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Posted by Bob on June 10th, 2006 under Comment Responses

Budarick says:

The two of you sure would make a great team.

Hang on a minute, what the hell am i saying here?

“Would make?”

You two ARE already a great team.

We are all part of a bigger whole and we find our niche.

What matters is seing the cause as a whole and how each of us fits in there.

I remember all those Nazis in their nice new uniforms in the late 1930’s, looking real good, AND they had a GREAT legitimate cause. They had everything we dream off! They even had a well defined adversary! You can have no idea what a GREAT cause they had! But they were concerned with wanting to be on the right side of Hitler. AND Hitler was saying no, no, that is not important, what is important is being able to work effectively for OUR cause using your natural skills at whatever level you happen to be.

The point is that “president” and “vice” are functions and not status. Those functions are best served by those who have natural skills and not by those who seek the status.

But people without a true cause always seek status.

And that was the problem Hitler had to deal with in a pragmatic way.

He could not just use some social manipulation idiology.

That is the prolem any one of our leaders will have to deal with to.

This aberation of seeking status torments the White Nationalist movement.

In fact every movement!

Have a look at the Palestinians. Look at all those faction! Imagine what they could do if they were united in function. They would blow those sly sardistic baby killing worms who call themselves “Israel” absolutely to hell.

“Human nature”.

From what i can tell over the internet and having listened to their broadcasts, David and Bob, have a very good understanding of “human nature”. In my oppinion very much above normal.

My point is that David and Bob don’t have to claim leadership.

They “have” it already.

Hitler wrote about these interesting matters of “human nature” in his first infamous book.

Comment by PeterGene Budarick

There is a lot of criticism of Hitler because he did NOT micromanage his movement.

None of the people doing the criticizing have ever set up a successful movement.

Budarick is dead right. As we say down South, “It makes me tired all over” when I hear somebody screaming about how somebody else in the movement has not toed his exact ideological line.

My reading of history is that Hitler didn’t so much “set up” the Nazi movement in the accepted sense. He GATHERED it. As a political professional, I look for things that WORK, whichever end of the political spectrum they come from.

Hitler was a lance corporal. Rudolf Hess was not only an officer, he was a war hero who was the heir to Richtoffen. But five years after the War ended, Hess was acting as Hitler’s SECRETARY.

Hitler’s big mistake was actually going after Goering, who was first of all an egotist of the exact type Budarick describes.

There is an old saying, “If people can see you know where you’re going, they will line up behind you.” Except for Goerring, that is what Hitler did.

It has been said that Hitler personally came in and shot the head of the SA when it became a threat. This is supposed to show Hitler was a mean man, unlike Comrade Stalin who never shot anybody himself. The only violence Stalin ever committed personallly was beating his wife in public.

We Southerners have another saying: “A man should shoot his own dog.” I don’t know how well that translates to other cultures. If you are going to have someone killed, it is more moral to do it yourself than to sit in your office like Stalin while your apes do the work for you.

This is a very American attitude. Long before he was president, Grover Cleveland was the sheriff of a county in New York. He performed every single execution himself, with his own hands.

Preachers are always begging their congregations to build a new church. As Budarick says, the reason for this is show. They can say, “While I was preaching at that church, we built a new church building.”

My father was the son of a circuit-riding preacher down here in the Deep South. Every time a preacher would talk about a new church, he would get up and say, “Preacher, you concentrate on PREACHING and on your MINISTRY. If you preach so well that this church gets crowded, you won’t have to ask anybody to build you a bigger church. They’ll built it.”

In Mein Kampf, Hitler says, “I discovered that I could ‘speak.'”

Actually Hitler SLAVED at improving his speaking style. He took note of every reaction he got from the groups he wa talking to.

He had a talent, but he WORKED at it.

He became the leader simply because nobody could move the masses anywhere near the way he could.

Even Trotsky argued htat Stalin wa a lesser man than Hitler because he maneuvered his way into power over a movement that was already victorious while Hitler built his own from the ground up.

No, I am not endorsing Hitler. But if you are in politics, you damn well be able to learn from anybody who has something to teach you.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/11/2006 - 9:32 am

    I am continually amazed at the ability of BW to articulate important matters in a way that enables a listener to not only apprehend the point without error, but to never forget it.

