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I Do not Dishonor the Greatest Generation

Posted by Bob on April 11th, 2006 under History

Look at what I just wrote Derek.

Derek is getting what the Greatest Generation gave young white gentiles.

It upsets me when people asy i do not give the Greatest Generation the honor they are due.

Let’s get this straight.

They had no honor. Walter Cronkite and his predecessor Edward R. Murrow were spokesmen for them. You can’t dishonor someone who grovels to evil and is self-righteous about it.

I don’t just dishonor them. They had no honor.

I despise them. I would call them dung if it did not disparage the dung. Dung stinks, but dung betrays nobody.

Let me talk about the Tenth Circle.

  1. #1 by kanefromsf on 04/11/2006 - 8:01 pm

    I think that most people I know who lived then have leftist viewpoints, and it annoys me. But I’ll I at least can say I keep it in perspective (not saying you do or don’t). Hitler and Stalin were much less honerable than even the worst of the greatest generation in America. You’ll never hear me say things like “if only Hitler had won, things would be better” because I would consider that to be bs.

  2. #2 by Elizabeth on 04/12/2006 - 1:49 pm

    My parents were born in the mid1930s, but I went to school with lots of kids
    whose parents had been in World War II. My parents were always some of the
    most politically conservative in any school in which I was enrolled. I was
    always the most politically conservative kid in class.

    I don’t remember when I realized this was generational.

    I do know that I finally realized that just about everyone my age and older
    with whom I was in school before 1980 — I’ve been back a few times —
    is and was more politically and socially liberal than I.

    The unfortunate part of having parents born in the mid-1930s is that
    they fit the “Baby Boomer” profile and I fit the one for “Generation X” —
    except when it comes to years of birth.

  3. #3 by Peter on 04/12/2006 - 11:04 pm

    Weren’t the conditions in Korea far worse than those at Valley Forge? Nobody talks about Korea.

    Maybe you are saying that Korean War Vets are just idiots for fighting a war that had no goal? They are the same generation as WWII vets. Maybe you never thought about Korea.

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