Archive for January 20th, 2006

My Humility Can Beat the Hell Out of YOUR Humility!

In The Screwtape Letters, the Senior Demon Screwtape advises his novice Tempter nephew, Screwtape, that he can damn people by making them PROUD of their humility.

Since the beginning of Christianity, people have tried to prove they are more Christian than Christ by Suffering. And, indeed a lot of them did suffer more than Christ did.

I keep saying that the fatal error is not being silly. It is believing that your silliness is the opposite of silliness:

1) Nobody is more destructively dumb than the dumb man who thinkgs he is smart;

2) No one is more disastrous than the professor who thinks that HIS bigotry is the opposite of real bigotry;

3) And so forth.

After the Age of Martyrs, when Christianity was the established religion, a lot of ascetics tried, as one historian put it, “To take Heaven by storm.” They tortured themselves for decades.

In trying to suffer more than Christ, they forgot a simple point:

You are NOT Christ.

The sufferings of the Son of God are not in the same category with self-torture.

No, I don’t think they are damned for their mistake. A lot of self-righteous people hand out damnation as a matter of course. If Christ could forgive his tormenters from the cross, I think he got certain amount of ironic humor out of the human attempt to mimic him.

The man who could call Peter a rock had a sense of irony.

Jesus told us not fear the Judgement.

As long as you do not think that your bigotry is righteousness, there is nothing to worry about.



The Infallible Bob Fallibates

I just gave Joe hell for saying “I could be wrong.”

Then I wrote a piece, replying to Joe, about how it I feel things deeply.

Joe kept writing “I could be wrong” because he was making personal observations about me and he was being very careful to make it clear that he was not criticizing me personally, he could be wrong.

Joe is sensitive. So I attacked his sensitivity.

The same sensitiviy I just claimed a right to.

When I say I am wrong a lot, you have to admit I practice what I preach.

Once again, all this is simple but not easy. I deeply believe that you should STOP apologizing.

But on the other hand I just said that I understand sensitivity. This simple stuff gets complicated fast.

Joe, put it another way besides apology.

This is the problem with not being a Wordist. A Wordist can cut out his frontal lobe and stick a book in there. Sometimes I wish I had the Book of Whitaker to stick in there.

Everything in science starts simple. I remember being a Discussant at an economics convention and standing in front of a blackboard full of calculus equations and making corrections.

But all that calculus was based on the words, “supply and demand,” what goes by the not-so-simple-sounding name of Microeconomics.

The whole basis of Western Science, expresed in Occam’s Razor, is simple enough:

“Cut your assumptions to the bone.”

So you get simple basic like the Laws of Thermodynamics.

So you get engineering professors standing in front of blackboards full of equations more complicated than anyone before Occam’s Razor could have imagined.

The world gets very, very complicated when you see the simple truth.



Whew! Now That I’ve Vented, On to Joe’s Points

In my piece below, I raised hell about how commenters keep apologizing and how I’m sick of it.

Let me repeat Jow’s comment on “Mark” below, and see if you don’t agree he has nothing to apologize about:

I think you are a person who requires patience and understanding and tolerance from the people you are dealing with. I could be wrong but I suspect that you have had many personal battles in your lifetime. One of the reasons for this would be that you take a stand on various issues. You stand up. You poke your head over the top of the trenchline. Of course, people are going to take a shot at it. People who stand up, especially on issues that the overwhelming majority of people in our country would not even whisper about, can expect a fist in the face now and then. I imagine yours has been pretty well battered. Of course, I could be wrong. It’s just a feeling I have. Look what they did to Christ! He told people the truth and they nailed him to a cross! Humanity. Don’t ya just love ‘em?

With regard to your most recent horsewhipping, perhaps there was a misunderstanding on the part of your cane-wielder. On the other hand, the person may have felt thoroughly justified in tapdancing on your chest. By now I would think you would be used to it. I suspect that you have seen the backs of many heads moving away from you. They don’t understand you, Bob. Furthermore, they don’t want to understand you. It’s too much like work.

I don’t think you’re thick-skinned, Bob. I think you’re very sensitive to criticism. You don’t like reproach.