    There is genius in someone who understands that memory is a fundamental issue and there is great talent in someone who has the ability to make others remember what was said.

    Nothing matters in field of influence if it is not remembered.

    With respect to the prima donnaism of self-described “leaders” I say this: One of the greatest frustrutions of basketball coaches recruiting talented colored kids to possible big money in the game is prima donnaism. A good recruiter can tell in a heart beat whether or not the kid can be cured. If not, the recruiter moves on. He cares not one wit for the kids talent. It means nothing because the kid cannot be turned into a professional.

    “Leaders” who are motivated by narcisstic factors are not leaders, they are weaklings and children. The enemy instantaneously detects the weakness and knows his victory is assured. I marvel at how juvenile types believe they can lead when they themselves have never accomplished anything real. The world is full of these twits and are no better than the colored buffoons shooting hoops.

  2. #2 by Pain on 06/11/2006 - 3:19 pm

    This is an important article.

  3. #3 by christian borleis on 06/14/2006 - 10:48 pm

    Subject: subjugation

    Holocaust Deniers. (Christian Borleis)

    In responds to Holocaust Promoters many question arises, which this study intends to responds to. Since any enquiry into the issue is extremely sensitive and considered offensive in some quarters, even punishable in some countries, the public accept the Holocaust usually as presented in the media in “Jewish fashion” as “political correct”.
    Federal Chancellor Merkel said in Israel on January 30, 2006, that Germany was obliged to Israel forever.

    There have been many Holocausts in our sad world. But the Jewish Holocaust claims the sole monopoly of this definition. To make the Jewish Holocaust appear unique compared to others, the gas chamber had to be added. To make it even worse again a few extra million victims had to be added.
    The Nuremberg Trial set the seal on the atrocity on the German nation, which cannot be altered, by Allied law imposed on Germany. The validly of the Nuremberg Trial, a show and revenge trial of the victor, its procedures and verdicts are not allowed to be disputed. The German people carry collectively the burden and shame of the alleged crimes committed during the Third Reich period. For their support of the Hitler regime they were severely punished after the war by starvation and restitution.

    The Subjugation of the allies clause laid the new Germany into eternal bondage:

    In 1945, Germany was forced to sign a ‘Subjugation Clause’ in their surrender documents. Germany was forced to accept not only complete responsibility for WW2 but also accept without argument the Allied version of the war crimes that Germany was accused of. This effectively muzzles German politicians from ever presenting the facts and opens the doors for fraudulent claims by an ethnic group, who have a religious obligation to lie to everyone who is not of their genetic descendants.

    The true intent of the Holocaust was to rubbish Nationalist Socialism (Nazi), and defame its ideology forever. The world globalists saw the Nazis a greater threat to modern banking applied by the New Yorker bankers than Bolshevism. The Hitler regime rejected private money supply, usury, compound interest, speculation on stock exchange and foreign take-over of German assets and industries. Its racial policy was based on “blood and soil”, meaning a stable territorial-bound society (see Darre, Blut and Soil).

    The term ‘genocide’ coined by Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin was well received by World Jewry, even when the term does not agree with the fact that the Nazis where never able to destroy (cide) all Jews (gene) in the world. However, the term Holocaust and Genocide are holding the whip against the Nazis, against Germany and its people ever since the war.
    The financial and sympathetic benefits received from Germany and the rest of the world is overwhelming. It is for those reasons that the defamatory war propaganda concerning the Holocaust continues in media and movies to blackmail the war torn Germany mercilessly forever. Moreover, in recent years the “Holocaust Myth” needs the protection of so-called “hate legislation” in various countries suppressing debate and researches to the facts in history.

    Now let us hear of other, really genocides, we never hear about:

    The destruction of American Natives is ‘genocide’.
    The destruction of Australian Aboriginals is ‘genocide’.
    Stalin’s purge of about 30 million people.
    Mao’s revolution against his own People of about 60 million people murdered.
    And what about the fate of German people after the lost war?

