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One more for Anonymous

Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2005 under General

The rest of what Anonymous wrote about my calling nonproliferation colonialism:

“Nonproliferation is a war against nationalism, not against non-whites. If France were to elect a nationalist government there would be a Zionist-funded, Ukraine-style “popular revolution” within weeks, “former white colonial power” notwithstanding.”

“And just imagine what would happen if Germany started making noises about acquiring an independent nuclear deterrent! There would be a geopolitical earthquake.”

The first paragraph makes sense. I will not insult your intelligence by telling you why a Germany that would explode a test A-Bomb would be a special case.

I think you have to much either/or in the first paragraph. You are stating flatly that the fact that countries banned from nukes being non-white has NOTHING to do with it.

As for your general proposition, we are going to have a test of that before too long. With a ovting bloc the size ofthe Arabs and growing, the Zionists are going to face a hardcore anti-Zionist French government within a decade or two.

I doubt seriously whether the Zionists care whether it calls itself nationalist or not.

  1. #1 by Peter on 12/06/2005 - 9:09 pm

    “You are stating flatly that the fact that countries banned from nukes being non-white has NOTHING to do with it.”

    Aren’t you and Lib-Anon both right? First, Jews control all white countries, which already the bomb before Jewish world control solidified. The non-proliferation literature and propaganda I’ve scanned talks about the unreliability of new states that might get it. All the white countries are tightly controlled, but not all the Third World is. There has been little interest in them because they have so little to steal. Their primary role in the world has been to provide a lumpen Proletariat untermenschlich genocide invasion force to whitedom. But with the magic death ray, they would become interesting to the Jewish world wide mob.

    Bob’s pilot theory adds an extra twist. Darky politics is unpredictable. And as anyone knows, a darky with his finger on the trigger of a really big gun is really unpredictable.

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