Archive for January 14th, 2006

The Real America Contains no Americans

A couple of years after I started talking and writing about Wordism National Review started talking about The Propositional State.

National Review asked the question, “Is the United States, unlike other countries, not a people but a set of ideas?”

In other words, is America a Wordist country?

Naturally they never used the term “Wordist.” That would trace it right back to me.

This is what a “propositional state” means:

Other countries like France or Germany are made up of Germans and Frenchmen. In America people like me, whose families have been here for four centuries, are incidental. We are permitted to live here so long as we subscibe to whatever principles are currently the definition of “America.”

No Americans before the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation would have stood for an insult like that.

According to the people who wrote the Constitution, America was “We the people of the United States … and OUR posterity.”

According to National Review, nothing could more unAmerican than the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

In fact, to say that America consist of “We the people … and OUR posterity” is the very essence of treason to our Propositional State.



Bringing Shari Up to Date

In response to my “Rice for President” and the whole business of the first black president, Shari writes,

“This, the first this or the first that. is really losing any shine fast. How about the first kindergartner for president? He or she would be so cute. ”

My reply was,

“Shari, dear, Gerald Ford has already BEEN president.”



November 22, 1963

When Kennedy was murdered, Earl Warren, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and later head of the Warren Commission, immediately said, “Some right wing extremist did this!”

I am open to correction, but I believe that no statement has ever fallen so far down into the national Memory Hole than this one.

I would remember it in any case, but remember that I had a special reason to. I was 22 years old and I had already had an adverse file with the FBI for seven years. Before Oswald was arrested, anyone in my position would assume he was going to be questioned a lot and the Feds would be trying to link all of us to a conspiracy.

The left had been shouting about how evil us right wing extremists were, we Warren had, and they were in their glory at that moment. The left was desperately disappointed when Lee Harvey Oswald, a hard leftist, was arrested.

They have not gotten over that bitter disappointment to this day. They are STILL trying to prove that the Warren Commission covered up for a conspiracy of right wingers who happened to plan their assasination for the very day Oswald was supposed to have shot Kennedy.

I THINK I remember something else everybody else has forgotten.

About 1961 there was news item that said that the president had signed a paper which allowed an American who had given up his citizenship and moved to the Soviet Union to return tot he United States.

For an American who was not under charges of spying to go to the USSR and give up his citizenship was unique, so this was a newsw item.

The man was Lee Harvey Oswald. The president who let him return was John F. Kennedy.

If I remember correctly, this was a major irony of history, but it has gone down the media hole because it makes Oswald look like a leftist.

So I said inthe article below that if a black Republican presidential nominee were killed, it would be a black or a Hispanic who did it, n ot a right-wing extremist.

This is not exactly a wild guess.


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Rice for President?

Congoleza, to no one’s surprise, is being touted for president by Republicans.

Let me make you a few predictions about that.

Republicans will go absolutely into their glory at the idea of a black Republicans candidate, the way they always do.

As I keep saying (article below), there is nobody as deliriously happy as a respectable cosnervative who is outliberaling liberals. I have seen drug addicts after a huge fix who were not as high as Republicans were when they were talking about Powell for president.

Congoleza will play with them, but she, like Powell, has the persepective her dark skin gives her. She has not spent her entire political and academic life trying to prove to everybody else, and especially herself, that she is not a racist the way respectable conservatives have.

Powell said his wife convinced him of what he himself realized: if he were elected, he would have a better than fifty percent chance of being assasinated.

Not by a racist white. By a black or a Hispanic who believed he was a traitor, which is what their owners would tell them.
