Archive for July, 2006


Shari made the kind of comment that makes this blog worth while. I do not subscribe entirely to what she says, but it is a unique contribution. Besides, the one thing I hope we all know about Bob’s Blog by now is that it is NOT dedicated just to Bob’s opinions. We are a SEMINAR, not a lecture. That is the exact disctinction between a lecture and a seminar.

Reacting to my quote from Mark Tawin, “Faith is believing in what you know ain’t so” Shari tied in our themes here in rejecting it:

Well Twain’s definition of faith is just the opposite. It’s the definition of no faith. Faith is not closing your eyes tight and repeating I believe, I believe. It’s opening your eyes and taking alook. Certainly we can see that western civilization has been based on very different things than the ant heap. The notion of social distinctions was not based on me am the sun god and the rest of you are cattle. It was based on the notion that a leader serves his people. A very Christian notion, even if men failed. As for territory, it wasn’t called “fortress Europe” for nothing, we believed in defence, but not cannibalism. After taking a look, faith has the imagination to take the next step. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the realization of what is hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Twains definition is the one used by college professers, which is then followed by their antheap history with lies thrown in. This is the jewish problem, no faith.

Comment by Shari

Excellent work!



If I Could Take You Back …

Mark Twain said, “Faith if believing in what you know ain’t so.” Today, this is so true it’s funny.

I thorughly enjoy “documentaries,” but I get an extra kick out of them that is denied to modern young people. Documentaries discuss the lastest information about history, about DNA analysis and the finding of fossils and carbon dating.

There are lot of different people watching these documentaries. What young people do not know is that there are a lot of us older people watching them. Most of us were raised in a world of certainties which every documentary makes look sillier and sillier. Let’s start with one example.

In our day it was absolutely proven that man was vilent whereas chimapnzees and apes were peaceful. We now have documentaries showing how chaimpanzees hunt down monkeys and tear them apart for meat. To a young person this is routine. To us this is a violation of our whole mentality.

It is quite impossible to explain this today, but in our time it was taken for granted that only men fought over territory. The beasts of the field ignored territory. In nature, there were no borders. Marxism and Christianity explained to us that borders were something the fallen nature of man or capitalism engendered in us. That sounds a nit nuts today. We now that ALL social animals are territorial.

But there is a lot more to this than a simple factual correction. All of our philosophies were based on the innocence of animals and aborinigal peoples. In nature there were no borders and no social distinctions.

Once again, these ideas were more than just factual conclusions. They were the basis of our entire philosophies of life. Asbolutely no one, from Ayn Rand to Karl Marx to evagelicals, made any room for the idea that man was not a uniquely fallen being. Only humans had social disctinctions. Only humans had borders.

One thing we all agreed on was that humaity was unique in patrolling borders or maintaining diffferences based on class.

I cannot take you back and rub your nose in it, and that is a shame. If a young person today could really see what all of our present orthodoxies are based on, he would laugh himself silly.

We BELIEVED that crap!

In the 1980s one required statement was that “Men and women are the same.” Outside of genitalia the only difference between men and woemn was the way they were raised. Everybody had to BELIEVE that.

Now let us go back to the documentaries. What young people and older folk with corrected memories donot realize is that every single documentary contains material that is alien to my generation. At the end of many documentaries on PBS or BBC is a discussion which explains why the foregoing was not REALLY a contradiction ofhte line we were raised with.

One example. One thing that was absolutely agreed on in my day was that American Indians never practiced cannibalism. Spaniards had reported cannibalism among Mexican and Central American Indians. The official line was that the Spaniards were just trying to excuse their conquest of Native American Civilizations by claiming this.

Recently I saw a documentary which reported some analyses of the feces of fifteenth century southwestern American Indians which demonstrated that they were eating people. Tha took about fifteen minutes. The restofhte show was devoted to the following point:

1) This cannibalism was imposed on wotuhwester Indians by the stronger civilizations invading from Mexico. Those were the civilizations that we had been taught had never practiced it:

2) The next fifteen minutes explained that the word “cannibalism” was introduced into Europe by a Spandiard who said it was common and overstated it. He just wanted to justify the Spanish Conquest;

3) The next half hour was devoted to saying that Euroipe practiced cannibaism because people ate parts of the human body as medieine against illness. I have studied medical history on and off for fifty years, and I never heard of such a thing.

