wrote and adopted the Declaration. The Declaration was a cry for help and a bid for foreign support, not an abstract declaration of real American principles.

This brings us to today.

If we are going to deal realistically with the society in which we live we must have a more realistic grasp of the reality we live in.

So let’s face one reality: everybody knows that what is really ailing our society is not discussed in the media.

People on our side keep quoting the media and those who make their livings in the media, left and right, as if what they say is what people believe.

They therefore reflect an understanding of our reality that comes straight out of a cartoon.

I like to rent DVDs and listen to the commentary version of the movie, where the movie is played with running commentary from the people who made the film. Nobody is more Politically Correct than movie-makers, but in every commentary they are bitching about the “political correctness nuts” who criticize them and threaten them with violence.

Out in the real world, not only does EVERYBODY know about political correctness, the people who live in the real world all consider it a pain in the ass. But people on our side keep acting as if only they knew what is allowed in the media is silly.

You simply cannot deal with political reality if you keep living and commenting from inside a cartoon.

  1. #1 by Peter on 11/25/2005 - 3:13 pm

    “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot [=iota] or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

    Since ALL IS FULFILLED in Christ’s death and resurrection, at least an iota or one tittle are passed. Of course, THIS law never applied to us of the Race (gentiles), so what started? Fulfilled also means full ENDED, so what’s left?

  2. #2 by Mark on 11/25/2005 - 3:48 pm

    “People on our side keep quoting the media and those who make their livings in the media, left and right, as if what they say is what people believe.”

    Bob, being in sales I run across just about every socio-economic situation you can imagine, in Missouri that is, and whenever politics come up I am always dismayed at how fast most people parrot the media’s points of view. Granted most of my clients are over age 60 and that might have something to do with it, and perhaps they do not really live in the “real world” as you call it since they are rretired and of the so-called “Greatest Generation.” But it seemes to me that an awful lot of people I run across do believe the media’s PC spin and since it is a religion these folks appear unable or unwilling to cast aside thier “faith” and think for themselves.

  3. #3 by Bob on 11/25/2005 - 5:05 pm

    Peter, if those who call themselves Christians understood what you said I would have no

    But, as you are well aware, I have a problem.

    What they do not know is that they have an infinitely, repeat infinitely,
    greater problem.

  4. #4 by Bob on 11/25/2005 - 5:15 pm

    Mark, I respect the insight it requires to make your living in sales.

    No, you are not dealing with a flawed sampling.

    Give me some credit. I know that anybody who makes his LIVING in sales knows exactly
    what his sampling is.

    Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

    If you were in an Eastern European household in 1980 and heard what people dared say even
    knowing they were not being monitored you would have heard very little real subversion.
    They were not INTERESTED in subversion.

    Can you rally imagine what the average Eatern European was interested in then?

    Mark, as a professional, you know damned well what your averge client is interested in.

    And if someone else tells them what the new line is, you know how long they will hesitate.

  5. #5 by Zachary W. Craft on 11/25/2005 - 11:02 pm

    Some theologians you guys are. You’re morons. I myself am a Christian White Nationalist and I can’t help but laugh at your ignorance of history and Biblical Scripture. You make a mockery of the Bible.

  6. #6 by Richard L. Hardison on 11/25/2005 - 11:22 pm

    Bob, I’m not sure why you are so obsessed with the OT. I have as yet to meet anyone who has the opinions you accuse them of. The overwhelming majority of christendom neglects the OT using the quote of Matthew 5:18, as quoted by Peter above. Maybe it applies to the old Methodist circles you used to run in, I don’t know. I know I’ve never seen anyone like you describe.

    I think you confuse talmudic teaching with the OT. The OT DOES have it’s place, and no one has to shoehorn the world into that mold. The OT is just as much part of the revelation of the nature of God as is the NT. The ceremonial law was fulfilled by Christ in his death and resurrection. The moral law is still in effect, i.e. no adultery, murder, theft, etc.

    I you mean Israel as the “chosen” people, you can point to a few who want to jump into the fray and fight the world for Israel. Give Falwell and Lindsey a rifle and go to Israel. They will learn the hard way what Christ said “not everyone who is of Israel is Israel.” Paul said the church was the descendent of Abraham and heirs to the promise, and that Israel had been set aside for a time. Kind of upsets the Israel firster’s apple cart, but too bad.

    The problem you have with the Christ’s situation is simple. There were many times during Christ’s minstry that he came close to being murdered. I also note, that he was finally murdered by the very religious authorities who really were taken with a talmudic outlook. There was a certain type of death reserved for Christ and it had to wait for the right time, just as everything else in his life had to take place when it was supposed to. Christ’s life was the only life in history that was completely predestined in all its events. Der todtest kugel didn’t come until HE was good and ready for it. Nothing was going to happen until that point.Christ created the world (John 1:1-3) and he wrote the rules. I think he could make a few arrangements to be sure he was where he was supposed to be when he needed to be. The one who can create a neutrino, quark, or a super group would see a mere 33 years of earthly life a bit of child’s play, nicht wahr?

  7. #7 by Peter on 11/27/2005 - 2:57 pm

    I agree with all the theology that Richard says. However, many people in my family don’t. They believe that the OT gives Jews a fast track to heaven, and although they wouldn’t admit it DIRECTLY, they believe that Jews have a salvation apart from Christ. They also believe that whatever Jews do, the people they do these things to receive “a special blessing.” Any success that Jews have is given as proof of the blessing. Any failure the Jews have had is proof that they are persecuted. They believe that all races are equal, that therefore they all have a right to invade white countries and it doesn’t matter if whites go extinct. However, Jews are not equal to others, but have that special blessing. As a group, they also have an exemption from all rules of morality, since whatever they do must be God’s will. Therefore, whatever suffering their victims face, the victims must have done something to deserve it. If you believe that the victims did not deserve it or that Jews could ever do anything wrong, then you are a particularly nasty person who deserves the worst spite and disrespect, no holds barred.

    They hear this in “church,” although it is anti-Christian. This anti-Christian dogma is all over the country. They heard it in the West, they hear it now in the South.

    This is what I face every time I see my family. It wasn’t that way when I was small.

  8. #8 by Peter on 11/27/2005 - 3:18 pm

    By the way, if the Judeo-Evangelicals in that I know ever came back to the truth, they would be very useful. They are conservative, otherwise hold traditional values, take ideas seriously, and tell these ideas to others. Their fatal weakness is that when someone wearing the trappings of authority can tell them something, they will believe them, no matter how ridiculous and harmful it is. However, there is always that smidgeon of doubt.

    These people have come awake for other issues in the past and quit other harmful pseudo-Christian groups in the past. They are just too quick to go whole hog before considering carefully whose barbecue they are joining.

  9. #9 by lemon on 11/28/2005 - 10:14 am

    This is an important question since it appears that there are those who will stop at nothing to get what they want even if it plunges the world into WWIV as some have said. It is difficult for someone like myself to get a sure enough grasp that I could perhaps at least say the right thing at the right time, to someone, since I have no one I talk with. Well, my husband catches it, but since he is our sole support he cannot be my only friend. The internet is a source, but I can’t help but feel that it is foolish of me to make replies. But, one more thought. If the white race were totally eliminated tomorrow, it would not be a good thing as a Havard professer said. While we are not sinless, the world would not suddenly become free and happy without us, but rather plunged into total madness I think. It’s imangining a vain thing. Christianity would go as well. Shari

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