Archive for December 1st, 2005

“I Am NOT a Frigging Minority Group”

The two voting blocs that switched from the Democrats to the Republicans and caused the Reagan landslide were Southern whites and Northern Irish.

After the meetings of the “politicals” on Thursday evening, me and an Irishman from Philadelphia would usually have a talk. Neither of us could understand why the Yankee Republicans were so hoplessly bad at politics.

One evening I told him a Catholic joke where the Catholic came out on top.

He said, “Why isit that every Catholic joke I hear, the Catholics come out on top?”

He had me dead to rights. I was being patronizing.

You NEVER tell a joke where a Jew ends up looking silly. You NEVER tell a joke where you make fun of a black. They cancelled Amos ‘n Andy for that.

Jews, blacks and Hispanics are Official Minority Groups and they expect you to know it. Gays are likewise. They used to be univesally ridiculed. Now they must be universally praised.

So what my buddy was saying was, “What do you think we Catholic Irish are, a friggin’ minority group? You think we can’t take it?”

So when I worked in the Chicago steelworker district, I would never have DARED refer to them as “Polish People” the way the sitcoms do. They were Pollacks and proud of it.

That was then. This is now. Everybody now knows the word “patronizing.” But today you better call them “Polish People” and the Catholic better come out on top.

As with so many other things, everybody knows the buzzword, but nobody knows what it means.

Today if you don’t want to be patronizing, you have to patronize.



Wordism Versus Morality

In my old “Partisan Dictionary” which I wrote in the Southern Partisan in the early 1980s, the following definiton appeared,

“Manners, n,

A formalized substitute for courtesy.”

Manners if doing whatever is fashionable and written down. Courtesy is concern for the other person.

By the same token, “ethics” is written down. Honesty, like courtesy, needs no explanation.

I have pointed out that the moment someone said something to me that sounded like they were getting around to “something you would like to have,” I would quote to them the Draconian penalties for bribing a staffer.

This was often unfair. I had honestly misinterpreted where they were leading. But it also gave me a certain reputation as a person who could not be trusted with even a hint of a bribe.

Why, exactly, was I so nasty about such hints of offers?

“well, Bob, it’s because you were raised in the Bible Belt. The Book taught you that ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor’ even if they pay you.”

And that is what really worries me about Wordists. My ancestors were proud to die to a man around the leader they had sworn fealty to long before the Gospel, much less the Old Testament, ever got to them.

I don’t lie, I don’t cheat, I don’t steal, and I honor my word not because some Book told me to be that way, but because I AM that way.

If you want to know about someone, let them talk. When a person justifies honesty by quoting a Book, you had better put your wallet in a safe place.

His Book can change tomorrow. His INTERPRETATION of his Book can change tomorrow.

Honesty is what an honest man takes for granted.

Wordism is for psychopaths.


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“They’re All Crooks!”

I have pointed out that one of the rules of interrogration, hell, one of the rules of living in this world, is that when someone talks, he is telling you all about himself. The specific example I keep giving is that if someone keeps using the words “lie” and “liar,” his word is not to be trusted.

If you do not understand THAT up front, you are going to have some real troubles in life.

When I was on Capitol Hill, there were about twenty thousand people employed there. The group I knew were the people like me, those you could call at 2 am at their desks.

I read a book called “Workaholics.” It made me feel better because it pointed out that while a lot of people think New York is the center of workaholism, actually that center is Washington, DC. So my impression was generally corret.

But in this fallen world nothing is perfect. Washington was also polluted by the presence of sane people.

The point is that I had little contact with sane people. I dealt with the OTHER workaholics. So if you ask me my impressions of Capitol Hill or the Reagan Administration, I will tell you about lights on at 2 am, about peole who were wildly dedicated to what they were doing.

My enemies were the same way. I could reach Chris Matthews at 2 am as well as I could at 10am, often better. In the former case, his secretary wasn’t in the way.

But I began this piece by saying that the first rule of knowing people is that when they talk they tell you all about themselves.

If someone who worked in exactly the same place I did did not talk about workaholics but about bribes and scandal, he would have far more interesting story, and it is probably true.

Such a person ended up in tne middle of group where bribes, scandal, payoffs and other exciting things were the facts of life.

That tells you a lot about the realities of power that he was familiar with.

It also tells you a lot about him.


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Peter Talks Sense

So what is he doing HERE?

Peter says,

“I think you all need to bury the conservative/liberal crap. First, there are very few real conservatives or liberals left. Second, if you all would just listen, you might find that the true believers on either side are starting to sound an awful lot alike. Third, conservatives are all cowards and liberals are all loonies. Dang. ”

Actually, that is exactly what Anonymous said. He likes Bob’s Blog because, on critical matters, we do sound a lot alike.

As Peter says, Anonymous is member of an extinct species, an actual honest-to-God liberal.

My favorite professor was one of those. He sponsored every nutcase group I set up on campus because every other professor was afraid to.

It is true, as I said below, that I am a little stunned by Anonymous saying that conservatives have cajones. But Anonymous is a liberal, and he told me I should also criticize “respectable liberals.”

My reply should have been that I needed HIM to do that. I don’t know them.

In fact, besides professor McConaughy, the liberals I dealt with made me a bit jealous. I did not come into contact with the ones he is referring to. Which was very fortunate for me. Dealing with respectable conservatives without actually vomiting was hard enough.

I did not need a whole new crew of Respectables to deal with. My tummy can only stand up against so much.

An awfully lot went on on Capitol Hill, even in the 1970s and 1980s, which was not a matter of ideology. I dealt with liberals who wanted to get things done, just the same as we did.

So I am used to liberals like Anonymous.

I’m spoiled, and I want to stay that way.

Anonymous identifies himself as a white gentile, and he say he against ALL genocide, including the genocide against US.

Like Professor McConaughy, he is for free speech and will take risks for it.

As far as I am concerned, that is the whole thing.

Other disagreements are trivia.

As I have said before, I am always caught off guard when someone says, “I don’t agree with everythng you say.” It strikes me as bit of an insult.

Did I ever ASK anybody to agree with everything I say?

I honor disagreement on issues.

And correction on facts is vital. When I confidently stated that “the firmament” meant the firm earth, a commenter pointed out politely that I was dead wrong.

It made me look silly, but I’ve looked silly a LOT. I look a lot worse if I am NOT corrected until I say something absurd in public. I want my commenters to do the correcting.

Anonymous, if you think I’m being unfair or personal. let me know.

And Peter, your warnings are essential. I have not lead the kind of life that makes me subtle, and far too often I have abused people who did not deserve it.

So this note to my readers:

The only reason I have something to teach is beause I am anxious to learn. If I say something that hurts you, you owe it to me, not to bear it in silence, but to correct me, either here or at

If you wish, just tell me to obliterate your email address and I will do so.

Even my enemies always admitted that the problem with me was not that I could not be trusted, but that I could trusted far too much to do precisely what I told them I would do.


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I Defend Conservatives Against Anonymous

Never do I defend conservatives at all.

But there is one charge I will not tolerate. Anonymous accused conservatives of one thing I will defend them against to my dying breath.

He said they had cajones.

He said that conservative might commit MURDER for their principles. I thought I made it perfectly clear that conservatives would not get out of line for the Men’s Room for their principles.

Rightists kill. Anti-leftists kill.


Accusing a conservative of murder is like indicting a rabbit for slaughtering a pack of wolves.


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