Today, it is taken for granted that all social animals are territorial and that all social animals have a rigid heirarchy.

So what?

Like chimpanzees, Native Americans needed some meat in their diets. Like chimapanzees, Native Americans had a shortage of meat animals until the horse was brought from Europe so they could hunt buffalo and the like. So the chimapnzees tear monkeys apart and NA’s tore other humans apart.

Young people today cannot even UNDERSTAND the last forty-five minutes of that documentary. Why did a discussion of southwestern Indians require a forty-five minute talk about the sins of Europeans?

Young people will never ask. And older people will never explain.



Cleaning the Spam

I just marked 59 “comments” as spam.

None of them had


NO SPAM at the top.

It took me about one clock minute.

Thanks, gang!


No Comments


Joe says I am attacking him “in front of the class.” He doesn’t seem to be intimidated by this, since he has made several commemts in his usual bashful way since he said that.

Hey, gang, I get to have a little FUN here.

I hit at Joe because I enjoy it. The world is not exactly full of people I can drop the hammer on and not have to worry about it. What I say to Joe doesn’t bother me. What may concern me is htat readers, especially those new to the blog, may think that these two old dogs are actually BITING each other. Our snarling and mixing it uyp may make others uncomportable.

It shouldn’t. Joe and I enjoy each other because we have something irreplacable in common. And that was true long before we discovered we were both in “the program.”

One thing that suprises newcomers in alcohol and drug recovery is how us inmates talk about the most tragic things and LAUGH. Long before I entered the program at age 51, I had learned you hvae to either laugh or end up in a padded cell. If you see people tortured to death, if you see your world being destroyed, you HAVE to learn to laugh at the absuridty. Someone put it perfevtly, “We laugh and we joke but we don’t PLAY.”

Laughter in the program was just a late manifestation of this. Joe likes my brutal humor because we couldn’t have survived without it. This is important:

Man is the only animal who knows he will die. Man is the only animal who LAUGHS.

I have just as much if not more in common with the young idealists like Dave and the older idealists like Budarick. But each thing I have in common with you is irreplacable.

I don’t mind admitting that I’m not tough. I’ve been HURT with Elizabeth, I seek faith like Shari. I was a drunk like Joe. It hurts me to see a white person with a black adoptee the way it does Dave or Pain.

Joe talks about how he would have personally executed Ted Bundy. I have been in a lot of fighting, and I doubt there is a single commenter here who would NOT be willing to pull the switch on a cold-blooded killer.

That includes the women. In fact that may ESPECIALLY include the women. But Joe seems to think he is especially tough. He look down on mere words. The problem is that we do not have the CHANCE to pull the switch on people who deserve it. The battle is words. That’s the fight, and that’s the battle I fight. Pullling hte switch is a luxury I don’t have. But if I do what I am trying to do, my young idealists will get to pull it.

The humor Joe and I share is the pain Joe and I share.

No war hero ever made the slightest difference in real history. Only those who fought with words determined reality.

I am not the slightest bit concerned with whether I am bragging or not. or things like that. I have said that it would be mistake for me to be in any clique because I woud be destructive there. Nobody is less qualified for electoral politics than I am, because that requires an absolute obsession with leaving the right impression of ONESSELF and that most low and superficial of talents, remembering people’s NAMES.

Since Dale Carnegie people have freely admitted, even bragged, that they elect people to decide the future of their race and their children on the basis of whether a person remembers their NAMES, whether a person made sure they weren’t personally insulted. I would rather be accused of about anything than to admit that I let someone’s remembering my NAME determine the future!

No one else seems to consider that an insult. They say it is “human nature.” It’s sure as hell not the nature of THIS human. I think a human should have frontal lobe, not just a herd instinct. But REVEREND Dale Carnegie, the philosopher for psychopaths, said it was OK.

I have just recited a list of things above. Each would merit a book, but I have written all the books I plan to. Each of the observations I have made show how people have stopped being human, and not just in politics. I will use words to help make some of them human again.

I don’t need a faith or Judgement to make me act human. I judge myself every day. If I face a Judgement, I do not expect it will be an exam on the Old Testament or a test of how I followed any other theological BOOK. If God is THAT shallow, I don’t stand a chance anyway.



A Simplistic Point To My Commenters

Say what you think.

No one else is going to do either.
