Archive for January 31st, 2006

My Name is Bob Whitaker

This is an obvious statement, but I want you to look at it as a Whitakerism.

My IDEAS are invaluable, but too often people look at my concepts, which it took me a lifetime of hard experience and honest mental WORK to come up with, and then they start to expect great things out of a person named Bob Whitaker.

One of the reasons I lost my wonderful team was because they discovered I am not the paragon of virtue they had conjured up in their minds. The biggest reason was exhaustion. I have dealt with this sort of thing before, but I just wasn’t up to dealing with it again.

It was just as well. I desperately needed the rest, and my team could never really realize how exhausted I was.

A Whitakerism: Bob’s IDEAS are invaluable. Bob is just Bob.

Joe gives me some good personal criticism from time to time. After all, Bob’s ideas are going nowhere if Bob himself just lets himself go.

But Joe also gets the spirit of the thing. He found a Whitakerism he really likes, and singled THAT out:

“Our women are our destiny.” Now that’s a powerful statement. I hope everyone is paying very close attention to that statement. Does it sound like a truthful statement to you? It does to me. “Our women are our destiny.” It should be a motto. It should be carved in granite. What could possibly be more true than that statement?

Comment by joe rorke

Bob hands you weapons. You need to grab theones you can use and batter the enemy over the head with them.

Look at the weapons and don’t get too obsessed with Bob.