What’s not good is people moving in the same direction and fighting with each other at the same time. I’ve seen a lot of this over the years. People claiming to want a certain goal and fistfighting with each other at the same time. Bodies lying all over like pieces of shrapnel and people wondering why the goal hasn’t been achieved.

That people can and will turn on you is something you can expect. I have a story for you about that but I won’t include it here. I can just tell you that when that happened to me I dealt with it immediately. I terminated the relationship. But he threw the first punch. I threw the last one.

Comment by joe rorke —


Yes, Joe, Mark’s explosion did hurt me.

No, I am NOT used to it. I deal with it.

Being a male, Old Bob hides the fact that he is hurt. And it is true I have grown an elephant skin over my personal sensitivity.

If I were half as tough as I pretend to be I wouldn’t need the elephant skin.

I venture to say that I am not the only male here who does this all the time. Our tendency to act as if we are untouched by unfair assaults is, as I said below, a result hundreds of millions of years of gene selection.

To repeat:

“The female does not choose the male who panics on the strutting ground.”

No comment I make is justified if it only applies to me. If what I just said doesn’t strike a chord with you, I miss my guess.

There are plenty of blogs, and a blog by an insenstitive person is not worth your time to read. So in order to justify your chossing this one, I have to 1) be able to dish it out and take, but 2) take your criticisms seriously.

A real Macho Man would not be able to do step 2)

So what you say gets us back to a point I keep making, the sort of point you read Bob’s Blog to hear:

What I do is simple, dish it out and take but never to be invulnerable to criticism.

Simple enough.

But, God knows, it is not EASY.

Simple but not easy.

Feel it but take the heat.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Simple truths are never easy.


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In reply to my comment response called “Mark” below, Joe writes:

I think you are a person who requires patience and understanding and tolerance from the people you are dealing with. I could be wrong but I suspect that you have had many personal battles in your lifetime. One of the reasons for this would be that you take a stand on various issues. You stand up. You poke your head over the top of the trenchline. Of course, people are going to take a shot at it. People who stand up, especially on issues that the overwhelming majority of people in our country would not even whisper about, can expect a fist in the face now and then. I imagine yours has been pretty well battered. Of course, I could be wrong. It’s just a feeling I have. Look what they did to Christ! He told people the truth and they nailed him to a cross! Humanity. Don’t ya just love ‘em?

With regard to your most recent horsewhipping, perhaps there was a misunderstanding on the part of your cane-wielder. On the other hand, the person may have felt thoroughly justified in tapdancing on your chest. By now I would think you would be used to it. I suspect that you have seen the backs of many heads moving away from you. They don’t understand you, Bob. Furthermore, they don’t want to understand you. It’s too much like work.

I don’t think you’re thick-skinned, Bob. I think you’re very sensitive to criticism. You don’t like reproach.

What’s not good is people moving in the same direction and fighting with each other at the same time. I’ve seen a lot of this over the years. People claiming to want a certain goal and fistfighting with each other at the same time. Bodies lying all over like pieces of shrapnel and people wondering why the goal hasn’t been achieved.

That people can and will turn on you is something you can expect. I have a story for you about that but I won’t include it here. I can just tell you that when that happened to me I dealt with it immediately. I terminated the relationship. But he threw the first punch. I threw the last one.

Comment by joe rorke —


Joe, I once worked for a German who dectated letters routinely in French, English and Italian.

At a convention, he did what is hardest, he trasnlated between two foreign languages, French and English. I cannot do that in the languages I am acquianted with.

Frenchmen would sometimes correct his French, which is normally a pain in the keester. But they would tell HIM:

“Your French is so perfect that when you make an error, it stands out.”

This was NOT diplomacy. One of hte many reasons people love the French so much is how nasty they are when you make a mistake in their little language.

So this was the highest compliment they could give.

I have a similar problem with your comment. It is all good, solid, sympathetic man-to-man advice, the sort of thing I expect from you.

But you keep throwing in “I could be mistaken…” and that hits me the way my German friend’s grammatical errors hit the Frenchman.

I am SO sick of apologies for sincere and well-thought-out opinions!

All this time reading Bob’s Blog and you have to keep saying, repeatedly, “I could be wrong….”

No joke!

