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The New Colonialism is Called Nonproliferation

Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2005 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work

I remember when the political left wanted every non-white country to have all the rights and sovereignty every white country had. It was a major rallying cry.

Now Iran might bomb Israel. Suddenly these “irresponsible countries,” all of them them brown or Oriental, must be kept from getting their hands on nuclear weapons.

No one worries about Britain having nukes. France is welcome to them. Israel is more than welcome to them.

In fact I cannot think of one single white former colonial power that would cause a world panic if they had had nukes for years.

Including Denmark and Belgium.

Now let’s take a look at the country this “stopping nuclear proliferation” is aimed at.

Let’s see.

There’s North Korea, China, Iran, and the general phrase “any petty little tyrant or third-world terrorist.”

Surely they mean, say, the Prime Minister of Sweden?

What do all of these “terrorists and tyrants” have in common?

Come now, we have all been trained, at considerable public expense, in our established religion of Political Correctness.

If someone says that only whites should have something and non-whites can’t be trusted with it, what is he?

He’s anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews, of course.

Except when it comes to “nuclear proliferation.”

If you hire half as many non-whites as whites, that’s discrimination.

But when you just can’t think of any non-white countries that should be allowed to have nuclear weapons, what’s that?

Now I am against nuclear peroliferation, but that is because I have always said that dark-skinned countries cannot be trusted with power the way white countries can.

But I am as used to being called a racist, a bigot, a reactionary, and anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews as Dr. Duke is to being referred to as “Former Klansman David Duke.”

He says he’s beginning to think that’s his full name.

But nonproliferation is the battle-cry of everybody who calls me anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

You knowwho I’m talknig about: The ones who used to say that non-whites should have all the power and sovereignty whites do. The ones who attacked anyone who said they weren’t ready to assume that responsibility.

Especially the Zionists.

So all the countries World Opinion called imperialists have a right to nukes, but their former colonies do not.

But THAT’S not colonialism, is it?

  1. #1 by Anonymous on 12/06/2005 - 5:41 pm

    Is the agenda to get rid of white people, or is it to make sure that only white people have the Bomb? It can’t be both, Bob.

    Nonproliferation is a war against nationalism, not against non-whites. If France were to elect a nationalist government there would be a Zionist-funded, Ukraine-style “popular revolution” within weeks, “former white colonial power” notwithstanding.

    And just imagine what would happen if Germany started making noises about acquiring an independent nuclear deterrent! There would be a geopolitical earthquake.

  2. #2 by Bruce on 12/07/2005 - 10:04 pm

    Why does the political correctness crowd want soveriegnty for nonwhite nations, yet trust only whites with the bomb? Perhaps it’s because only white countries have fully bought into the religion of political correctness thus far.

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