Archive for November, 2005

Reply to Peter, Thanks to Tim

Peter asks,

“When our government finishes its fall, how do we make sure we have something wonderful to replace it? Do we wish to be in the same mess that Russia is in now or like the afterbirths that Spain and England are? Granted the most important thing is making sure it falls flat but there will be more moves ahead on the chess board. ”

Tim said,

“I also gave them the old BW line—”they are not talking about flooding Africa with non-Africans and
Asia with Non-Asians. They are only flooding White countries and ONLY White
countries with Non-Whites. This is genocide.” (I say this stuff in my sleep these days)”

And Tim is my answer to Peter.

Petger, if you are a Christian, do the work that is before you, as Tim is doing. Tim’s constant repetition of the fundamental fact SHOULD be what you repeat in your sleep.


We can have a healthy future if we plant the seeds of decency in people’s minds. No Plan is going to do it.

You plant the seeds and some healthy soil will make it prosper. But you HAVE to plant the seeds, which is a repetitious busines in every case.

The trouble with a person with a Plan is that he thinks his Plan will make a nation thrive. So he writes a Book and tries to create yet another group of Wordists who will save the world. That is path leads AWAY from.

If you get people realizing that we are facing simple, blatant genocide it destroys thir worship of Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and all the rest. If they are white, this makes them THINK.

And that, Peter, is ALL we ask of OUR people. We want them to finally see how insane things are and that courage does not consist of obedience, but of MORAL courage. We want them to start using their OWN minds. Aryans do not dream of a worlsdin which all the other Aryans run around on a golden leash.

We want a world where Aryans squabble over what is RIGHT, not over what is written. And, unlike blacks or browns or Orientals, we want OUR PEOPLE to take over, not to obey whatever creed we come up with.

If you want our people to stop being fools and cowards, you do what Tim is doing. You keep hammering in “Don’t be a fool” by refusing to question just plain genocide. You stop being a coward by avoiding the subject that is obviously in our rulers’ minds.

Get our people to thinking. Get our people to questioning. Make defiance the mark of heroism.

Do what Tim is doing.


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More Reply to Mark

I had a great deal to do with the fall of the Soviet Empire.


Let’s start with the fact that not on single highly-paid, degreed, awarded and honored Sovietologist had the slightest idea that the Soviet Union was about to go down in 1980. If that remark, which I have repeated, doe not hit home, not much more that I say will make sense to you.

I was in Pat Buchanan’s house when he and other Catholic theologues had returned from a visit to the USSR.

Pat said, “All the Soviets ask of us is that we take them SERIOUSLY.”

I kid you not. Those were his words.

And he was dead right.

But let us put ourselves back into 1980. The Soviet buildup and the Carter cutback had made the USSR the apparently militarily superior superpower.

In fact Pat was a major step ahead of the Sovietologists. He realized that the leaders of the Other Superpower were farid, above all, that others would think of them exactly as they thought of themselves.

Communism was SILLY.

Pat, like all theologues, had a half realization. He saw that anyone who wanted to dialogue with Soviet leaders had to recognize them as a real power, a real thing, not just a faith of western academics that, from the inside, looked ridiculous.

To return to the theme, an equation has TWO sides.

When I heard Pat say that, I felt like I did when, a few years before, Pat insisted that American troops at Normandy INTENTIONALLY died so that Europe would be open to third world immigration.

Every liberal and every official spokesman of The Greatest Generation has asid that repeatedly, but not in such blunt language. As a good theologue Pat recited the catechism perfectly.

But the Church didn’t want it put that bluntly.

Pat, as a good theologue, NEVER comes to logical conclusions. There is no OTHER side to the equation.

A good theologue is capable of saying, “We all deserve death,” by which he means that, because of Original Sin, all humans deserve eternal damnation. But he cannot come to the conclusion that every infant deserves to have hot coals rubbed into its eyes.

So if a theologue says, at the height of Soviet power, that all they ask is to be taken seriously, he is incapable of reaching the conclusion I had long since reached:

They are ridiculous and they know it.

