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DOWN With Something

Posted by Bob on July 23rd, 2006 under Coaching Session

One comment I cannot find reminded me of what Rooster Cogburn said in the True Grit sequel:

“I hired a guy to be foreman on my ranch, but he was always DOWN With Something. Every time

something needed doing he was sick.”

One of the few things that is more tiresome than dealing with what a commenter shrewdly

called “perpetually inert people” is having to answer EXCUSES as to why they are perpetually


So like those who keep giving me the astounding news that Jews have a lot of power, there

are those who keep reminding me that inert people have an excuse to be inert. So one

commenter told me that the reason people did not go the trouble of putting Bob’s Mantra in

newsgroups was because they were afraid to put their names on the Mantra in public.

If this person had ever BEEN in a newsgroup, which would have taken less time than making up

this excuse, he would know that people in newsgroups use fake names just the way we do here.

If you don’t want to bother, please don’t tell tell me what you’re DOWN with this time.

  1. #1 by Jewish Supremacist on 07/23/2006 - 6:45 pm


    Dear Bob’s Blog Readers,

    We are aware of the content of Bob’s Blog. We are aware that the material posted here is a major threat to the Judeocommunist establishment. Bob is right, we are not all knowing or all powerful, and we have made mistakes. No, we can’t find out who it is that’s posting anonymously without a court order.

    Why are we telling you this? Because we are so cocky and confident that we know you don’t believe us. We know you’ll continue bitching and whining on Stormfront about how all is lost and you won’t bother spreading Bob’s Mantra onto newsgroups, blogs, messageboards and community sites. We know you’ll just keep talking about the latest developments in Lebabnon or debate Stalin’s jewishness.

    Thanks for making this so easy for us.



  2. #2 by Dennis on 07/23/2006 - 7:21 pm


    Are peoeple ashamed to stand for their people? I find there is much less to worry about than what people imagine. Fear is holding many people back, but they should at least try to express their opinioins in public. Perhaps they will then realize, they can do a lot more than they think, and speak for the silent ones who are afraid to.

    The fact that people who know me, who come to this site will recognize my comments and name, bothers me in the least.

  3. #3 by Pain on 07/23/2006 - 8:30 pm

    “So one commenter told me that the reason people did not go the trouble of putting Bob’s Mantra in newsgroups was because they were afraid to put their names on the Mantra in public.”

    Who said that? I read through the comments and I didn’t see anyone saying that.

    Now I said: “It may be some of us are wary about posting our activities where anyone can read them,” and what I meant was that it may be that people are posting your comments all over, but they didn’t think it would be helpful to publicize a report of where and when, lest that lead to deletions of your Mantra in fora by Jews reading this blog and then threatening to sue those message boards. Some of us have told you about posts. Perhaps not everyone can see a reason to give a play-by-play here.

    Or would you like that?

  4. #4 by Peter Gene Budarick on 07/24/2006 - 12:16 am



    I have read a bit about Raymond B. Cattell and Bejondism as Bob advised.

    I like what i read but i am not imitating that.

    My own views evolved independently
    and i believe are, when fully expressed
    far more radical than Cattel.

    I note Cattell was also associated with Revilo P. Oliver.

    I like Oliver also.

    But my stuff goes way bejond these people
    who give me the impression that they are a bit stuffy and intellectual.

    I am proud i am not an intellectual.

    Any one else prolly would feel inferiour or ashamed.
    Nope not me. I am perfectly happy with what i see and can understand.

    I am sure the jews hate these ideas unless they can use them themselves.

    I have no doubt that Jews have these ideas of being the super race
    and are trying to figure out how to put us to sleep.

    I hear Bob has some ideas about how to take on the Jews.

    What they did in Lebanon and the world reaction [or i should say lack of it]
    was interesting.

    I though at first “what a stupid thing to do”

    But i thought again.

