Archive for December 20th, 2005

A Day Off

I never discourage comments. If you feel like it, say whatever you want to.

But what I have hit you with here, and my plea for help in our seminar, puts a considerable burden on you.

When Peter hit me with his point that started all this, I took several days off from replying to him.

Finding something to add to a seminar is a lot harder than talking about the latest Bush lie or the Korean War .. sorry, I mean the Iraqi War.

So I will happily suffer time facing Comments (0) if you will spend the meantime thinking about our seminar the way I thought about replying to Peter.

We have the message. We need to spread it.

And somebody bcsides Bob has discovered the deep secret of all this, which is hidden in plain sight.




Antonio says,

“Bob, My experience leads me to wonder if there is something congenitally wrong with our people and the only remedy is to tear power from their grasp.”

“A few years ago I lived in a loft with five roomates. There we were, five white kids living in Spanish harlem behind an iron fence and barred windows. One of my roomates was a New England Anglo Saxon who’s ancestor fought in the Revolutionary war. He made a good income and devoted his free time to teaching illeagal hispanic imigrants to read and write. To his amazement most of his students were illiterate in Spanish as well. Some couldn’t read the floor numbers in an elevator. He felt just terrible for them.”

“One day he was out walking in the Barrio with our pretty blond female roomate and some Latino Youths began yelling threats and insults at them. They kept walking. The girl said “Those lousey _____ want to kill us!” The guy replied, “No they want to kill me. You they just want to beat and gang-rape.” And he wasn’t joking. But he kept volunteering his free time to help educate the “newcomers” and give back to the community, not caring that the community hated him for being white. And he wasn’t alone. Another friend of mine teaches swimming and martial arts at the community center in the same neighborhood.”

“What do you do with people who are impervious to argument because they’re locked into a death spiral like some suicide cult member?”

Comment by Antonio Fini — 12/

Antonio, every soldier who has ever held a dying comrade in his arms has knows that, back home, tens of thousands of people were using the war for profit.

There are no exceptions to this.

In every single case that soldier has had two options. 1) He could encourage his fellow fighters to keep up the fight or he cold 2) obsess on the profiteers and tell them they should get out of way and let the enemy have theirmiserable homeland taht was full of traitos and opportunists.

Your mistake is that thinking that the guy you are talking is any different from the war profiteers because he is not making money off of his treason. There is NO difference.

There will always be us and the traitors. We must decide whether we will follow reaction 1) or reaction 2).

As for taking power AWAY from people, I have just engaged in a long explanation of why it is that no one HAS power.

We are steppting into a vacuum that I have very, very carefully explained.

If you think there is something congenitally wrong with us, you may not believe that the Jews in Nazi Gemany and the Russians under Stalin reacted even WORSE than we are reacting.

The South African Boere are truly pathetic.

Please stop hitting on Reaction 2) and get in the battle with me.

This is a critical moment. I need a seminar, not a bitching session.

I have met you, Antonio, and I need you desperately to jump in here right here and right now.

For every ten thousands bitchers there is one person who can actually THINK.

You are the one in ten thousand. Knowing that is the only reward you will get.

But as you approach my age, you will learn that all the praise in the world means very little compared to the approval of what you have done by the one person in the world whose approval means everything to you.



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If you have read the pieces below, you will understand that what we are after is not making a living at politics. What we are after is not entertainment.

Lastly, since our whole aim is to make our arguments so common that no one knows where they came from, we are certainly not after fame.

What we want is the most fundamental human motivation of all:


They can have the money. They can have the excitement. They can have the fame.

All we ask is one small favor:

We want the world to be the way WE want the world to be.

What has always astonished me is that nobody has ever objected to my having that one drive.

Which is, to put it bluntly, to rule the world.

They want fame, they want money, they want excitement.

Wouldn’t it be hilarious is we ended up being the only real conspiracy on earth?


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After the Plague

Before I continue, let me state my gratitude that my plea that you not abandon me to Comments (0) has already been answered by two comments.

In our last exciting chapter, I explained:

1) Why my first book in my own name was such a success;

2) Why I got no credit for it; and

3) Why writing the book taught me WHY I would get no credit for it.

As usual, the epiphany that came to me was so obvious that I was astonished it hadn’t gotten to me before:

We live in a world of human beings. Human beings are motivated by some pretty obvious things. If a philosopher wants to be really popular, he maages to obscure this obvious point in a thousand pages of abstractions.

So now we come to why I am so astonished that we have gone from a lecture to a seminar here.

If you spend all your time in politics, you have to make a LIVING at it. If you have to make a living at it, you don’t do what I did, spend two eyars writing a book that will make you hated by everybody who could give you a job.

So if you have to make a living at it, how do you do it?

Let’s take one example: fundraising. If you run an organization you have to send out regular appeals for cash.

Try to imagine sending out a fundraiser that says:

“Bob Whitaker wants to spend the next two years writing a book that will cause a political revolution a few years from now.”


While I was writing my book those who were making a living in this game were sending out weekly fundraising appeals about the meat shortage, how Gerald Ford had lied about something, about why, if we didn’t win a fight over a big bill in congress, we were forever lost, so pour in money RIGHT NOW.

In fact, just as you would wonder if you read Plague what all the fuss was about, you would not erecognize one single subject that fund-raising letters in 1975 said were the crucial issues of all time.

Today, if you want to make living, you talk about the Mexicans pouring across the border. You talk about Iraq. You DO NOT talk about the fact that we have more enemies of everythng we care about coming out of the universities than we have coming across our open borders.

Intellectually I did what I did ALONE.

But a lot of people helped me because they understood that what I was doing was so EFFECTIVE. I dedicated both of my first two books inmy name to my former wife, the second AFTER we were divorced.