Somewhere in the mass of words that is, I wrote a piece called “What Happened tot he Communist Conspiracy?” The first sentence was, “It went public.”

Robert Welch tried hard in the 1950s to convince people that the ruling establishment in Washington was pro-Soviet. In the 1960s they said so.

Welch’s problem was that he thought of the Communists as a Great Power, a serious group of people who really wanted to rule the world. He never looked at THEIR side of the equation.

The Soviets had all the power. The Soviets had out entire intellctual establishment on their side in a world that was divided between Communism and freedom.

How could the Reds lose?

All this left me totally puzzled. I knew they didn’t exist. They had guns and mines and barbed wire, I saw it. But there was nothing THERE.

Buchanan could say that the Greatest Generation fought to open Europe to the third world, but he could not conclude that they wanted the end of the white race. Which is exactly why what he said gave liberals the shivers.

Buchanan wrote an excelent book called “The Death of the West.” He went into all the statistics that prove that there was a program to rid the earth of whites.

He concluded that the death of the west was a decline of Catholic Church values.

Liberals can trust Pat, though they will never understand him. How can he not see what is obvious to anyone else? Why can he not understand the logical conclusions of what he says?

Because he is trained not to.

Look at the list of approved respectable cosneratives, the one show, thought the establishment denounced them, as allowed to speak for discontent with liberalism.

Buchanan, O’Reilly, Hannity, Chris Matthews, and you can add to the list. Every one of them is a perfect and trained theologue.

Falwell, Swaggert, Bakker, Bob Jones V, to the Northern Irish are added the Southern theologues.

This was titled a “Reply to Mark.”

I have yet to explain how it relates to the price of tea in China.

Mark, do you have any idea?



Reply to Mark

In response to my article “Future Physics,” Mark asks , “What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?”

As a former economics professor and one who has had a lot more than he wanted to with Communist countries, I am equipped to tell you about the price of tea in China.

The price of tea in China is extremely low. It is set at a level which would cause consumers in other countries to salivate.

The problem is that you cannot GET tea at that price. If you stand in line for hours, you may get to the store before the tiny amount of tea runs out.

In other words, one problem is the price of tea. The other side of the equation is whether you can GET any tea at that price.

If you are worried only about the price of tea in China, I assure you that it is very, very low.

That would be wonderful.

If an equation didn’t have TWO sides.



No, Joe, I Did not Insult YOU

The last article ended with “You make me sick.”

And it was a reply to Joe. Joe was trying to lay the blame on the media or the congress.

The critical sentence in the article was, “YOU in the sentences below refers to the electorate. ”

I do not want Joe to be excusing the electorate.

No, Joe, congress is not to blame. The media is not the cause of our troubles.

No one is causing our sweet, strong people to become warped.

Aryans had power and can take power again. But only if they are allowed no excuses.


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Reply to Joe

Joe has a thing about the congress being responsible.

What is the congress? Congress is a bunch of people who get reelected every two years.

There is omething we must get over: a lot of people see that congressmen keep getting reelected. They therefore think the congressman who keeps getting reelected is independent because “He’s got it made.”


YOU in the sentences below refers to the electorate. The congressman gets reelected because he has your formula down pat.

A permanent congressman is someone who could not care less what happened to YOU.


Because an equation has TWO SIDES. You vote for someone who is not too extreme. You vote for someone who gives you the line that convinces you and does not offend the Powers That Be.

A permanent congressman is someone who gives you the line that convinces you and does not offend the Powers That Be.

Everybody but you makes a LIVING at this.

They have got you figured.

The electorate is the ONLY responsible group. Anyone else can blame “the congress” or “the media” or “The Communist Conspiracy.”

I was part of the group that played you like a cheap musical instrument.

I just don’t think my people should allow themselves to be treated like that.

That’s OK for blacks. That’s OK for Orientals. That’s OK for Old Testament freaks and others whose whole lives consist of Obedience.

That is NOT OK for Aryans. That is even less OK for AMERICAN Aryans.

You make me sick.