    In the book of ‘A Mandate for Democracy’ published by the Federal Republic of Germany the official number of 2.11 million German people vanished after the war. It also states that 12 million German people (civilians) were driven out their ancestry homes of their Eastern provinces of the German Reich, which amounted to the greatest ‘migration of nation’ in history.
    Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of Federal Republic of Germany writes in his memories p. 186, that six million Germans were lost after the war, while 13.3 million Germans were expelled from their ancient homes of their Eastern provinces. He also added that a great part of men and women, who were fit to work, were deported by the Russian.

    An additional 2,5 million POW died in prisons after the war. The starvation period 1945-1948 after the war to punish the Germans killed another one million civilians, women and children. This happened after the war, that is in peacetime (as in the sanction of Iraq).

    In 1951, when Germany was a divided country with the Iron Curtain sliding right through the country, and its cities were still in rubble, Nahum Goldmann of World Jewry appeared in West Germany and it’s new democratic (???) government submitted to Jewish claims of restitution to its millions survivors in addition “wiedergutmachung” to the newly formed state of Israel.

    The Jewish propaganda tells us that the suffering of the Germans was of their own making.

    With the end of the war and as a result of the Holocaust, the Jews and Zionists finally achieved their goal, which was the establishment of a Jewish homeland. As Nahum Goldman said in The Jewish Paradox:
    “Without Auschwitz there would be no Israel.”
    Doesn’t that raise suspicions about a conspiracy?
    When Great Britain failed to keep their promise, the Balfour Declaration, to hand over Palestine to the Jews as a Jewish homeland after the defeat of Turkey, which had been Palestine’s overlord, the Jews got angry. Having mobilized the US to get into the war against Germany and financed the war effort on Great Britain’s behalf, as the Jewish banker Jacob Schiff claimed in ‘Geneva versus Peace’, another war would had to be arranged. That next war with a little Jewish sacrifice would guarantee with certainty the benefits required and even more.

    Did the same people who would benefit from the Holocaust initiate it?

    And is it true that Morgenthau’s pledge “Germany must vanish,” came prematurely to an end when in 1951 the Allied Commissioner suddenly stopped the dismantling of Germany’s heavy industry. Because one cannot kill the cow and still milk her.
    The Germans were not only to pay compensation for the victims of the concentration camps, but they were made to finance the infrastructure of the state of Israel as well.
    Goldman had no scruples to ask Chancellor Adenauer for the restitution at a time when German’s cities were still in rubble, many of its soldiers still in prison of war, and widows and orphans starving. But would a Jew give a damn for the plight of a gentile in despair? He has not for nothing the reputation of being the world’s parasite.

    Let us refer to other another remarkable propaganda trick:

    The new erected five-acre US designed Holocaust Memorial in the center of Berlin, financed by the state, intends to remind the Germans of their eternal dark history. The Holocaust holds Germany in a vice like grip and intends to humiliate the nation into eternity. Consequently the nation is unable to free itself from the Holocaust propaganda rehearsed well to this day. All the extracted compensation payments under the “Restitution Program” will not bring relief from the slur against Germany or restore its honour.

    The Nazis, and indirectly the Germans altogether, are still synonymous with evil through a sustained propaganda campaign that is probably extraordinary in history. Their reputation is so evil that even to mention some social and unique economic reforms of that period can provide you a jail sentence in Germany today. ‘Freedom of Speech’ and ‘Investigation of Truth’ has been suppressed by international Jewry and their accomplices. By legislation the Hate Law provides fines and jail sentence for those who dare to have or utter an opinion on their own. (see Zuendel, D Irving, G. Rudolf, R. Faurisson and many more)

    Christian Borleis, 42 Basil Rd., Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia

  4. #4 by Shari on 06/18/2006 - 5:42 pm

    I have a friend whose mother was Austrian. She and her mother were the only survivers of their family after WW1. They were able after much difficulty to immigrate to Canada in the 1930’s. My friend told me of her mothers telling her of being so hungry she was dizzy and people spitting at them in Begium when they learned they were German speaking. I’m reminded that the Germans were hit hard twice in the last century so maybe they had even less to stand up with than the South after 1865. And then there is that Holocaust, that burnt offering, to contend with. Worse than segregation and mean old racism. But I do believe that the truth is starting to run through the cracks in the dam,in spite of how big the dam still seems.

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