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Reply to Tim

Posted by Bob on December 5th, 2005 under Comment Responses

In response to my peice on “How Jews React” Tim says:

Maybe the Chinese will come and help them. Aren’t they cozy with China??

The Chinese Jews are a forgotten but interesting sidelight of history. There were a number of Jews in China, but they starved. Everything the Jews were good at the Chinese were BETTER at.

The Chinese are experts at the networking Jews use so effectively against white gentiles, who are individualistic and as hard to herd as cats. All of hte business tricks Jews are good at are old hat to the Chinese.

And the Chinese could do it and live on a few bowls of rice when they had to.

As for the Jewish weapon of getting pity, the Chinese don’t give it. Don’t try to tell an Asian that he doesn’t know what True Suffering is.

Fot Asians, the Holocaust was strictly minor-league stuff.

Jews are very good at taking white gentile breakthroughs — like the original Theory of Relativity — and exanding. Jews have high IQs in the sense that IQ is a test of problem-solving, not creativity.

The Chinese are better. And there are more of them.

  1. #1 by Tim on 12/05/2005 - 3:37 pm

    Sounds like the Jews are overrated and in trouble. I wonder if they realize it? The phrase “whistling past the graveyard” comes to mind. But maybe they will start listening to Kissinger.

    Heaven only knows how dead the great mass media is. I like that. Growing up I saw events every day
    that should have appeared on the news. “No white victims need apply” seemed to be the news I grew up with. I have NO sympathy for the MSM.

    Seems like I read a column every other day by some panicked Mass Media Executive. The fact that
    we are here reading Ole Bob and not their puppets have them all worked up. Good. And who said the world was over? I think the Jews say it best:”It is a good day when evil dies”. Indeed.

    (Bob, I wish your site was Firefox friendly. I use the Firefox for the internet. I hate Microsoft. You should as well. Every since Billy Gates did not open up his MASSIVE scholarship charities to poor white children. As a once poor white kid —-I say screw him. And I mean it.)

  2. #2 by Tim on 12/06/2005 - 12:10 am

    “For Asians, the Holocaust was strictly minor-league stuff.”

    Good point. I recall a Rabbi telling me Hitler was bad but he could have been worse.
    He then told me that Hitler could have been Pol Pot.

    We all know Pol Pot was Asian.

    And he wasn’t much up for train rides.

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