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Eric Hoffer’s “Research”

Posted by Bob on August 28th, 2006 under Coaching Session

Eric Hoffer was an intellectual who never went to school. He wrote his first book at age 65, and he was a heavy manual laborer all his life.

Hoffer wrote in aphorisms, general rules. He once explained that he had an odd way of doing research for his writings. He would go to the library and pick up the first thing that interested him. He would read or look around for half an hour. If he didn’t find anything that applied to the aphorism he was working on, he jsut forgot about that aphorism and kept on reading whwat interested him.

In other words, Hoffer didn’t search for something that would support what he was saying. What he was saying had examples EVERYWHERE or it didn’t apply.

You could not do that in any graduate seminar except BUGS, right here.

If what I say makes you think of osmething else, tell us about it. If you can go into a library and not be reminded of SOMETHING Bob said, Bob is in deep trouble.

Get out there and THINK.

  1. #1 by Pain on 08/28/2006 - 11:12 pm


    Give us a title, Bob.

  2. #2 by Buck on 08/28/2006 - 11:33 pm

    Hoffer didn’t write his first book at age 65. Get thee to a library yourself.

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