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Posted by Bob on January 30th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Damn! I’m so glad Mark is back!

Yes, Joe, I’m dependent as hell.

Mark says:

“I saw Omega Man a long time ago and was appalled at it as well. ”

“I’ve noticed it’s easier for hollywood to sell a movie with a white male/black female love interest rather than a white female/black male angle. While I’m personally against any black and white mixing, I sometimes think the white male/black female pitch is easier to sell because of the fact that more white males are against mixing white females with negroes than white females are of mixing with negroes. Also, it may have something to do with how back in the days of United States slavery, an occasional slave master would take a black female slave for amorous pleasure. Didn’t Jefferson Davis have a black female love interest at one time?”

Comment by Mark


Another Whitakerism, which means noticing what is so obvious we don’t look at it:

We are all aware that the same father who will get violent if his daughter is seduced by some young guy will be perfectly relaxed when his son “sows some wild oats.”

If this leaves you in a state of incomprehension you need read no further.

Our women are our destiny.

When a white man puts some genes into the black gene pool, it is regrettable. But it is NOT the moral equivalent of white woman bearing a mulatto child.

Everybody knows that. Everybody claims they do NOT know that.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 01/30/2006 - 10:14 pm

    “Our women are our destiny.” Now that’s a powerful statement. I hope everyone is paying very close attention to that statement. Does it sound like a truthful statement to you? It does to me. “Our women are our destiny.” It should be a motto. It should be carved in granite. What could possibly be more true than that statement?

  2. #2 by Shari on 01/31/2006 - 3:47 pm

    If that was a widely held sentiment it would strenghen the hearts of men and put back loyalty in the hearts of women. Somehow the poison has to be removed from our minds.

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