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I Can’t Argue with THAT!

Posted by Bob on November 30th, 2005 under Comment Responses

In response to the two articles below, Anonymous says,

Conservatives get pretty lucky, too. John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Senator Mel Carnahan, Senator Paul Wellstone …

Comment by Anonymous — 11/30/2005 @ 6:02 pm | Edit This

Concerning Sonny Bono and the copyright laws: The Constitution says (Article 1, Section “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

Sonny Bono was trying to get “limited Times” to mean, in his words, “forever minus a day.” He was trying to get “Progress of Science and useful Arts” to mean “I Got You, Babe”. He was successful. Thanks to the Rehnquist Court, Sonny Bono’s interpretation of Article 1, Section 8 is now the law of the land.

It’s amazing how Bob can go from the sublime to the ridiculous overnight.

I said it was suspicious that the first president and first vice president in history to resign under pressure in American history were both hated universally by the media to an extent no other president or vice president had ever been were forced to resign within one year of each other.

Anonymous said it was not suspicious because Kennedy, MLK and Robert Kennedy were murdered.

He left out Malcolm X and even Abraham Lincoln.

I can’t argue with taht.

Anonymous adds that Sonny Buono could not have been murdered because he wrote bad copyright law.

I can’t argue with that.

He left one of the instances I gave out. Anonymous needs to point out why the Ohio police, in complete secrecy, did not allow John Ashbrook’s body to be buried in the coffin at his funeral.

Anonymous needs to explain that it was just a jolly practical joke.

I sure couldn’t argue with that one either.

  1. #1 by Peter on 11/30/2005 - 9:07 pm

    Thus endeth the history lesson. Anonymous has presented something so brilliant, yet so simple, so obvious. Would we recognize his first name…

  2. #2 by Anonymous on 11/30/2005 - 9:24 pm

    John Ashbrook probably was murdered. So was his brother, right?
    What I object to is your implication that political murders (literal or figurative) are a liberal specialty. You said “liberals sure do get lucky.” You said it more than once. Well, JFK and RFK et al didn’t exactly slip on a banana peel, either.
    In your recent stuff, you’ve been saying that the difference between liberals and conservatives isn’t so important any more. That makes sense. You’ve also said that the biggest problem people like you and David Duke have are the conspiracy theorists. That makes sense, too.
    Today you’re saying that conservatives are dropping like flies because of liberal conspiracies. I’m confused. Yes, powerful people often kill their enemies. That unfortunate reality predates John Stuart Mill by quite a few millenia. So what’s up with the conspiracy theories and liberal vs conservative wordism today?

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