Other people came to my aid. We were running press conferences nation on joint marches by working class people who were fighting the educational establishment about dirty textbooks and busing, when my press man was riding with the Independent Truckers blocking DC traffic at ruch hour, and other things.

I had a full time job on Capitol Hill to pay for my expenses in doing all this.

When the few people who were doing all this came together, I would regularly say, “So what we have concluded what Bob will write.”

What we were doing was shaking the earth, but everybody thought only I had the secret formula.

They could never understand that the secret was in THEM. They were furious loyal people who never questioned the fact that they wanted the make the world right.

Well, hell, that’s what every fund-raising letter tells everybody.

I said that there is a motivation for those who want to make a living at politics. There is also a motivation for those who give the money.

It’s called entertainment.

When you get a fundraising appeal, you want to be entertained. Entertainment is not hearing again and again that Ole Bob is writing a book that will have a big effect in the future. Entertainment is having something shocking to say about Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter or President Bush or Laos or Vietnam or Iraq.

When we had something exciting to offer, like thousands of working people paying their own way to come to Washington for a joint march against busing and textbooks, the people who wanted in on it were in the thousands.

But when the excitement ended, there were only three or four of us gathered in a room planning the next step. Everybody else was concentrating on how to become spokesmen for the last excitement.

I got a laugh out of the fact that the Communist World, which couldn’t galvanize working people the way we could, declared that my little group of several people which didn’t even have a bank account were a highly financed group a bunch of capitalists were bankrolling.

The others in my group got a laugh out of it, too, but theirs was a little sadder. They still had the idea that we should have the financing that the smallest group devoted to passage of Senate Bill 29207, whateverthehellitwas, had.

It never occurred to me that we would.

I knew what we were doing. They only knew that it WORKED.

They proceeded on faith, I proceeded on knowledge.

They are likely to get to heaven before I do.

The bottom line is that I am not used to having anyone else understand what I am doing.

But I am HOPING this will be like A Plague on Both Your Houses. In a few years everybody will be puzzled by how hard I was trying to push the obvious.

It’s happened before. It can happen again.

Today the very Wallace Democrats that I personally taught the right how to deal with are now referred to respectfully as the Reagan Democrats. Just one of my achievements was that the press now recognizes those once despised “Wallace Democrats” as the key to electoral victory.

But the next change we need is more fundamental. And we need more than one “Bob will write…”

Bob can’t do this one by himself.

Bob’s Mantra:

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours in EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries.

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I want the final solution to the BLACK problem.

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I say that, I’m a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.



Maturity is Understanding

The first part of explaining where this transformation from a lecture to a seminar is for me to explain my attitude towards how we got here.

As I have said, the real money in writing is in ghosting. I have ghost-written everything, from books to articles to off-hand quips to short replies to news releases to endless numbers of speeches.

The most cathartic experience of my life was when I sat down in 1975 and wrote my OWN book. It made me no money, and I wrote put it under my name because no one else could take responsibility for it. The reason for this is in the title:

A Plague on Both Your Houses.

If you look at Plague today you will wonder what all the excitement was about.

Which is precisely why it was, to my mind, such a success. National Review had a review of Plgue called Read This One! by one of its senior editors. Its publisher did the Foreword.

But Plague was such a vicious attack on conservatives that the publisher of NR had to exempt himself in the Foreword from my acidic comments on William Buckely, founder and owner of NR.

Right after NR’s publisher wrote the Foreword and a senior editor demanded that NR readers “Read This One!” National Review had a cover article attacking me and the book called “To the Nashville Station,” an illusion to Lenin’s arrival at the Finland Stattion when he came back to Russia in 1917. The idea was that I was leaing conservatives into a working-class revolution.

And that was just the confusion on the right.

Leftist reviews poured out, saying that while the book claimed it was damning both liberals and Democrats and the Republicans and the establishment right, it was really only aimed at the left.

Noneof them mentioned National Review’s front-page attack on me. None of them mentioned the number of conservative congressmen who would walk up to me at a cocktail party and then ostentatiously turn their backs.

More than one historian has pointed out that Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense was as necessary to American independence as Washington and Bejamin Franklin were.

Plague was as influential in making the Reagan Revolution as Paine was in making the one two centuries before.

And the reson Plague was so successful was precisely because if you read it today, you would wonder what all the excitement was about.

That is because everybody now takes for granted what I was considered such a heretic for writing.

It drove my loyal wife up the wall to see writers stealing whole blocks of my ideas without any acknowledgement. I was proud of it.

A major part of the reason I was so tolerant was because the book was, as I say, cathartic. What I did was spend two years writing and rewriting a book that simply explained why human beings act the way they do.

As I wrote it, I learned from it. I began the book by thinking of condemning PEOPLE. I ended up condemning the HOUSES conservatievs and liberals had built, and how they had come to build them in usch an awful way.

So it came to me as no surprise that people who made a living writing and commenting would us what I wrote and never mention my awful name. Most of them picked what I had to say third-hand, and had no idea I had come up with it.

By the time I finished, I was mad at hardly anybody. In the end, my reaction was to laugh at people was being so shallow and unquesioning.

That is why the book was so successful that its success wasn’t even noticed.

And that is also why I was the least popular person on Capitol Hill. People can take a diatribe. But when a professional exposes them naked to the world the way I did, they never forgive.

Explaining this to my loyal German wife, who wanted me to have the credit I deserved, was not possible. Even now, long after our divorce, she is still angry about it.

A couple of years ago I received an e-mail from her with another of my filched ideas in it.

But as you become older, you can either become bitter or you can achieve understanding. And if you are becoming a bitter old man, I would highly recommend that you try skydiving without a parachute.

This long enough for one piece. I hope what I write above will explain how it fits into the general picture I am trying to draw.


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