    They were sending a clear message through our government and media
    that they can do anything they like.
    And we have confirmwed that we love their recklessness.
    Their objective was not to get rid of Hesbolla.
    It was to kill women and children and destroy infrastructure.
    Their message went bejond what they can do.
    Their message was “look what the Western world ALLOWS us to do”.

    The Evil is not in Israel.

    It lies elsewhere.

    The problem is not the Jews Bob
    The problem are the non-Jews!
    There is Sauron and the Nazgool.

    The Jews are not the head of the snake.

    But i wonder why did Sauron do that?

    For their own gain?

    Perhaps Isreal and the Jewish terror are useful in THEIR plans.
    It’s a symbiotic relationship.

    If you wanted to get rid of Iran and Syria, Bob,
    and they were not playing ball by being provocative enough
    how would you do it?

    You would find a people who willingly go nuts being provocative.

    Then you would engineer some horrid reprisal attrocity for God’s Chosen
    and link Syria with it and then next link Iran with Syria.
    They have already said the would help Syria
    Could this be the strategy?
    Seems crazy to me.
    But if it going to happen
    Oh boy Bo,b are we going to have fun!

    I don’t know

    I am only asking Bob.


  5. #5 by Peter Gene Budarick on 07/24/2006 - 2:04 am



    Denis said

    The fact that people who know me, who come to this site will recognize my comments and name, bothers me in the least.

    I aggree.

    Only my 85-yo mother worries about what i might say on the internet.

    Keeping the Jewish Menace in perspective is i know a difficult feat.

    We have this idea that all of them are unified and working together,
    you know like those soldier ants in South America.

    Actually they are very divided in their ideas
    and they are argumentive and hateful toward each other.
    Just like any other group.

    It will take the threat of an Actual Holocaust to get them unified
    the way we imagine them to be unified in our nightmares.
    We don’t have the capacity for anything like that
    and as Aryans we are not inclined to be genocidal maniacs
    we would not even contemplate such a thing.
    So the Jews know they are safe
    and not really much concerned at this stage.
    If i was a Jew i would not be worried about Bob’s blog or SF.
    If i was a Jew i would be effective on the front lines were day to day affairs happen.
    Occasionally one of them will have a go at us mostly for fun or because he had a bad day.
    Jews really don’t take us seriously.
    They have what they want, money, enjoyment, power, you name it.
    They can spend time with their children and don’t have to do any unhealthy work.
    Work is for cattle they tell me.
    They love to brag about that and rub it in.
    Why should we work hard and take on the likes of Bob, Budarick, the SF crowd? They say
    No, Folks, Jews can’t even be bothered.

    So if one of them appears on this Blog or on SF i get a good belly wobble up.

    Maybe some people like our friend DDD they keep a dossier on. They measure his performance.
    How effective is DDD this year compared to last year? So they measure that. They observe he reads chapters from his book on his radio program. They are amused DDD has no new and hard hitting things to say especially after their little Lebanon genocidal romp. But it don’t matter for them. DDD is no danger in the bigger picture they see. He is quite well contained – dreaded KKK you know. He will never become another Hitler. Hitler did not belive in politics. Nor will Budarick, Bob Whitaker and the rest of us.

    If things really go bad for them they know they can take out all of us and our brothers in Goverment would even pay them to do it. We will then suffer mysterious heart attacks, nervous breakdown or comit suicide or end up like Zuendel.

    Jews tell me that killing people is stupid when you don’t have to.
    That is just plain common sense.
    Why make more mess than necessary?
    When you have ACTUAL power, not pretend power, then you don’t have to kill people.
    You can buy them or do various other creative things.
    What they did in Lebanon is entirely different.
    That was for display purposes.
    That was a message!
    If you are a mother or father with kids you get this message.
    You then don’t want to know about any “Jewish question”.
    It is called denial
    It is a most potent weapon


  6. #6 by Mark on 07/24/2006 - 10:21 am

    Not Spam

    “Perhaps not everyone can see a reason to give a play-by-play here.”

    Amen, brother.

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