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The Real America Contains no Americans

Posted by Bob on January 14th, 2006 under History, Musings about Life

A couple of years after I started talking and writing about Wordism National Review started talking about The Propositional State.

National Review asked the question, “Is the United States, unlike other countries, not a people but a set of ideas?”

In other words, is America a Wordist country?

Naturally they never used the term “Wordist.” That would trace it right back to me.

This is what a “propositional state” means:

Other countries like France or Germany are made up of Germans and Frenchmen. In America people like me, whose families have been here for four centuries, are incidental. We are permitted to live here so long as we subscibe to whatever principles are currently the definition of “America.”

No Americans before the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation would have stood for an insult like that.

According to the people who wrote the Constitution, America was “We the people of the United States … and OUR posterity.”

According to National Review, nothing could more unAmerican than the Preamble to the United States Constitution.

In fact, to say that America consist of “We the people … and OUR posterity” is the very essence of treason to our Propositional State.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 01/14/2006 - 8:48 pm

    May national review and all it stands for be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Plus tax and carrying charges. In spades.

  2. #2 by Derek on 01/14/2006 - 11:12 pm

    Two Comments: In the college I currently attend one of the Western Civ coursebooks is called “The Unfinished Nation”. I think that it implies that we will only be complete when we are a hegemonous nation that hails diversity above all else.

    The other comment: I am studying economics this semseter. My book talks a lot about how economists use models and don’t get bogged down with extraneous details that are irrelavent to the problem at large. I think this is refelcted in your writing.

  3. #3 by Peter on 01/17/2006 - 12:30 am

    Thus the truest Americans are they who are not Americans at all.

    America is now but a pink slip and Americans a cheap brand name.

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