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After the Fall

Posted by Bob on August 27th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Our media have very carefully forgotten the sudden collapse of the entire Soviet Empire.

As Pat Buchanan hinted, and then stopped saying, that collapse foreshadowed the sudden end of the pretense we live under.

Let me take you back to those days.

Gorbaczev announced Glasnos, which meant that if a Russian said anything critical of the system, he would be arrested. In Europe, our system rests on the same basis. In America if you say anything that violates Political Correctness you are ruined.

Fittingly enough, the Soviet system was a Potemkin village, where the facade had nothing behind it. To look behind it got you sent to Siberia. Our system is exactly the same.

As soon as the Soviet system began to fail, I said the Republics, Estonia, Ukrain and all the rest, would pull out. Here’s something I remember that NOBODY else does:

For about two months, while Estonia and the rest began to get secession movements, the American media ALL made fun of them. They showed cartoons with Estonians and the rest in Confederate uniforms singing Dixie.

You will never see ANY of those cartoons reproduced ANYWHERE.

Now here is the point that matters to us:

No matter how revolutionary they were, all the Soviets, like all our sovietologists, BOUGHT that Potemkin village. When the whole Empire disappeared, they were caught totally off guard. They had nothing to offer.

For all you boys and girls who think you are Frightening Revolutionaries, let me explain to you that this is where revolutions come from. Moussilini almost missed the March on Rome in which he took power. He had said in one of his routine speeches that he wanted to lead a march on Rome and take power.

What Il Duce did not realize was that things in Rome had been reduced to such a hopeless state that people were ready to take him up on it.

After the fall of the Czar, Lenin sat in the Supreme Soviet, the working class’s revolutionary alternative to the Dumas. Everything had fallen apart. Then came a dramatic moment. The head of the Supreme Soviet announced why they were holding talks with the more moderate Duma. He said

“After all, is htere a party here that would be ready to assume power at this moment?”

Alone among all the revolutionaries there, Lenin stood and said, “There IS such a party!”

No, boys and girls, just bitching about the Czar or the mess in Rome or Washington or the Jews won’t do it.

When I talk about what we SHOULD do it puts the revolutionary hobbyists to sleep.

After the Fall, they will be helpless.

  1. #1 by Pain on 08/28/2006 - 1:29 am

    I don’t have Netscape, so I am downloading a Newsreader for the fourth time. The download keeps timing out since dial up is slow. I have looked up a number of Usenet services that are free and claim to allow posting since my service provider doesn’t have usenet.

  2. #2 by Pain on 08/28/2006 - 1:54 am


    They don’t talk about the fall, because they know it can happen again.

    But by refusing to acknowledge their catastrophic failure, the Jews will not see the next Fall coming either.

  3. #3 by Dave on 08/28/2006 - 2:13 pm


    Politics needs to coalesce around persuasive intellectuals. Also, the pull of fashion is terribly important and we all know that political correctness is horribly out of fashion

    My count tells me that white nationalism has attracted a growing and handsome list of persuasive intellectuals (and this is true in the so-called “academy” also).

    The leading intellectuals in any new era are not necessarily the “get it done” types. But these intellectuals attract the “get it done” types.

    That is the bane of all these academic fools who acquire fancy credentials to engage in the political consultancy business. The bigger fools are the politicians who hire them.

    You can’t hire the real deal “get it done” types. They are not for sale. They arise spontaneously when they sniff a real opportunity. And that is something your typical politician simply cannot deal with; they may be purely altruistically motivated.

    Of course the WNs are a rough bunch. They are not for sale.

    I would be immediately fired from my job if I were caught posting to this site. I am well aware that this is a public dataset.

    But quess what? I don’t give a damn. My employer can’t afford me anyway.

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