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Posted by Bob on August 21st, 2006 under Comment Responses


“Then they blamed everything onthe kind, not parliament. You would have to be a true ignoramus on British Government to bleieve THAT.”

I assume you mean KING in stead of KIND.

Common people are, in my jaded opinion, almost all ignoramousai, regardless of time.
Trail of tears was blamed on Jackson. The depression was blamed on Hoover. High fuel prices
are blamed on Bush. Not that any of these men had clean hands. But society is made up of somewhat bright men and a lot of not-so-bright men who collectively end up blaming one man instead of the entire ruling class. It may be human nature, but doesnt it answer a lot of questions as to why
things are the way they are, or were?

Comment by Mark —

*********** The Fouding Fathers were not ordinary men.

********* The reason the Declaration is so sbsurd is becuas there was a WAR on. The Declaration was written tog et the support of two groups: pro-American French liberals in Paris whose thinking later led to the French Revolution and terror and tyranny and the pro-American minority in parliament.

******* Hence the silly preamble which a libeal Frenchman could believe and blaming everything onthe King.

******* Those like Lincoln who believed in French liberal principles and hence brought our terror and tyranny quote that pramble endlessly and ingore the AMERICAN one in the Constitution.

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