I just wrote a piece about how the disease of our world is people who think THEIR provincialism is not provincialism, THEIR cowardice is not cowardice, and so forth.

In plain English, most of the world’s horrors can be traced to people who cannot believe they can be just plain WRONG.

When you keep saying “I could be wrong” there is the slightest hint in there that I could be inflicted with the same disease.

Dammit, readers, STOP APOLOGIZING!

This is a very important matter to me.

Joe, don’t you DARE apologize for doing this!

ALL my commenters do it sometimes and you gave me the chance to raise hell about it that I needed.

I will deal with your excellent analysis in a separate piece above.


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Tougher Than the Greatest

Everything I write ends up relating to something else I write.

The piece below probably strikes my readers as gushy, but there was something I wanted to say there, and it wasn’t just about women.

Of all things, it relates to the bane of my life, the World War II Generation.

The Greatest Generation fought a War.

Now the problem with the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation is not that they have an inflated opinion of themselves. That a normal fault in human beings.

The problem with what I call the Weakest Generation relates directly to something else I keep writing about:

1) As Oliver Hardy said, “There is nothing as DUMB as a dumb mad who thinks he’s smart.”

2) I have repeatedly said that the disaster with professors is not that they are bigoted and oppressive, but that they believe sincerely that they are the only truly objective and unprejudice profession on earth.

Nobody is as provincial as the Southener who is trying desperately to be sophisticated.

3) The most sadistic Inquisitors were the ones who did not do it for gain, but believed they were doing it all for Christ.

4) The disaster with professors comes from their absolutely unshakable belief that their bigotry is the opposite of bigotry.

And so forth.

Being silly is one thing. But when someone simply cannot be convinced that he is anything but Righteousness Incarnate in the area in which he is being silly, he has given himself a license to kill.

The Weakest Generation went from being silly to destroying everything I care about simply because no one ever brought them up short.

The Weakest Generation was told, over and over, that they had shown all the courage they ever needed to show by fighting the War. When tyrants came along and told them to let their daughters dance with blacks or screaming Jews occupied the university campuses in the 1960s, real Americans would have, “We won’t STAND for this!”

What did The Weakest Generation say? I know it by heart. I heard it every time there was a moral crisis and the Weakest Generation broke and ran:

“Well, you young people have to fight your own battles. Look at me! I FOUGHT IN WORLD WAR II and you didn’t!”

They had fought their battle, they had proved their courage. It was up to everybody else to fight the moral war that has been the history of the last sixty years.

Sixty years of breaking and running because they fought a war!

So when I praise the routine couage and self-sacrifice of women, I am focusing on the 99.99% of the human race which was NOT part of the Weakest Generation.

The wren who pretends to have a broken wing to get the fox away from her chicks would have gotten at least a silver star in World War II.

Let me give you another one of THOUSANDS of examples. At the end of World War I the entire Western world suffered from a flu pandemic. Millions died, probably more than died in the War, all in one year.

Thank God that flu did not occur at the end of World War II! The Weakest Generation would have said, “I just got back from fighting a WAR. I’m not going to risk my life at the bedside of somebody with flu. YOU show your courage for a change.”

Nobody had any idea where this sudden murderous epidemic had come from, and this was long after the Middle Ages when deadly pandemics were not so rare.

This was new and it was terrifying.

And one of the thousands of untold stories of heroism in history is about the men, and more WOMEN, who were right there ministering to people they knew could kill them.

I was raised with that generation, too.

And I never heard ONE of them brag about it.

Practically nobody has even HEARD of it.

Of twelve million American men in uniform in WORLD WAR II, about one in three ever HEARD a hostile shot fired. The number of people in a smaller America who risked their lives in the flu pandemic was a lot more than four million.

As I say, this is one of THOUSANDS of examples in history.

The fatal disease of the Weakest Generation was that thought they were uniquely courageous so they never showed courage again.

The real curse of mankind is dumb people who think they are smart, hopeless provincials who think they are being sophisticated when they follow a cut-out pattern that Harvard or New York tells them will make them sophisticated, professors who INCURABLY think their bigotry is the only true tolerance.

And the moral cowards who truly believe they are Courage Incarnate.


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